Why everyone should have Diatomaceous Earth on hand

I can't believe someone would make a post saying they don't think it's harmful to inhale DE. It sure as hell is. Inhale enough of that crap and you can cause scarring of the lungs.

I swear some of the crap I read is just ridiculous.

Hey lets snort some DE. It won't hurt your lungs. Good grief.

And as for the title of the thread "Why everyone should have DE". I don't have any. I've never used it in my life and never will.
Thread is from many years ago when I still lived in California, used Sub's supersoil, and was very much green in organics as a whole.

Only thing I use DE for is when it's ant season now. As many have pointed out, layers of sand will do the job better.

Fact is, DE just masked the symptom of my massive gnat invasion back then. The reason I had such a massive gnat invasion is I was very young and naive; I made little to no efforts to keep things sanitized, and I was also overwatering like mad.

Not quite sure why such an old thread got brought back to life, though it certainly was a blast from the past for sure.
Fact is, DE just masked the symptom of my massive gnat invasion back then. The reason I had such a massive gnat invasion is I was very young and naive; I made little to no efforts to keep things sanitized, and I was also overwatering like mad.

Ironically (maybe?) my worst gnat infestations happened when I was doing drain to waste hydro. Perpetually moist medium top-to-bottom plus no predators were a recipe for gnat disaster. The good news is that introduced me into the world of making bubble hash because there was no way I could remove those stuck dead bodies of the bugs glued to my buds. Lol

Once I went with organic and my own worm bins that were teaming with mites and springtails, the problem ended. Yeah sometimes a sticky card might have caught one or two, but having two adult gnats on your sticky card is kinda a waste of money.
Ironically (maybe?) my worst gnat infestations happened when I was doing drain to waste hydro. Perpetually moist medium top-to-bottom plus no predators were a recipe for gnat disaster. The good news is that introduced me into the world of making bubble hash because there was no way I could remove those stuck dead bodies of the bugs glued to my buds. Lol

Once I went with organic and my own worm bins that were teaming with mites and springtails, the problem ended. Yeah sometimes a sticky card might have caught one or two, but having two adult gnats on your sticky card is kinda a waste of money.

That must have been a nightmare. Thankfully haven't had a gnat problem for years now. The gnat problems I had when I posted this thread was pretty massive, but I can imagine how much those fuckers enjoyed being surrounded by so much water and all those roots to boot.

Normally I have tons of predator wasps and mites native to my location, but monsoon season been making things too humid and I haven't seen many of them lately.

Finally got another couple worm bins going, don't know how I made it this long without castings lol