why does my bud smell different now?


Active Member
I recently snipped a bud off my only plant and started to dry it out. While it was growing, it had the nicest Christmasy smell, but now that iti is drying it smells like green hg. Why the change and will it come back? Sorry for all the dumb questions but I am new at this.



Active Member
when i help my friend out, he throws it into an airtight jar so it keeps the smell and prevents mold/fungi


Well-Known Member
Maybe you have dried it out to fast or maybe it is still drying and you can smell the chlorophyll in the green coming out.
If its dried up completely and it still smells rank,put it into a small plastic baggy and give it a squeeze and leave it for half an hour then smell it and see what happens:leaf:


Well-Known Member
"quickdrying" will only give a bad taste and bad "green fresh" smell. the effects will be effected as heat degrades thc when harvested. after you harvest and dry ur bud properly you then cure it for a lovely proper smoke.


Active Member
wheres a good place in an apartment to dry out my buds its almost about time to harvest what should i use and where guys please help almost time to harvest