Why does calnit spike my ppm wronly?


Well-Known Member
Mixing up this is what i go if ya can explain it atall? Mega crop 2 part 2 bags a and b
Im on 500scale ppm. So 1.2ec=1100ppm

Finaly got good water
Water ppm 098 finalyso MC added a. 2.5g/gal
Ppm 450 target +base 98.. 542ppm yay spot on.

Then i add calnit bagb. 1200ppm.meant to be 228ppm for the dose following the chart extra so 770 it should be from base+baga +bag b

Why has calnit spiked an extra 500ppm? Strange cant seem to find anywhere explaining this everyone said it wuda been my hardwater mixing bad but now im on soft?

Dont feel like giving 1200ppm to my babies but water will reduce my npk again causing plants yellow so i know they want it stronger but 1200 when its meant to be 770. Cause of calnit... The bag a goes in fine its bag b
Ok now the cup i took is 883 keeps flashing 1200 883 1200 883.

Is calnit electrical? Lol and hr later and its settlibg it seems?

This happens with calnit only ppm pen works otherwise 2 do the same
Mixing up this is what i go if ya can explain it atall? Mega crop 2 part 2 bags a and b
Im on 500scale ppm. So 1.2ec=1100ppm

Finaly got good water
Water ppm 098 finalyso MC added a. 2.5g/gal
Ppm 450 target +base 98.. 542ppm yay spot on.

Then i add calnit bagb. 1200ppm.meant to be 228ppm for the dose following the chart extra so 770 it should be from base+baga +bag b

Why has calnit spiked an extra 500ppm? Strange cant seem to find anywhere explaining this everyone said it wuda been my hardwater mixing bad but now im on soft?

Dont feel like giving 1200ppm to my babies but water will reduce my npk again causing plants yellow so i know they want it stronger but 1200 when its meant to be 770. Cause of calnit... The bag a goes in fine its bag b

you could just do 1.5 g/gal and see where that ends up at...

what do you mean by soft water??
Haha im guessing its 778 now spot on lool.

I still want to know why it took 2hrs to get there... Science lol

Soft... 098ppm i was 400ppm
if your worried about it being too hot or not strong enough you could feed it at the lower rate more often...and get a microbe product and use it once a week or so ...so you know that you have microbes in there working for you.
if your worried about it being too hot or not strong enough you could feed it at the lower rate more often...and get a microbe product and use it once a week or so ...so you know that you have microbes in there working for you.
U man i love you. Everyone says dont use ya microbes. I do. I freaking love them.

I use tnc bactor13 hydromax and their other. Saved my life sware by em.

U refering to them allowing less as strong nutes as they fix n do some too.?

If i mix the water it goes 1000ppm and drops to 790.

So its messin up somwhere lol
it does say that it can take 24 hrs for megacrop to fully dissolve into water but it helps to heat it to 103 F for best mixing. I'm learning this the hard way with hand watering because the undissolved stuff built up in the media and now i'm dealing with a nitrogen toxicity
U man i love you. Everyone says dont use ya microbes. I do. I freaking love them.

I use tnc bactor13 hydromax and their other. Saved my life sware by em.

U refering to them allowing less as strong nutes as they fix n do some too.?

If i mix the water it goes 1000ppm and drops to 790.

So its messin up somwhere lol

It probably takes time to dissolve in the water
I hope when you said your water is soft now that you dont mean your running it through a water softener because you dont want to do that.
if your worried about it being too hot or not strong enough you could feed it at the lower rate more often...and get a microbe product and use it once a week or so ...so you know that you have microbes in there working for you.
U man i love you. Everyone says dont use ya microbes. I do. I freaking love them.

I use tnc bactor13 hydromax and their other. Saved my life sware by em.

U refering to them allowing less as strong nutes as they fix n do some too.?

If i mix the water it goes 1000ppm and drops to 790.

So its messin up somwhere lol

No no softener ordere a ro and was advised to use my 070-090 bottled water til comes.

Now it flashes 1200...

I think i go with tints dose and trust it blind ma plants are massive they will cope they beg for more.

And order a new tds pen
Mixed others with less cal it stil 1200 ppms fucked haha. Im gona go blind and throw faith in tint lol.

Ordere a hm tds pen says its highly accurate at wide temps and reviews thru the roof. On awuarium sites and pond sites

Its only 22 wuid

End of the day if u guys got good pens and 2.5g/gal of each gives ya 780odd ppm thereabouts.
And am weighin this on professional scales.
I cant see any other reading coming out unless my ppm tds pen is messed up im not gona find why everyone els doesnt lol my latitude has fk all to do with it haha

@TintEastwood what ppm pen u got. I hear match to ya maker. I love ur shit so what pen u using lol il grab it tried n tested lol
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Hm ok lol. Thoet u had it also haha.

Yeah me pens on 500 scale. A reads fine to ur guide @TintEastwood but the calnit flies up i cant explain it.
I add the same 2.5g and it goes full melt i do at 24degree only from water in bath as was ice cold water.
So i shouldnt get probs with that my hydro can reach that lol.

But ye if i add b 2.5g i dont get 230ppm i get 750ppm lol. Supwr strenght calnit?

When i mixed it to meltes with a i got as folows.
1200ppm 1hr later dropped to 766 i was well happy reposted.
Then checked again 1100. Flashing 886 1100
Then 900 1 hr on.
Then 890 and i shake the pen to rechek in water mix motion and boom 1200 drops over 5 mins to 1100 sat watchin pen with a spliff.

Now 7hrs on it just reads a solid 1100ppm.
Wont drop now.

If any 1 has bag b calnit wud they do me a favor and mix up a gal 2.5g a and b in plain water tell me ppms on each stage?

Mega crop ofc i told em i got advice from forums they said take the advice didnt tell me which advice i quoted tho lol. Then told me im overthinking it lol said my old 3.2ec was ok.... Naah no way
Found these on a lettuce forum. There runnin 1500ppm lol. And cal nit g for g spiked double the base too.

Then i found some maths to workout ppm levels using algebra. Crazy shit.
Ax75 =b 0.15x75=11.25
In 100gal cal it 0.15 is 11.25

22oz calnit in 100gal have 250ppm.
So calculates at 1.6grams per litre or 6grams in a gal.

Basicly i also learnt watwr can be conductivley protective on nutrient and express unnatural readings found a guy with low readings in ro and a giy with insane readings.

So i followed the dose my plants huuuge so im gona go for it real hm ap1 tds here tomorow
There gettin fed tonite
1200 apparent ppm following the dose everyone does and lettuce gets 1500 lol

Edit now its 1000 bang on every bottle haha. Am goin for it




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Found these on a lettuce forum. There runnin 1500ppm lol. And cal nit g for g spiked double the base too.

Then i found some maths to workout ppm levels using algebra. Crazy shit.
Ax75 =b 0.15x75=11.25
In 100gal cal it 0.15 is 11.25

22oz calnit in 100gal have 250ppm.
So calculates at 1.6grams per litre or 6grams in a gal.

Basicly i also learnt watwr can be conductivley protective on nutrient and express unnatural readings found a guy with low readings in ro and a giy with insane readings.

So i followed the dose my plants huuuge so im gona go for it real hm ap1 tds here tomorow
There gettin fed tonite
1200 apparent ppm following the dose everyone does and lettuce gets 1500 lol

Edit now its 1000 bang on every bottle haha. Am goin for it



If your worried about it being too hot you can dilute it down to where you want it at until you get your meter/nutrient issue figured out and at least you will be feeding it something. error on the safe side.