It's a fairly new industry thats exploded in the last 10-15 years so it's a cash grab, like anything else it's supply and demand. If salesmen can convince consumers that their brand tastes better, grows faster, yeild's more, has pretty colors in it, people pay for it and pay for it with no guarantee they'll get any of it in seed form. There are people who buy things equating price with quality look at bottled water next time you're at the store. There were seed companies selling 10 packs of seed for $500.00 dollars not long ago. I would to like believe most people are smarter than that but some of the seed slingers were in business to long to not be selling any. Slick marketing and spam is all it takes, a few people hyping the next big thing on forums and you got a best seller. People eat it up just look at the nutrient companies. Selling the same dreams of bigger, faster, stronger and people line up.