Why do You smoke Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
well i started smoking because my friends did it at parties. but now i smoke it for two reasons one to get high and enjoy the feeling and two because its the only thing i have found that stops my stomach cramps, i've always had bad problems with them until i discovered that weed stops them almost immediately. I don't smoke as much these days my smokin buddy died in a car crash in 06 and its not as fun doing it alone.


Active Member
As mentioned around the forum in a few threads relating to it (lol, in particular the one asking if I smoke "too much" weed), I've only smoked twice, but so far it's been out of interest, only one friend of mine smokes and everyone else in my grade is a bunch of pussies that would never touch an "addictive, unhealthy, terrible thing"! Thus, the first 2 times I've smoked it's been by myself, which really isn't that bad, I spent my time my first time jammin out on my drums (which was cool), talking to myself, listening to tunes, chilling on RIO, and talking to some of my friends I've met online.

Anyway, why do I smoke? I smoked the first time out of interest to see what it was like, second time because I liked it, and I'll be smoking again tonight for the same reason. It makes me feel care-free, and everything is fucking hilarious... Thus, why not smoke weed? ;)


Well-Known Member
I suffer from insomnia and although I've had pills prescribed which worked pretty well (zolpidem/ambien), I find it much more pleasant to use MJ and there's no tolerance issues. Also, when I smoke I feel like I can really feel my stresses just fade away. And I'm nicer to my boyfriend and don't argue with him so much.


Active Member
Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating.
When I smoke weed, everything looks and feels more poetic, more cinematographic. It's like you are in the middle of a movie, everything kinda feels shiny and glassy that happens a lot with food, it just feels so precious and good, just like how in ads food looks amazing. I also LOVE playing games with myself when I'm high, like I define fun goals and objectives, like ask for a cigarette on the streets and start a conversation with the person and be as pleasant and polite as I can be. Or I'll set my mind into making everyone in the room get a coca-cola for example, so I'll try as hard (and as subtle) as I can to make those people want to drink a coke. Also when I'm high my mind seems to work really fast but at the same time slow, like I know the answer to a question but I just take my time in answering it, I want to explore all the variables of the question and try different ways, and everything seems so clear but at the same time very intriguing. It also makes things way more spectacular, and that kinda has to do with the movie poetry thing, when I'm driving my car it just feels like I'm driving a plane, specially at night, one of those big planes with hundreds of lights in the cockpit. well.... I guess it just makes my mind take a different path to perceive my normal senses, usually a more artistic and fun path!


Well-Known Member
i smoke becuz it relaxs me and i enjoy being high. makes jokes, food, sex, music, and just about every thing else better. keep toking ppl


Active Member
Because everything is better when your high.

Go to the movies... good
Go to the movies high...better

Go home and relax...good
Go home and relax high...better

Eating good food...good
Eating good food high...better

Sitting through a boring play that you paid for...sucks ass
Sitting through a boring play that you paid for high................. okay well, at least somewhat tolerable
(the things you do for your wife eh?)

Playing catch with your dog...good
Playing catch with your dog high...better

Everything is just better. It allows you to temporarily escape lifes bullshit yet still lets you deal with it if you have to.


Well-Known Member
Damn, someones been digging in the crates, lol :P

I smoke for a multitude of reasons..

Mainly, My MS and PTSD. My knees are also shot, fluid builds in the joints, not fun...



Well-Known Member
I smoke because:

I like being high!!!

Because I'm usually stressed out.

Because I'm not as bitchy with my boyfriend.
Its like, we'll be talking shit to each other, smoke,
then we're laughing and actually conversing.

Because for some reason over the past year I've gotten
really annoying insomnia. If I don't smoke, I stay up until
5 in the morning, then wake up at 10 am.

Because I get frequent headaches; and migraines because of sinus congestion.

Because Life is more care-free when you're high, so the things that usually
stress you out don't stress you out, you just laugh and brush it off.

I just love everything about it.

It keeps me from punching someone in the head if I get mad.




Active Member
i dont care about stupid shit when im high.. also i love watching people that arent high stress over shit that, at the end of the day isnt really a big deal.