Why do you think the politics section is dying?

Why do you think the politics section is dying?

  • A lack of entertaining or engaging content

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • A lack of entertaining or engaging members

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • Apathy within the political system

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Discrimination of differing opinions

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • A lack of new opinions

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters
Are your feelings hurt?
Not anywhere near as much as your face must be

Hashtag dontbethatguy

Last edited:
1. Global Warming
2. Booooooosh
3. Faux News
4. White Privilege
5. Racist!
6. Running out of Hoffa squeezins
7. Racist!
8. Racist!
9. All Lives Matter
10. Racist!

You may notice a pattern, overuse of "racist" bores everyone.

You forgot..stomps it down the drain.
Sorry about fucking with your thread Pad, but why should politics not be ruined on RIU when it has clearly been ruined in the world at large?

The stoners came up with the winning idea: Sanders

However, for the voting to have worked, you would have needed to have one in the first place.
Most everyone is spending considerable time spreading their own version of misinformation!

Our email inbox is full of stuff like this, we call it junk mail. Our television is full of it too, we call them commercials. Here on Rollitup, we have dealt with this stuff since we started, we call it spam, and it is mostly deleted. However, there are members who work for companies, and post advertisements about their products.

Our Government is certainly posting stuff to advance their priorities too. Our Military has shills that post stuff to advance their ideals. Our Political parties are posting their own brand of misinformation about their platform. Even individual Initiatives and Propositions to be voted on will hire shills to post for their campaign.

I'd say that it may be curious that any of us are NOT here to advance some agenda! :lol:

The stoners came up with the winning idea: Sanders

However, for the voting to have worked, you would have needed to have one in the first place.

Bernie Sanders is no longer relevant. If he whines too loud, Hillary will have a hit done on him.

Now get down on your knees with Bernie and lick Hillary's cankles.
"NLXSK1, post:This section is obviously biased along certain ideologies and some members are treated above the law. ''
Look at this place as a microcosm of the US, same ideology ruling.
''The people here are to blame.'' While you are right, better to understand than to blame. Blame the people that aren't here they could overpower the assholes. Blame those who pay some who post. Blame yourself for being a wimp, Blame can be spread around.
Me I just use and have a good time with what I find wherever I go.

NLXSK1'' When 80% of the conversation is personal attacks it just is not worth having a discussion.''

GOT lemons make lemonade. If you can't discuss then fuss and cuss. If you go to a game and join in the play, than by the rules you find, not to say that you can't change or try to change the rules.

A question was asked and I answered it.

If this is a game then fine, if it is a discussion forum then it is something else. I am not crying or trying to change it, I am simply not showing up. There is no reason to subject myself to abuse and I am not a wimp for not wanting to put up with it.

If Padwan wants this place to be 'Better' then he should take steps to make it so himself.
A question was asked and I answered it.
Yes but you looked found the question and wanted to answer. Spin doesn't work with me but if its good or funny I like it.

If this is a game then fine, It is to some me also I only read here when high and only post when fu.kedup, but its fun to see dicks in socks playing their game, I join in and play it frees up time for others to post.
if it is a discussion forum then it is something else. This place would be in the something else category.
I am not crying or trying to change it, I am simply not showing up. There is no reason to subject myself to abuse and I am not a wimp for not wanting to put up with it.
I called you a wimp FOR putting up with it. This place helps me to understand what is going on with the nutter left and other things also.

If Padwan wants this place to be 'Better' then he should take steps to make it so himself.
Maybe this is one, maybe you and him do want the same thing but I doubt it. You can't always get what you want, so want what you got.
View attachment 3767568

All the above receive my Top Comment Award for the evening.


You've never actually had a debate, not in 6 years. Debate requires intelligence, which is a trait you obviously lack.

You never actually say anything, you cry, name call, then toss out a few lies and some mischaracterizations and call it a win. People in the room are laughing, and none of them are laughing with you. Hashtag, justsayin.
From see4, the King of the nothingburger. Projection makes me laugh. Lol
Bernie Sanders is no longer relevant. If he whines too loud, Hillary will have a hit done on him.

Now get down on your knees with Bernie and lick Hillary's cankles.

Not relevant? Guess who's platform Hildebeast has? IF she gets ANY of it done, its power to the people and Sanders.
If you really believe that you belong closer to the circus. Politics is a fucking sham and a scam