Why does YouTube and their owners NOT want you to see this?


Well-Known Member
Eh, that wouldn't work.That's a lot of shit to itemize...there's no way they could do it right.
Not really, just a few major categories, don't need to itemize them all

Yeah, I was going to try breaking it into categories, but there's a clear difference between Defense vs. Intelligence Agencies, and there's a difference between the FBI, DEA, ATF, and the other alphabet agencies.

Separating it out by agency would probably result in a few dozen pages to fill out, and tabulate.

Separating it out by simple divisions (defense, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, HHS, SS, ) doesn't have enough transparency.

Too many departments in the government.


Active Member
zeitgeist made a lot of good points, but some of the views in the beginning are bogus.

when religion first started, there was only one god.
god had no face, no sculptures in his name, no prophets.
god was said to have died and replaced by polytheistic religions(multiple god
religions) due to the fear of why mankind and our surroundings exist.
advancement of technology explained why fire/water existed, why we have
harvest time and so on. only thing we cant prove is what happens in the after life,
therefore we still have a fear of that and went back to monotheistic religions(one god religions with prophets such as islam/judaism/christianity*the big three*)

i cant remember the exact religion/god for some reason right now, its on the top of my tounge, but judaism was stolen from a pagan religion. this took place when the now to be called isrealites were imprisoned in babylon. they stole their whole belief system from a previous religion and threw in their own ideas. christianity came from that and so on.
thats why if you read in the qur'an, you'll see how the prophet mohammed took ideas from christianity/judaism and threw in a bunch of his own ideas. he saw how christianity/judaism brought countries together to form alliances to fight major wars. he was definitely successful lol

religion kills more people in the world than aids/cancer/drinking and driving or guns*not in war use*
dont follow man made religion, just do good by yourself and others. love life and appky your natural abilities to everyday life. islam/christianity/judaism and several other religions all share the same god, but each one feels that they are superioer to every belief.

just ask yourself?
did God really want catholocism to exist?
just think about it
God is a jealous God, you worship nothing but him.
catholics worship/praise mary and saints haha

i am agnostic btw and i am completely fascinated by religion


Well-Known Member
zeitgeist made a lot of good points, but some of the views in the beginning are bogus.

when religion first started, there was only one god.
god had no face, no sculptures in his name, no prophets.
god was said to have died and replaced by polytheistic religions(multiple god
religions) due to the fear of why mankind and our surroundings exist.
advancement of technology explained why fire/water existed, why we have
harvest time and so on. only thing we cant prove is what happens in the after life,
therefore we still have a fear of that and went back to monotheistic religions(one god religions with prophets such as islam/judaism/christianity*the big three*)

i cant remember the exact religion/god for some reason right now, its on the top of my tounge, but judaism was stolen from a pagan religion. this took place when the now to be called isrealites were imprisoned in babylon. they stole their whole belief system from a previous religion and threw in their own ideas. christianity came from that and so on.
thats why if you read in the qur'an, you'll see how the prophet mohammed took ideas from christianity/judaism and threw in a bunch of his own ideas. he saw how christianity/judaism brought countries together to form alliances to fight major wars. he was definitely successful lol

religion kills more people in the world than aids/cancer/drinking and driving or guns*not in war use*
dont follow man made religion, just do good by yourself and others. love life and appky your natural abilities to everyday life. islam/christianity/judaism and several other religions all share the same god, but each one feels that they are superioer to every belief.

just ask yourself?
did God really want catholocism to exist?
just think about it
God is a jealous God, you worship nothing but him.
catholics worship/praise mary and saints haha

i am agnostic btw and i am completely fascinated by religion
Zoroastrianism is the religion that you mentioned that preceded Judaism in being Monotheistic.


Well-Known Member
there we go, thank you
:: shrugs :: no, need to thank me, just figured since I knew what you were talking about in that regard that I'd provide it.

Though I disagree with some of your points about organized religion.

Though I do have to admit to wondering if God would approve of the televangicals... commercialization of the Word of God, and a lot of fear mongering.

'tis another thing entirely for a parish to support a priest, and attempt to help their community through the church.

Besides, better the Church than Government. At least the Church does most of what it does by relying on volunteers, and voluntary contributions, as opposed to forced contributions, and salaried workers. Not to mention the fact that if you disagree with the Church you are free to leave.


Active Member
Though I disagree with some of your points about organized religion.

Though I do have to admit to wondering if God would approve of the televangicals... commercialization of the Word of God, and a lot of fear mongering.
which views do you disagree with? i like discussing this stuff


Well-Known Member
religion kills more people in the world than aids/cancer/drinking and driving or guns*not in war use*

The problem with that is you fail to state What Religion kills more people. Though I am sure that there are some psycho Christian sects, but for the large part, Christians are persecuted by Islams, as are other groups. Heck, even other Islamic Sects persecute other Islamic Sects.

just ask yourself?
did God really want catholocism to exist?

Well, if religion was true, one would imagine that God would have destroyed the Catholics by now. Though I disagree with that, because Catholics revere God above the saints.

i am agnostic btw and i am completely fascinated by religion


Active Member
religion kills more people in the world than aids/cancer/drinking and driving or guns*not in war use*

The problem with that is you fail to state What Religion kills more people. Though I am sure that there are some psycho Christian sects, but for the large part, Christians are persecuted by Islams, as are other groups. Heck, even other Islamic Sects persecute other Islamic Sects.

just ask yourself?
did God really want catholocism to exist?

Well, if religion was true, one would imagine that God would have destroyed the Catholics by now. Though I disagree with that, because Catholics revere God above the saints.

i am agnostic btw and i am completely fascinated by religion
christian crusades killed many europeans for 100's of years due to religious beliefs. look why america was founded? to escape religious persecution.

the war in isreal and other middle eastren countries due to religious beliefs.
china(tibet)/russia have had there fair share of killings for religious purposes
look at the history of sudan/uganda/somalia/ethiopia for the past 20 years, they have crucified christians for the longest time.
misolevic condoned mass genocide on bosnians/croations and you cant forget kosovo, all because of religious differences

all of that has just happened in the past 100 years

if you go back to the dawn of human exsistence
there have been many genocides condoned in the name of "GOD"

all these wars started because someone feels that their religion is the righteous path


Well-Known Member
christian crusades killed many europeans for 100's of years due to religious beliefs. look why america was founded? to escape religious persecution.

the war in isreal and other middle eastren countries due to religious beliefs.
china(tibet)/russia have had there fair share of killings for religious purposes
look at the history of sudan/uganda/somalia/ethiopia for the past 20 years, they have crucified christians for the longest time.
misolevic condoned mass genocide on bosnians/croations and you cant forget kosovo, all because of religious differences

all of that has just happened in the past 100 years

if you go back to the dawn of human exsistence
there have been many genocides condoned in the name of "GOD"

all these wars started because someone feels that their religion is the righteous path
I was going to reply sooner, but RIU was lagging or IDK.

But by your logic you are also saying that humanity should be wiped out because of its war like nature, or not going to that extreme that Germany, Japan, Russia, and China should not be allowed to exist because of the number of people that they killed.

It is not rational to hold people responsible for the past, or the actions of other people, because they do not have any control over those things.