Why Don't We Get Israel Or Saudi Arabia To Launch A Preemptive Strike On Iran?


Active Member
I just saw on the news that Iran has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq based on lies, and that they are currently bombing Libya, add to that that it seems that they (Iran) are also building bases throughout the middle east through taxpayer financed occupation, it is said that they (Iran) are installing both defensive and offensive weapon systems in these satellite bases......

What a second, wait a second, I'm sorry, I was confused, it's not Iran they were talking about, it's America, it seems that in fact that Iran has invaded no one, nor crossed any boarders, nor bombed any foreign nations, hmmm.....go figure?


Well-Known Member
Why don't we just get Israel or Saudi Arabia to launch a preemptive strike on Iran?
What are we going to do?
Better idea: let's get Iran to launch preemptive strikes against Saudi AND Israel, and rid the world of TWO corrupt and evil states.