Why does this happen?


I smoked for about 2 years and then quit for about 4 months to take a break and recently smoked again and like last time when i quit i got extremely high. i would get very paranoid, feeling low, and just freaking out. i dont know how to enjoy weed anymore like i used to. i dont know what happened. i know weed can be great but i just cant catch a good high anymore i smoke a little bit like half a small bowl (i get high grade cannabis) and feel okay and then once i lay down it just catches over me and im baked, i start to think about stuff like my mother who doesnt totally appreciate me and smoking and i just get guilty . i dont know whats going on. i wish i could just enjoy it again like i used to... advice ? experiences like this?
that happend for me too, i quit for a few months for a drug test and same thing, it was a guilt thing for me "what if, this and that" and just made it not enjoyable ... could be the strain, could be something else ... for me it was simply using it when i had to and on occasion for fun vs getti.g home and smoking outa habbit, id still say i dont enjoy it like I used to i dnt walk around ripped all day no more(now only half the day lol) and since ive got it all down to a science i know what strains work for me at what time of day ..id say i enjoy growing and sharing it more
plus its all so damn good now its crazy, half a bowl can do it sometimes.. i still cant eat medibles cuz i get to baked and think about my breathing and then cant stop thinking about my breathing lol if i had to give advice id be use it when ur gna be doing something and itll keep you occupied and may make it a little more fun??? hope it kinda helps
Have a good Sativa and go for a walk and people watch.

A good Sativa is like a small taste of speed. You shouldn't be "down" at all..or want to lie down.