Why does co2 hurt my plants!?

Lol fresh air doesn't take out the air just adds air. Even in closed circuit the system still sucks out air from the room and than shoots it back into the room...lol its not rocket science.
I find it amusing that some people rather than talking about a subject resort to this type of interaction.

If it is as you say and you are not venting any air you are only sucking fresh air in then you are putting positive pressure on your room.

doing this would push any co2 out any cracks in the room/door etc.

Most people I know ensure not to pressurize their flower room. earlier your posts made sense.

the more you post the less credible you are.

and it's kind of funny you telling me how a/c's work. I've only been an ac installer for over 8 yrs now :o
Not sure about that. Only ones I know that don't let stink out are the portable 2 port ones - instead of the one out port. I'm assuming if it's letting stink out, its probably letting fresh air in. Anyone?

not portables...

he has a window unit

the portables are notorious for sucking the stink out....even the two hose models I have seen. If you tear one apart the intake side has all kinds of gaps to the room drawing dank air out exhausting to the outdoors

a good window unit is far better than a portable anyday.
not portables...

he has a window unit

the portables are notorious for sucking the stink out....even the two hose models I have seen. If you tear one apart the intake side has all kinds of gaps to the room drawing dank air out exhausting to the outdoors

a good window unit is far better than a portable anyday.
ductless,ductless, oh and did I say ductless?

[h=1]Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Effects on Photosynthesis and Plant Growth[/h]
[h=2]Abstract[/h]Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide directly stimulates photosynthesis and plant growth. However, other environmental variables affect the relation between CO2 concentration and photosynthesis and thus the links between carbon assimilation, growth and yield. Limitations to photosynthesis under short-term enrichment conditions are quite unlike those found in plants grown in high CO2 for a longer time. The effects of high CO2 concentrations on the rate of photosynthesis under both short-term and long-term enrichment conditions are discussed. Acclimation of photosynthesis, i.e., an increase or decrease in the rate under long-tenn CO2 enrichment is examined with emphasis on factors regulating photosynthesis at the metabolic level. Apart from stimulatory effect on photosynthesis, high CO2 concentrations affect plant growth and biomass partitioning. The role of elevated CO2 concentrations in enhancement of growth and yield are discussed. Finally, we discuss the interaction of high CO2 with environmental variables like temperature, water and nutrient in context of photosynthesis and growth in order to assess the present state of knowledge and to identify areas for future research.
wow im not a expert and u guys seem to know what ur talking about but i do a flood and drain table i have 2 air cooled lights that pulls from a scrubber threw the lights and out the room i dont have any fresh air intake and i use co2 so i guess im wasteing it because it goes right out the scrubber my fans and exhaust are hooked up to an environmental controller so with the heat from the lights it exhaust the room alot like every half hour, so alls im doing is wasteing co2, i guess i should have my lights pulling air from outside the room and seal it up would be better but then i would have to put a dehumidifer in there to, i guess it would be worth it to seal up the room then, please dont hack me up to bad im just wondering if i should seal my room
no im running a co2 tank and i have to fill it alot it gets pricey, but i have grown without it and it does speed up the growth i get good results so i think, but the way i see if ur room is sealed and ur giveing co2 and the temp and humidity in check theres no need to vent off the co2 especially if it dont go bad, i think i could keep my temp in check ill just have to add a dehumidifier which i know is cheaper then paying 40 dollers every week for co2 just to get sucked out the exhaust, yeah im sealing my shit up
pshew! 40 bucks a week? Damn brother, yes. Seal that shit up

and for two lights I'd get a 45 pint dehumi

Running one will increase your room temp a bit though.

which isn't a bad thing since you can push your room to 85+ with co2 anyway.
yeah and to boot my room is little like 5x8 maybe 5x10 i put like 30 plants in one 2.5x4.5tray and yeah they do drink alot and perspire alot, oh yeah poratables do suck especially the ones from home depot i got a 9000btu piece of shit it hardly cools the room at all in the summer and its sucking all my co2 also, definetly going for a window unit this year
yeah and to boot my room is little like 5x8 maybe 5x10 i put like 30 plants in one 2.5x4.5tray and yeah they do drink alot and perspire alot, oh yeah poratables do suck especially the ones from home depot i got a 9000btu piece of shit it hardly cools the room at all in the summer and its sucking all my co2 also, definetly going for a window unit this year

the only thing that sucks about window shakers is they don't really dehumidify.

I was looking at minisplits on ebay the other day and they now have really small ones you can get for very reasonable prices. If you've got a little extra cash this would be well worth the investment bigworm. As the minisplit evaporators dehumidify well. This will save you a ton of money in the long run. Not to mention the higher efficiency you get out of a MS
shit well point me in the right direction of a good brand my uncle owns a heating and ventaling like parts place they sell everything u think i should go thru him or ebay that shit, my hydro store has a nice ass portable with the 2 hose on it but they want like 4000grand for it ive seen the mini splits u can get them with heat pump also right which is awesome, whats a good one mistubushi
anything with mitsubishi on it is top of the line. It really doesn't get any better than that.

They were the first ones to come out with them a decade ago.

You want something with inverter technology on the compressor. and yes, most of the better ones are heat pumps. Some of the really cheapo's are not.

You also want the highest seer rating you can afford. The higher the seer the higher the efficiency.

for four grand you could have something top of the line man.

I bought an air con brand off ebay. I was nervous when I got it because I had never really heard of them but I have been very impressed so far. It has a mitsubishi compressor and is inverter driven as well.

i'd recommend the air con brand from what I have seen so far with it. very reasonably priced. No brazing or anything with the linesets, but you do need a vaccum pump. and gauges to install it though. You'd have a little bit in tools but still well worth it man. They are not that difficult to install. If you know your way around a breaker box i'd bet you could put a minisplit in.
im good with electrical i ran new wires to my room put in 10-2line anda 30 amp breaker for my 2 1000 watt lights everything else i use a wall outlet for which is on a 20 amp breaker all my cousin do this type of work, i should already have one but im a procastnator, i know what gauges ur talking about and im getting ready to get a vacuum to make shatter so i probably could do it hell yeah im going to seal my room up so no more 15% change in the temps and all the money i throw out the window, might even get a sulfur burner, i know it kills pm which i battle last grow
for 2k lights I'd get a 12k minisplit. It's more than you will need for running cooled lights but i'd rather see you have more than enough cooling capacity in case your exhaust fan goes out or you get super high ambient temps at some point.

and for me the sulfur burner was one of the best investments i've ever made. Just don't burn it too close to harvest. I can get away with around 4-5 days before with no ill effects. but I have like 60w/sq.ft. and a ton of air circulation. 7 days prior to harvest and you should be golden for sure.

when you get your MS hit me up and i'll try to walk you through it.

oh and you need a special fitting to go from the hoses on most gauges to the ports on the condenser. For some reason they are a different size a little larger on the condenser. I think they are 1/4" to 5/16" adaptor...not sure on this though.

and it depends on which hoses come with the gauges.

edit: you could get away with a 9k though if you need to save a few bucks.
I bet you cut your co2 consumption by 2/3rds if not more by going sealed.....if not more

never ran gas bottles myself though so I really don't know how long they should last for a 5x8