Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

bro u should have left it in the paper bag for more than 1.5 days..... suppose to be in the paper bag untill the stems snap(dry) in half instead of bend(wet) THEN put them in jars.... impatiance kills hopefully it will still turn out if not better luck next time
Agreed. How bout a pic?
Grassy/Hay-like smell = Chlorophyll. You may have harvested prematurely if you're almost a month in and it is still smelling that way. Give it another week or so, have a smoke on it, if it gets you high but is of inferior quality there is only one logical solution: Sell it. Hopefully the grassy odour leaves though, nothing worse than not getting to enjoy your homegrown.
I had The Same Promblem So Last Night I Figured It Was Curing To Slow So I Just Took The Top Off My jar Left it Open And Put The Jar In A Brown paper Bag With The Lid Off And Rolled the Bag Closed And put Them In the Closet Dark And Wen to Sleep And When i Woke Up this Morning The Bud Smell Is comming back And hay Smell Is Leaving dont Know If It Is just A Coincidence Maybe It Was Gonna Do that It Self In the Jar But I Guess You can try What i Did cant hurt...
I had The Same Promblem So Last Night I Figured It Was Curing To Slow So I Just Took The Top Off My jar Left it Open And Put The Jar In A Brown paper Bag With The Lid Off And Rolled the Bag Closed And put Them In the Closet Dark And Wen to Sleep And When i Woke Up this Morning The Bud Smell Is comming back And hay Smell Is Leaving dont Know If It Is just A Coincidence Maybe It Was Gonna Do that It Self In the Jar But I Guess You can try What i Did cant hurt...

How can you cure to slow? You either cure or you don't, there isn't a fast or slow way to do it.
i want to see a pic!!!

call it "HAYTASTIC"

tired of caring around DANK SUPER SMELL BUDS and people know you have some on you, with this devils lettuce, all your buddies will think you just got back from the horse stable!

and who said billy mays was dead, i can sell it for you...lol
How can you cure to slow? You either cure or you don't, there isn't a fast or slow way to do it.

Well I Dont know Man It Was Just not produciing the Bud Smell I Mean Its Nice And Smokeable Just the Bud Smell Was yet to come Out i just Firgured maybe The Curing Was Going to Slow So i though i Spped It Up By un capping it And Putting The bag Paper bag over it So It kinda Cures And It kinda Dry,,, Its My First time And Out Of 12 Plants I planted i only Got one Female So im trying Whatever to Salvage This Lil Bitch

My plants were cut down 2 weeks early...is this going to leave the Chlorophyll taste once its done drying/curing? Also, I didnt have a chance to flush....will "water drying/curing work to take out the bad stuff?
My plants were cut down 2 weeks early...is this going to leave the Chlorophyll taste once its done drying/curing? Also, I didnt have a chance to flush....will "water drying/curing work to take out the bad stuff?

If you cut your plant two weeks early don't even bother smoking it. Just make cannabutter or hash or something. I wouldn't wanna smoke premature bud but that is just me
sounds to me like you didnt hang dry it for long enough.. i think if you left it hang drying until it was completely dry and most stems snap/break then put them into jars...thats just my opinion
Thank you all for the input, after reading all the posts I think it was a combination of cutting it too early and not hang drying long enough, I threw some orange peels in with them for a few hours to re moisten the buds, and the smell is beginning to come back, but not very strong. oh well. lesson learned, I know what to do next time.
lol i have the same problem my bud looks amazing with all the red hairs and white trichs all over the little leaves but it smells like hay aswell.. still gets me stoned as hell though.
Thank you all for the input, after reading all the posts I think it was a combination of cutting it too early and not hang drying long enough, I threw some orange peels in with them for a few hours to re moisten the buds, and the smell is beginning to come back, but not very strong. oh well. lesson learned, I know what to do next time.

You said only flushed for one week...that probably isn't long enough...could be a contributing factor at least.
dude weed that smells like hay isnt such a bad thing, its less noticeable than a skunk stankin bag of chron, the stuff my buddy usually brings over makes my house smell like pot even before we blaze, and its in like 3 ziplocs. id be happy with on the down lo smellin high times weed bro, chill smoke and enjoy :D
I'm not too familiar with DWC and hydro...so maybe a week is enough.

I'd still probably give it two...let if finish curing though before you get too bent out of shape.