Wow. So when it is just that simple to get thousands and thousands
of dollars out of your ass and move to a state that allows same sex marriages?
Last time I checked, I couldn't get a job even after I had experience
in a field.
Last time I checked, my gpa had 32 years experience in his field of
expertise, and COULDN'T get a job..
So please don't say its "simple"
I freaking love you taint. You're fucking hilarious.
I didn't know school was about keeping kids in the dark about
They teach about sex too...did all parents agree with that?
Not at first, but when less and less teens got knocked up
and there were less STD's floating around, parents started
to agree with it.
Roseman, we're not talking about pedophiles or bestiality.
I hate when people compare two perfectly healthy human
beings loving each other with animal fucking and pedophilia.
Whole new doors aren't opened. This subject has nothing to do
with those matters. Bring up a better argument if you want to
join this debate.
No one was making excuses jiggs. Its reality. If you're broke, you're
not going to spend off all your savings and move just to have rights that
shouldn't be banned in the first place.
Thank you. I agree that didn't make any sense either.
I'm sorry, but I think thats the stupidest, most unreasonable comparison
anyone can make with same sex marriage.
Animal fucking and pedophilia?
Well I bet you will be pretty upset when it becomes legal everywhere
then won't you?
You won't have a choice but to deal with it and move on with your
Many (not saying all) religious people do this. Just as Roseman has done.
If God was so perfect in all ways, then he would have made us in a way
that wouldn't upset him, right?
If he is all powerful, why doesn't he just make everyone heterosexual
so no one goes to hell? I thought God loved EVERYONE.
Guess that's a lie. If he loved everyone, he wouldn't condemn
his "different" children to hell because they don't conform with
what society and the bible says is right.
And hell, I thought only God could judge people too.
So we're all gays here now Roseman?
The only reason you unsubscribed is because you were backed into
a corner with your unreasonable arguments that make no sense.
So wouldn't adopt a child into your brother-in-laws home
instead of your straight family members since it is obviously
the healthier choice here.
Well, some in this thread argue that even though those other family
members would be shit for parents (not saying they are) that they
still deserve to raise children over a happy, stable homosexual couple.
Oh the logic of people sometimes..
I don't think anyone who disagree's with same-sex marriage can
answer those questions....
if they can...
I would like to read how they would make a logical argument against
those statements and questions.