Why get stoned?

Get Stoned? Why not is the question? Everything is better. Words and letters have different meanings. You are in a different world for a while yet you are not. High I can't think. Stoned I can think and function and feel a lot smarter. I don't get munchies after being stoned. Thats a great reason.

Okay, that lost me. I have always thought of high vs stoned as two different degrees of the same feeling, high being less than stoned. I'm not sure why you can think when stoned, but not when high. As far as I can discern, I've not experienced difficulties with cognitive processes, and I feel a lot sharper when using Blue Dream than when not, but I haven't noticed a discernable difference when I've had too much (stoned) vs when I'm high. I have never experienced words and letters having different meanings, although I have experienced not being able to read average sized writing (although I can still read street signs).

I do agree that everything tastes better and touch is much more pronounced, but I have not experienced EVERYTHING being better. I've never had the munchies, but like I said everything tastes better so I tend to eat different things just to see what it tastes like.
Isn't this the second thread you've posted where weed has caused issues between you and your girlfriend?

I initially didn't post anything about my girlfriend on this thread, it just came up since she is the stoner I'm around the most. There isn't an issue as I can accept without understanding, but I would like to understand this better as much for myself as for my girlfriend.
Then go talk to her about it instead of complaining about her to a bunch of strangers on the Internet.

Actually I have talked to her about it, but it hasn't really helped me understand why she does it. My intention in this thread was not to complain about my girlfriend.
Actually I have talked to her about it, but it hasn't really helped me understand why she does it. My intention in this thread was not to complain about my girlfriend.
Then what is it you seek? Ask it in one line. A direct one line question and you shall receive a one line direct answer.
Okay, my girlfriend didn't smoke to the point of unconsciousness at the party. My problem there was that all she wanted to do was smoke dabs. We were in a 2500 sq foot suite with a hot tub in the middle of the suite, but she stayed in the bathroom and did dabs. Typically when we smoke, we smoke and then do something, but that is not the case when she does dabs.
Well that would be boring. Is their a good reason she's smoking in the bathroom? And how you going to call that a party? Yall at least got loud music playing?

Sounds like we got two completely different ideas of a party a few people smoking in the bathroom is not a party it's lame as fuck. If that's the way she rolls just smoking in the bathroom I'd throw the bitch to the curb but I don't hide when I'm smoking I'll blaze in a Walmart parking lot never been caught by a cop while I was smoking I even tossed a joint out my window just before a cop pulled me over he had no idea. :bigjoint:
Actually I have talked to her about it, but it hasn't really helped me understand why she does it. My intention in this thread was not to complain about my girlfriend.

The reason WHY she does it is simple. IMO. I've been there and it's scary, honestly. I went from feeling like a functional pot head to a fucked up junkie. Everyone on this forum will tell you all day long that dabs are harmless, you can't be incapacitated, it's sooo pure and THC is good for you, yadda yadda. Well I feel differently and I'll be happy to talk to you via PM. If you're passing out after smoking, that's a bad thing. You CAN smoke too much and there are absolutely long term effects of smoking THAT much. I have friends who dab all day and all night and are perfectly happy but I wasn't... I smoked so much during the day that I no longer felt "high", I just felt "normal". I felt abnormal if I hadn't smoked for a few hours. I started to replace bowls with dabs and still never really felt "stoned". When I was at a party or a friends house smoking dabs, I would crave that old giggly stoned feeling I used to get and smoke way too much. One time I smoked so much I started hysterically crying and felt that I couldn't control my legs. I laid on my bed for hours contemplating everything I've fucked up in my life time even though I FELT like I was dying, I knew I wasn't... but it was fucking scary.

That happened a few times before I quit smoking like that. I experienced horrible withdrawal symptoms when I attempted to stop cold turkey. I still smoke daily, multiple times a day, but it's usually just a hit or 2 from the pen. People get very defensive over smoking because society tells you it's harmless and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.

Sorry, end rant. Basically, she smokes that much because she wants a feeling that she can't really get anymore because her body is hardwired to function normally with a flood of TCH in the system, IMO. And she probably thinks she looks cool taking dab after dab in front of her friends.
Well that would be boring. Is their a good reason she's smoking in the bathroom? And how you going to call that a party? Yall at least got loud music playing?

