why do you hate political correctness?

Eh. I've seen many of his posts around here. He doesn't seem too concerned with rational discourse, and his ideas certainly aren't predicated on truth-seeking. It seems that the primary aim of his intellectually dishonest drivel is to get a like from Uncle Buck.

I knew buck has socks but didn`t know he was Admin. Found that out yesterday. Nobody said otherwise so it has credibility.
When I google Oddball, I get this:

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Aw, cute little doggy,.. How come his head isn`t in the toilet ?
Their concerns were and are idiotic. What can the university do to stop someone not a student from driving by and saying bad words?
"It is my belief that we stopped listening to each other,” Wolfe said. “We didn’t respond or react. We got frustrated with each other, and we forced individuals like Jonathan Butler to take immediate action and unusual steps to effect change.”

-His words
What if you don't care about being politically correct because you just don't care about politics? Are those not exposed to politics immune from being politically correct or is this system that has been setup the judge all?
I aint read all the bullshit in this thread so i'm just gonna answer the original question.

I hate political correctness because it allows the strongest most efficient members of society to be weakened ala Harrison Bergeron. Now as a member of the master race I have never been able to feel oppression it's not been allowed to poison my mind and give me doubt of my abilities. I have champions mentality because I've never been put down or denied anything. I don't know why I should be required to let my brain be infiltrated with weakness being acceptable. In growers terms weak plants get cut or they begin effecting the strong plants if i would allow them to receive resources that are better used to make a stronger product. @UncleBuck If you're really about that acceptance for weakness let a couple tranny plants in your room to ruin the rest of them that act normal.
"It is my belief that we stopped listening to each other,” Wolfe said. “We didn’t respond or react. We got frustrated with each other, and we forced individuals like Jonathan Butler to take immediate action and unusual steps to effect change.”

-His words
Equal in there is the mob stopped listening. Wtf is a safe space?