Why does alcohol = locked thread ?

Rules of Fight Club
1. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
2. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
3. When someone yells "Stop" or goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.
4. Only two guys to a fight.
5. One fight at a time.
6. No shirts, no shoes.
7. Fights go on as long as they have to.
8. If this is your first night at 'Fight Club', you have to fight.

no holds barred cage match sounds like a better suit for some
playground sounds too fun for such built up hatred:peace:

this is what im talking about.....is crypt up to it.......hell i may not be up to it over the internet....hes a good talker.....
Rules of Fight Club
1. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
2. You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
3. When someone yells "Stop" or goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.
4. Only two guys to a fight.
5. One fight at a time.
6. No shirts, no shoes.
7. Fights go on as long as they have to.
8. If this is your first night at 'Fight Club', you have to fight.

Not my first 'fight', and Im not good at following rules.