Sounds like we got two completely different ideas of a party a few people smoking in the bathroom is not a party it's lame as fuck. If that's the way she rolls just smoking in the bathroom I'd throw the bitch to the curb but I don't hide when I'm smoking I'll blaze in a Walmart parking lot never been caught by a cop while I was smoking I even tossed a joint out my window just before a cop pulled me over he had no idea. :bigjoint:

There were people at the party that did not feel comfortable with people smoking marijuana around them, which is why all the smoking was moved to the bathroom. There was music and all the dancers from a show we had seen earlier were there, we had a masseuse giving massages, and there were some interesting games involving whip cream. Overall it should have been a good time. In her defense, I'm probably the only one that did not have a good time, but I didn't really want to party much without her.
The reason WHY she does it is simple. IMO. I've been there and it's scary, honestly. I went from feeling like a functional pot head to a fucked up junkie. Everyone on this forum will tell you all day long that dabs are harmless, you can't be incapacitated, it's sooo pure and THC is good for you, yadda yadda. Well I feel differently and I'll be happy to talk to you via PM. If you're passing out after smoking, that's a bad thing. You CAN smoke too much and there are absolutely long term effects of smoking THAT much. I have friends who dab all day and all night and are perfectly happy but I wasn't... I smoked so much during the day that I no longer felt "high", I just felt "normal". I felt abnormal if I hadn't smoked for a few hours. I started to replace bowls with dabs and still never really felt "stoned". When I was at a party or a friends house smoking dabs, I would crave that old giggly stoned feeling I used to get and smoke way too much. One time I smoked so much I started hysterically crying and felt that I couldn't control my legs. I laid on my bed for hours contemplating everything I've fucked up in my life time even though I FELT like I was dying, I knew I wasn't... but it was fucking scary.

That happened a few times before I quit smoking like that. I experienced horrible withdrawal symptoms when I attempted to stop cold turkey. I still smoke daily, multiple times a day, but it's usually just a hit or 2 from the pen. People get very defensive over smoking because society tells you it's harmless and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.

Sorry, end rant. Basically, she smokes that much because she wants a feeling that she can't really get anymore because her body is hardwired to function normally with a flood of TCH in the system, IMO. And she probably thinks she looks cool taking dab after dab in front of her friends.

Sounds like you are taking this weed thing to all new levels over there. I'm not sure if it's a good thing.

Never heard of weed addicts before.
Sounds like you are taking this weed thing to all new levels over there. I'm not sure if it's a good thing.

Never heard of weed addicts before.

Neither has anyone else lol. The way I look at it though, anything that screws with receptors in your brain can seriously affect your life. I was addicted to anti depressants for a LONG time even though I didn't remotely need them or feel better taking them only because the withdrawal affects were unbearable.
Dabs are cleaner than smoking straight weed.... If you are passing out or unfocused after a few dab hits or even smoking weed then maybe it's not for you but even after taking "a few tokes til you feel good" then you are still stoned. Maybe you should get a new girlfriend but if my girlfriend smoked dabs like I do I'd be happy!

i dont know about this .... 250ppm of who knows what in a "clean " dab... i let my dabs sit most of the time unless i aint got shit to do ... the OP is right "stoned is the way of the walk " but not if you got real shit to do ... i climbed up 14' into my ghouse after a few dabs and MANG i almost climbed back down the ladder without finishing my goals all due to being vertigoed from too much THC for my bodyweight... about 1000mg loops me...
There were people at the party that did not feel comfortable with people smoking marijuana around them, which is why all the smoking was moved to the bathroom. There was music and all the dancers from a show we had seen earlier were there, we had a masseuse giving massages, and there were some interesting games involving whip cream. Overall it should have been a good time. In her defense, I'm probably the only one that did not have a good time, but I didn't really want to party much without her.

Maybe she was trying to avoid you because you are unable to have fun.
Sounds like you are taking this weed thing to all new levels over there. I'm not sure if it's a good thing.

Never heard of weed addicts before.

Really? Never heard about the time @KLITE gave me dabs in a club and I started sweating with heart palpitations and nearly took my clothes off?

Id done shatter before but this was much stronger. Klite probably doped me up to fuck because he knows I can smoke weed all day.

OP- if your gf likes dabs, so be it. Try it by all means and get ready to cough your guts up. Pin head amount is the best advice here.

You just carry on doing your thing and if you need a day smoke I recommend Jamaican dream 90% sativa.