Why Everyone should ditch Health Canada and grow whatever you want

How worried should you be about moving a mmar garden

  • Very worried some Goof might RAT me out

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Moderately worried - where am I going to put the veg room?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • A lille worried- what is the fine for changing addresses?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not worried at all- the storefront down the streetselling to anyone with a pulse is a bigger target

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
"mod qued "
purposely SLOWED DOWN :lol:

not banned lol
Not according to Sunni....
You guys reply and name calling are only getting yourself warning points
Get too many and you will end up banned

He's gone now
Letnthebstaff do their jobs

Why ruin your account for someone who's gone
He's gone, the crazy runs deep in that one. He's still sending me harassing/threats emails. It's to the point where I now need to get a peace bond/restraining order against this fellow. Luckily he doesn't even know who I really am, or the crazy would be showing up at my door....Remember never give out your personal info to strangers.

RCMP SWAT team raids in Kelowna , when they call HC 24hour hotline, and find out licenses are not properly registered to it. It happened to a friend in Kelowna, they brought if you can imagine this a full blown Armoured personnel carrier, with a total of about 18 cops onsite, for two small grows, without proper paperwork. They all got charged convicted and are in jail.
For a harmless plant.

And you all think the only fascists are down here in the States?
Classic scaremongering propaganda.

Even if it's true, it only highlights the need to FULLY LEGALIZE cannabis to bring prices down. If the price of product collapses, no organized crime elements would be involved.

Unless Canada has a thriving black market for tomatoes and lettuce, that is.
told him
"you can make it as scary as you want" lmao..

total BS monger.
Seems to me the Hell's Angels and Trudy maggot are not much different. Trudy maggot is just as big a criminal as they may be. What he has proposed in the new legalization is criminal behavior imo and morally slimy. Go ahead angels.........sell away. I WILL not support maggot or his ideas. Or him as a matter of fact. He's not my PM. He's a boy model...nothing more to me.
Seems to me the Hell's Angels and Trudy maggot are not much different. Trudy maggot is just as big a criminal as they may be. What he has proposed in the new legalization is criminal behavior imo and morally slimy. Go ahead angels.........sell away. I WILL not support maggot or his ideas. Or him as a matter of fact. He's not my PM. He's a boy model...nothing more to me.
This kind of shit us hairline here in Colorado, too. It's legal! But you can still get charged with a felony...

That's a fucking crock and it's happening precisely because there's so much money to be made. Just another cash grab.
That's right @ttystikk ....just a new criminal in different colors and new patches. Motivated by greed with zero conscious about the wrongs done to people over the last 60 years. Just a straight run at the cash. That's what makes our PM a maggot in my mind. Still doesn't care what happens to folks as long as the cash flows his way. It's disgusting up here right now to me. Not the Canada i care to think we have. Worse than 10 years ago imo.
That's right @ttystikk ....just a new criminal in different colors and new patches. Motivated by greed with zero conscious about the wrongs done to people over the last 60 years. Just a straight run at the cash. That's what makes our PM a maggot in my mind. Still doesn't care what happens to folks as long as the cash flows his way. It's disgusting up here right now to me. Not the Canada i care to think we have. Worse than 10 years ago imo.
Canada is running just a couple of years behind Colorado in most respects. I agree with your assessment.
No, we are quite fine up here ttystikk, there is a great program for medical users called the ACMPR. Fill out a form, send in with your script from your doctor, wait a couple of weeks and they send you a nice piece of paper with a few numbers on it and a kind reminder to submit your renewal a few months in advance. Easy peasey.

The anti-LP schills are bitter because in order to be able to grow for yourself you need a clean criminal record which most of them don't. The big problem up here is organized crime getting lackeys to sign up for high plant scripts to sell on the black market. Those who have been busted are banned from production (even when rec is legal) so there is a big voice from this contingent calling for social disobedience.

Previous registration programs the government ran were brutal taking months to complete. The authorization process they used involved more extensive background checks and much more scrutiny on the doctors. Back then it wasn't a big deal for those of us who were upstanding law abiding citizens since the RCMP were well aware of our legal grows.
No, we are quite fine up here ttystikk, there is a great program for medical users called the ACMPR. Fill out a form, send in with your script from your doctor, wait a couple of weeks and they send you a nice piece of paper with a few numbers on it and a kind reminder to submit your renewal a few months in advance. Easy peasey.

The anti-LP schills are bitter because in order to be able to grow for yourself you need a clean criminal record which most of them don't. The big problem up here is organized crime getting lackeys to sign up for high plant scripts to sell on the black market. Those who have been busted are banned from production (even when rec is legal) so there is a big voice from this contingent calling for social disobedience.

Previous registration programs the government ran were brutal taking months to complete. The authorization process they used involved more extensive background checks and much more scrutiny on the doctors. Back then it wasn't a big deal for those of us who were upstanding law abiding citizens since the RCMP were well aware of our legal grows.
LMAO...wait a couple weeks?! What planet are you on?

You see people this is what happens when you smoke LP schwag!
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Another suck up misinformed fool. He should shove his " most have criminal records " where the sun don't shine. I've know other goofs who think this way as well.
Here's another one who knows shit. Where do they keep coming up people who seem to be pathetic lurking LP schills and non cool jag-offs
MMAR have the rights to do as they please...

another fool shows up to yap about this AMCPR?


anyone who is sick in cannada has the right to grow..as long as they have a script..
no HC does not need to be involved. lol

do as you please folks..This deal is DONE

these idiots who show to say otherwise just prove how wrong they are by trying..
its funny

cheers funny ears (:
No, we are quite fine up here ttystikk, there is a great program for medical users called the ACMPR. Fill out a form, send in with your script from your doctor, wait a couple of weeks and they send you a nice piece of paper with a few numbers on it and a kind reminder to submit your renewal a few months in advance. Easy peasey.

The anti-LP schills are bitter because in order to be able to grow for yourself you need a clean criminal record which most of them don't. The big problem up here is organized crime getting lackeys to sign up for high plant scripts to sell on the black market. Those who have been busted are banned from production (even when rec is legal) so there is a big voice from this contingent calling for social disobedience.

Previous registration programs the government ran were brutal taking months to complete. The authorization process they used involved more extensive background checks and much more scrutiny on the doctors. Back then it wasn't a big deal for those of us who were upstanding law abiding citizens since the RCMP were well aware of our legal grows.
I see GatorGold is back. He now assumes we are all criminals. He's still as ignorant of facts as he was previously.
The truth is our medical mmj system sucks, you could spend over 1/3 of your 1 year script waiting for approval if you manage to find a doctor to sign. Most of these quacks are charging hundreds or thousands of dollars for their signature while also pilfering money from the provincial health care systems. It is illegal and these doctors are the criminals. The courts recognize this as a barrier and will side with the legitimate patient. I have the right to treat myself with a plant without interference from government. Given that it will be a legal Rec product in a few months, Health Canada has lost all control to regulate the medical system. Grow what you want...or need...