maybe a bit of a p def. ??
i'm gonna be honest. i run the liquid gold method. it. i use pee. fresh pee. diluted. don't use pee when you are drinking. don't use the first pee of the day. take your vitamins and eat healthy. follow that guide and you're squirting pure gold every time you piss.
if you did google it you will see that our pee contains good ratios of n-p-k as well as other things. mix that with some still water(irish still water has lots of good stuff in it), and you're set.
that said......i'm weird. lol.
Biggest and most common problem for most beginners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OVERWATERING.
You see a problem that you think is a def.....You water with nutes.
Someone says no man, that's burn........You water to flush.
You see your leaves droop as a result......You water because you think the plant is asking for some.
Brown spots appear on your drooping leaves......You water more to flush what you think MUST be nute burn.
Your plant is now dead.
Read up man. Read and read and read and read.