Why Dr. Gupta changed his mind


Well-Known Member
From 420 magazine

9 Reasons Why Sanjay Gupta Changed His Mind About Marijuana
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, says he was wrong to ignore marijuana's medical potential when he wrote an opinion piece in 2009 called "Why I would Vote No on Pot." Gupta filmed a documentary that aired on CNN on Sunday, August 11, and earlier this week wrote an editorial on CNN.com in which he admitted that the research for the movie changed his mind about the drug and its medicinal effects. After traveling the world, meeting with medical experts and medical marijuana patients, Gupta concludes "we have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that."

Here are Gupta's reasons for his change of stance:
1. Marijuana laws are not based on science. Gupta wrote: "Not because of sound science, but because of its absence, marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 substance" at the urging of Assistant Secretary of Health, Roger Egeberg in 1970.

2. Gupta notes that marijuana doesn't have a "high potential for abuse" and it doesn't lead people to use other drugs. "We now know that while estimates vary, marijuana leads to dependence in around 9 to 10% of its adult users." Cocaine, classified as a (less addictive) schedule 2 substance, hooks 20% of those who use it. Around 25% of heroin users and 30% of tobacco users become addicted.

3. In some medical cases, marijuana is "the only thing that works." Gupta met with one woman in Colorado who used marijuana to cut the number of seizures she had from 300-per-week to two or three per month.

4. It's safer than a lot of prescription drugs: Someone dies from a prescription drug overdose every 19 minutes in the United States, but Gupta could not find a single person who died from a marijuana overdose.

5. Other doctors believe in it: Seventy-six percent of physicians surveyed would prescribe marijuana to ease the pain of women suffering from breast cancer.

6. While quitting marijuana can produce some withdrawal symptoms, like insomnia, anxiety and nausea, it is still nowhere near as bad at drugs like heroin or cocaine, or even booze. "I have seen the withdrawal from alcohol, and it can be life threatening," Gupta said. Not so with marijuana.

7. Medicinal plants (including marijuana specifically) aren't a new idea: The medical and scientific communities have been studying medical marijuana since the 19th Century, and marijuana was actually used to treat neuropathic pain until 1943.

8. Only 6% of research on marijuana published in the last year analyzed benefits. The other 93% are designed primarily to investigate harm. "That imbalance paints a highly distorted picture," Gupta said.

9. The system is biased against research into medical marijuana's benefits. First, you have to get the marijuana for your study from one government-approved farm, and you have to get approval from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is tasked with studying and preventing drug abuse, not the medical benefits of drugs.

In general, Gupta says he listened a bit too closely to medical marijuana opponents and skeptics, and he "didn't look hard enough, until now. I didn't look far enough. I didn't review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis."

Now we just gotta sway the rest and we'll be good to go!
old news. Gupta has already done 2 reports on it over the last year. His 2nd report on CNN aired 2 months ago.
I find it interesting that mj has totally dropped off the radar of CNN in the last couple of months. They were running several features on the benefits of weed and legalization, and then 'poof' stopped covering it, with the exception of some lame commentary pieces.
Same as weed stocks, basically for now looks like people are getting over the hype, until the next wave. Most weed penny stocks for example have lost 60% of their value since February. Reality vs Hype that's all.
Thanks for the update Whatfg..
Is that true..agracan?... that's quite interesting for an initial trend...
Thanks for the update Whatfg..
Is that true..agracan?... that's quite interesting for an initial trend...
Have a look at this one cannadan http://investorplace.com/2014/04/marijuana-stocks-phot-stock-mjna/#.U1_SCvldWHs

I'm all about investing etc. there are some good choices out there and there is definitely money to be made with sound investment but a lot of it is really scary. Basically its like betting on futures but with very little info to go on. We have this tremendous amount of hype around it, company after company going into the MMJ business, giving these crazy profit projections etc. etc. BUT what is lacking in the majority of cases is sound business footing, company fundamentals.

Lots of pump and dump going on as well...http://www.finra.org/investors/protectyourself/investoralerts/fraudsandscams/p325352

On a personal note, and to drive the point, a friend of mine, who has little knowledge of the stock market, brought up MMJ stocks in a conversation a few weeks ago. He was all jazzed up how this new industry is creating amazing growth potential with certain IPO comming out etc. etc.
And that he's dropping cash to get into the game. I said great and proceeded to ask him some very fundamental questions about the companies he intends to invest in, about the MMJ market in general, legislative issues. Let me tell you this guy had NO clue. BUT hey CNN had a documentary on it so in his eyes it was all kosher.
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Have a look at this one cannadan http://investorplace.com/2014/04/marijuana-stocks-phot-stock-mjna/#.U1_SCvldWHs

I'm all about investing etc. there are some good choices out there and there is definitely money to be made with sound investment but a lot of it is really scary. Basically its like betting on futures but with very little info to go on. We have this tremendous amount of hype around it, company after company going into the MMJ business, giving these crazy profit projections etc. etc. BUT what is lacking in the majority of cases is sound business footing, company fundamentals.

Lots of pump and dump going on as well...http://www.finra.org/investors/protectyourself/investoralerts/fraudsandscams/p325352

On a personal note, and to drive the point, a friend of mine, who has little knowledge of the stock market, brought up MMJ stocks in a conversation a few weeks ago. He was all jazzed up how this new industry is creating amazing growth potential with certain IPO comming out etc. etc.
And that he's dropping cash to get into the game. I said great and proceeded to ask him some very fundamental questions about the companies he intends to invest in, about the MMJ market in general, legislative issues. Let me tell you this guy had NO clue. BUT hey CNN had a documentary on it so in his eyes it was all kosher.

Some make money from selling dreams. They all get their dreams worth of money and then wake up and forget about it.
Ask a gambler if they are a winner in the longrun or if they have lost more than they have won. The answer is always the same. Selling a dream.