So what other "Church" has a end of year tithing settlement, repleat with counseling for those who have not given a full tithe?
Oh and now back to Romney.
The LDS church has sophisticated software to keep track of the "tithes"
Maybe Romney doesnt want to show his tax returns becuase it will show he has practiced "Tithe avoidance" as well as Tax avoidance
Anne Frank was posthumously baptised by a Mormon for the first time in 13 years after nine similar rituals were allegedly carried out in the 1990s. The Jewish girl and her diary rose to fame after she died during the World War Two Holocaust in 1945 at the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany. But a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints member has caused fury by baptising her by proxy at a Dominican Republic temple last weekend.
Jewish girl: Anne Frank and her diary rose to fame after she died during the World War Two Holocaust in 1945 at the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany
and when her spectre rises from the mists and comes forth seeking living victims, i will support it's plan to slake it's thirst on the blood from any latter day saint it can grasp with it's chilling tendrils of unearthly shadow. if it chooses to drag a few of them screaming into the netherworld with it, then that too is acceptable. if it steps beyond the guilty in it's quest for vengeance on the living, then it will have gone past the allowed justice of the Revenant and must face the Wild Hunt. Bitch Better Recognize! the Cwnn Anwnn dont play.