Why don’t people smoke traditionally rolled marijuana cigars

For an actual cigar you would at least need an Oz. Waste of good weed. Blunts are smoke to hide shitty weed, I used to smokee a lot of fronto man I get it but that shits horrible for you. Plus you don't taste the fucking weed
I didn’t really know where to post this so here it is. Why don’t people toke on fat marijuana cigars? People say it’s a waste but when I roll them they burn for hours. They still get me pretty damn high. Why hasn’t that taken off and what’s the aversion to it.
The joints I make are like cigars I don't like a skinny, fat ones last for ages and you can a really good puff from it, in the sense that is it doesn't burn down the sides or go burning hot, I've a habit of inhaling straight down a regular joint doesn't last or smoke as nicely.
Everyone has a favourite, a fat joint is mine.

Papers, smoking green #1 imo, they're an all round nicer smoke than rizlas.
Fat, short, skinny, long, pinners, winners, and sinners, I love my doobies or Cannagars.

Though I quit smoking so maybe that’s why I like to rollup still. Keeps me from craving a cigg

I still have a bong collection I cycle through regularly, but it’s nice to switch it up or have a doober between bowls, or spend an afternoon puffing a cannagar