Why fake tits?

They are all real to me, if I can grab them squeeze them and put my face on them, they are real.
hahaha i <3 this thread

I feel like fake boobs are a hit or miss for women. Its like, maybe you can pull it off and the doctor knows what hes doing, or maybe your Dolly Partons prodigy.
I've seen absolutely beautiful implants as well as some of the worst hack jobs out there... If it's something a woman really wants to pursue, as long as she does her research and has a solid grasp of what it is exactly that she hopes to get out of the procedure, I am 100% supportive. For me personally, it's only something I might consider one day in the future; say, to restore former glory after having a couple of rug rats. :)
I've seen absolutely beautiful implants as well as some of the worst hack jobs out there... If it's something a woman really wants to pursue, as long as she does her research and has a solid grasp of what it is exactly that she hopes to get out of the procedure, I am 100% supportive. For me personally, it's only something I might consider one day in the future; say, to restore former glory after having a couple of rug rats. :)

very reasonable. ;)
^ i can second that. if the tits look real enough that you can't tell they are fake, i don't have a problem with it. but, if their round and melon-looking, screw that...in the bad way.

absolute words to follow. if melony like in shape and texture, go back to your doctor! and for gods sake, don't go digging for seeds.
Small ones are as awesome as big ones, as long as they are real....

Unless there is a medical reason.... I've found that most commonly, fake tits = shallow/vane/disingenuous person. I want a woman who is comfortable with her body, not someone with a mental defect about their body image.
i dont care what size they are, as long as their firm.

getting with the bowling ball in a sock girls is usually like throwing a hotdog down a hallway..

All I can say is why?

And in case you guys were wondering,that womens tits weigh 20 pounds...each