why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?


Well-Known Member
In the states it is a bigger "crime" In California...even though it is near legal...any amount is a felony.
edit:the prosecutor can choose...the fine is 5x that of buds...for medical patients...it is the same for buds 8oz either way!


Active Member
dude i live in cali and all we smoke here is the dankest weed and shit tons of hash, oil and kief or whatever concentrate may be we smoke it all day long, trust me hash is very popular in certain parts of the us


Well-Known Member
Hash oil painted onto a nice sticky ass bud makes for one amazing bowl. It was like being high for the first time all over again the first time I smoked hash oil. The first time I smoked hash oil I was running a tolerance of 3-5 sessions a day of pot, but let me tell you it was awesome.

Hash is nowhere near as common as bud, but I get it from time to time around my hometown.


Well-Known Member
dude i live in cali and all we smoke here is the dankest weed and shit tons of hash, oil and kief or whatever concentrate may be we smoke it all day long, trust me hash is very popular in certain parts of the us
Thank you

Could not have said it any better



Well-Known Member
Lately I can't even seem to smoke enough bud to get high anymore, I run out of lung power and breathing ability big time.

Hash fixes that problem. Hash and a little pipe or bong... It's like having a tiny portable vaporizer with the strongest weed ever.


I wouldn't fuck with most hash in Europe, some of that shit has like hay and fuckin lead and shit I heard of people dying in Europe from smoking hash that had shit like that in it...i'm good :joint:


Active Member
i love hash !!!!!!!!!!!! its the best and im in FL
we mostly make our own iso hash,bubble bag hash never realy herd of any one selling it


Well-Known Member
Most hash smells like shampoo to me....
I wish my shampoo smelled like hash....

I use my hash for when I have been smoking all day and am not getting high (so...pretty rare with Headband)...It takes very little and usually requires a nap...:bigjoint:

(Ice, 20 micron bags...AND chill and siphon what gets past!!!!....got a bag-o-trim...need to start saving ice!)



Active Member
I think the answer you are looking for is that in many parts marijuana is difficult to grow. Hash is more plentiful because it is in greater demand as a result. Also 10lbs of hash can be transported, distributed, smuggled.....etc in ones pants or on ones person. 10lbs of marijuana requires a dufflebag. Hope this answers what you were asking.


Well-Known Member

Hash..morrocan, clear dome bubble, blond, pressed, dry sift....I LOVE HASH. When I have my own buds, its the only reason I head to the dispensaries. The taste, the effects...in fact, I am going to smoke some home made dry sift, on top of my homegrown cheese in honor of this thread.



Well-Known Member
there's hash and there's hash just like weed there's good and there's bad the more to the north of europe you go the worst is the hash try smoke some hash from Portugal or Spain the beautiful Moroccan hash or some afghan hash it will put you down in 3 pufs. personaly i prefer weed but i smoke more hash then weed.