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^^^hey bro the part I wrote about you burning in hell was just a point like how you said it's messed upfor Christians to say that they believe you will go to hell, it's equally messed up for you to say we are going to be worm food and that there is no god, so no hard feelings I was just making a point. And bro just because I'm a Christian that doesn't mean I'm hateful or vengeful I would love for you to go to heaven someday. I hope that we will both be happy in the after life someday.
Hey dick wad you should humble yourself your not any better than anyone else just because you don't believe in what other people believe in. Your an asshole for the simple fact that you think just because I believe in god I am despicable and an idiot for having faith. Seriously why would you even post here GTFO.all i can say about this thread is a massive WOW , people actualy believe a place called hell exists lmao religious indocrination of children must stop , if grown adults are thinking like this ,..............truely amazing and dispicable at the same time .
the price of sin is not death, that's the price of life... sin is such bs, it's a word maybe up by the religious to make people feel guilty for having wants and needs and for trying to get those wants and needs.. sin is such bs, a nice word made up by the catholics to keep the sheep in line..
and how can you say a baby who dies died because of so called sin? what sin did a day old or two day old baby commit? nothing, so that theory is out of the window..
and i honestly don't believe that people really still believe in heaven and hell.. come on now, we all die, and we are worm food, nothing more, nothing less... i can't believe in this day and age people still believe in this horse shit.. you stopped believing in santa probably around 7 or so, why do you hang on to the rest of that bs ??
This is not a Xian website, this is a public forum with many different religious views. Anyone can participate in any thread they choose, just like the Xians that decide they want to post in the threads started by atheists and tell them that atheism is wrong and horrible and will all suffer eternal torture.Alright all you guys say us Christians are douchebags when you have no purpose on this thread but decide to shoot our beliefs down so just don't fucking post if we annoy you with our beliefs dumbasses.
maybe he sends them to hell cos they dont puff an pass??