Why doesn't my weed stink?


Well-Known Member
Okay so My plant is nearly at the end of her life, flowered for what seems like an eternity now(bout 9 n a half weeks)While she has been growing, she never stank hard like some of the skunk strains, She never really smelled WEEDY at all...Just kinda fruity, now that i have chopped a couple of the buds, they are losing what little smell they did have, while drying....

When they are totally dried out and cured, will they start to stink hard? and is there anything i can do to get them to smell better?.


Well-Known Member
When you cure them, the aroma and taste will get better, The longer the cure the better they smell and taste. Its like wine, from what I have been told


Well-Known Member
Yeah man,

My last plant had a slight "fresh" odor to it, then when I dried it (cardboard box with vents and strings) it all lost its smell and smelt like cardboard. :( But a week after curing it it smelt like sensi, and now 1 month of curing later it smells like FIIIAAAH HUGH! (fire)

Don't worry man, everything gonna be alright. :peace:


Well-Known Member
like they said its like a fine wine let it age a bit and cure it for a while depending on genetics it might not get skunky but the smell should come out alot more i also noticed when using organic nutes help stuff stink and taste a little better


Well-Known Member
even after a nice cure the weed smell may not be that overpowering. some strains are just like that. different tastes, smells, buzz, etc.


Well-Known Member
My almost completely cured weed isn't smelling much at all, but it tastes great and smells wonderful when I'm loading my pipe(s).
A mixed blessing, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
I harvested a skunk #1 plant a couple weeks ago and the dank acrid smell that it had while growing has all but dissappeared since curing. It has a very mild sweet smell now. For a while that plant smelled like puke when I would open my tent. I was hoping That shit was gonna be so dank that you would want to gag when you get a good whiff. Ive smoked weed like that a couple times before.
I use an herb dryer to dry my harvest. Its very effcient and eliminates the chance of mold or mildew and drys it perfect in less than 3 days. But Im starting to wonder if it affects the smell.


Well-Known Member
I harvested a skunk #1 plant a couple weeks ago and the dank acrid smell that it had while growing has all but dissappeared since curing. It has a very mild sweet smell now. For a while that plant smelled like puke when I would open my tent. I was hoping That shit was gonna be so dank that you would want to gag when you get a good whiff. Ive smoked weed like that a couple times before.
I use an herb dryer to dry my harvest. Its very effcient and eliminates the chance of mold or mildew and drys it perfect in less than 3 days. But Im starting to wonder if it affects the smell.
3 days is way too short. You need 10 days ideally