Why don't you like Ron Paul?

The pills don't always work even when you use them in the short window they are designed for, even if a girl finds out she is pregnant so soon. I'm not an embryologist (neither is Dr. Paul for that matter, obstetrician). From what I do remember in one of my biology classes, the embryo goes through phases that resemble every step in human evolution from protozoa on up. It is about two months in that the head starts to resemble a human head. If it were up to me, an abortion should be considered moral even by the most stringent of standards up to this point. He wants to make only the pill available and send women to jail if they abort a baby that isn't even human yet. Currently, there are partial birth procedures that are fuckin WRONG, murder (my opinion). I think there is room for compromise. A woman should have a right to choice, but she should have more than a few days to make that choice. She should know she is pregnant before the baby is considered human. Again, feel free to pick this apart, it is mostly opinion.

I didn't say that.
Your opinion is easily verified as wrong. If a 7 week old fetus isn't human then what is it? Plant? Giraffe? It can't be "nothing" so it must be something, now if only we could figure out just "what" it is. If they did a genetic test what species would come from the evidence? Do you think it will be something other than human? I read extremely well, some people can't write worth a shit though.

APPEARANCE is what you are trying to tell us. a 2 month old fetus' head appears to look like a chimpanzee, it's APPEARANCE is not yet human. Yes indeed, lets judge things by APPEARANCE, fuck what it actually is.
Your opinion is easily verified as wrong. If a 7 week old fetus isn't human then what is it? Plant? Giraffe? It can't be "nothing" so it must be something, now if only we could figure out just "what" it is. If they did a genetic test what species would come from the evidence? Do you think it will be something other than human? I read extremely well, some people can't write worth a shit though.

APPEARANCE is what you are trying to tell us. a 2 month old fetus' head appears to look like a chimpanzee, it's APPEARANCE is not yet human. Yes indeed, lets judge things by APPEARANCE, fuck what it actually is.

Now go look up the definition of human. Everything after "if it were up to me" is my opinion.
Your opinion is easily verified as wrong. If a 7 week old fetus isn't human then what is it? Plant? Giraffe? It can't be "nothing" so it must be something, now if only we could figure out just "what" it is. If they did a genetic test what species would come from the evidence? Do you think it will be something other than human? I read extremely well, some people can't write worth a shit though.

APPEARANCE is what you are trying to tell us. a 2 month old fetus' head appears to look like a chimpanzee, it's APPEARANCE is not yet human. Yes indeed, lets judge things by APPEARANCE, fuck what it actually is.

Liberals don't want you to judge on the appearance of race. But, that's how they base abortion decisions! :dunce:

I fuckin' love that smiley.
Liberals don't want you to judge on the appearance of race. But, that's how they base abortion decisions! :dunce:

I fuckin' love that smiley.

I thought you were a teacher. You have no business spreading your BS around kids. You're as liberal as anyone here anyway and we all know it.

Yes it is my opinion that abortion should be allowed up until the head is large enough to contain a brain, if you don't like my opinion, you are entitled to your own.
I thought you were a teacher. You have no business spreading your BS around kids. You're as liberal as anyone here anyway and we all know it.

Yes it is my opinion that abortion should be allowed up until the head is large enough to contain a brain, if you don't like my opinion, you are entitled to your own.

Yep, and I smoked a doobie right in front of them while making love to my wife. :dunce:
That's right. Like, "that rapist isn't even human!" If you use that same term for a growing baby, you're an asshole.

You have begged the question. At what point does a smear of cells become a growing baby? That is the underlying issue, and it is my considered opinion that religion is not the place to find that answer. And it is my experience that ultimately, everyone who claims that a fresh conceptus is a fully-dignified human does so on religious-doctrinal grounds. cn
Make sure you pay them, they will thank you for that.
Yes yes the nudie club is THE place to be, I get it.

On a side note, I do like your latest avatar ( "WTF happened to the music" with the WTF part made to look like the MTV logo) I have seen some MTV and had to ask the kids if they ever showed music videos or played music anymore, got blank stares.
Yes yes the nudie club is THE place to be, I get it.

On a side note, I do like your latest avatar ( "WTF happened to the music" with the WTF part made to look like the MTV logo) I have seen some MTV and had to ask the kids if they ever showed music videos or played music anymore, got blank stares.

See what just happened there? We respected each other's opinions (define respect) after a little tussle. Just want people to see that it does happen around here.

Yeah Jersey Shore is a fucking travesty.
See what just happened there? We respected each other's opinions (define respect) after a little tussle. Just want people to see that it does happen around here.

Yeah Jersey Shore is a fucking travesty.
I haven't espoused any opinion.

Edit: Is that where Jersey Shore came from? I had no idea, I have never watched it.