Why Gold?

You came back full of piss and vinegar.

You forgot cockiness

But as I know what I'm talking about, I believe it is justified.

The press specializes in having people look stupid and get them to say what they want. And if they are not able to get it there they cut and paste until it is what they wanted. That is why no comment is the easiest way to get the crap over with and the raping begin.

If the press can make you look stupid, then you might want to think about how you address the press.

I haven't seen the press make Ron Paul look stupid, but I have seen them ignore him blatantly.

You were way off with the 80-90% but I let that go, but I can't here. That is such a naive thing to say man I know you know better than that. Economists wouldn't have jobs if they were that far off. You cannot measure accuratly anything is the truth (in anything). A 2 inch piece of wood is not exactly 2 inches. As you go further and further down (depending on how many decimal places you go) you will never be able to reach the exact measurement. But you can get close enough for any reasonable person. It is the same for economics.

No it's not. The errors made by the people that stated how much government programs were going to cost measured in the thousands of percents.

And while you might believe that they are not going to fudge the numbers to match what their employers want, then you are sadly naive.

Most? I know this is nitpicky, most economists do not work for politicians, and even most the time they don't get asked to redo numbers since we hear about very few bills. You are being very crass and making generalizations just to be cranky I think.

You are wrong about inflationary trends and unemployemnt. Inflation and interest rates move together, not opposite. As inflation goes up the banks do not want to be stuck with low rates on a loan meaning that they are going to be losing money so they raise the rates in an inflationary situation. The pressures you are talking about do happen, but rates don't cause inflation. You can have higher rates and low inflation though if unemployment is at the natural level or below.

Do you even know what M1, M2, M3, and M4 is?

Do you even know what inflation is?

You are demonstrating a lack of knowledge so profound that it is breath-taking.

High rates serve to discourage inflation, because it tightens up money supply. Low rates serve to encourage inflation by loosening it.

Inflation is not caused by employment, or unemployment. Those are mere indicators of what is happening to consumer demand, and thus lag behind inflation or deflation.

Obviously, unemployment is going to be deflationary, but if there is deflation, then some businesses are going to face losses, or are going to start laying off workers (or lean on their suppliers to get discounts.)

You are right that it has to do with the money in the system which is why you can simply look at the jobs (not stop there but startthere). If (like in 70's >3%) you have unnaturally high EMPLOYMENT you will have more money into the system and high inflation. If you (like the 80's 10+%) you have less moeny floating so the inflation gets pushed down.

If you are going to post charts you should post charts that are detailed, or post the underlying data so it can be examined.

Its stupid just to let things happen without thought just to let the market correct itself. If you take the time and can extend the burst by 6 years in order to make the adjustments so it is not a burst, but slowly deflating it (ie bubble gum, you can pop a huge bubble, but you can also let the air out) would allow for not having total devistation.

Destruction is part of the economic cycle, and extending out the period of destruction is stupid. The malinvestment has to be corrected for, before real growth can resume. Attempting to inflate a deflating economy only prolongs the suffering, anxiety, and nervousness of people that are effected, or might be effected.

Better to step out of the way, let the firms that were mismanaged get swept away so that the resources they are soaking up can be redirected to better uses that actually have some demand.

But they screwed the pooch and made no adjustments because politicians were more concerened with the war.
And not ready to fight the industries to make the nessecary changes.

Economic Intervention does not solve the underlying problems. If the government hides the damage to the economy by inflating (and then tweaking the CPI to show lower rates) then the underlying problems of malinvestment and mismanagement are not actually fixed.

Besides, Inflation does not benefit any one, because money has no value in and of itself, it is merely a commodity that serves as a common benchmark for the value of other goods and services.

And as I've repeated countless times, deflation is the natural trend of a thriving economy, because it means that the economy is becoming more efficient through productivity gains, and labor gains.

Only a dying economy (or one that is being flooded with valueless paper) is going to see inflation over the long term.

Your vaunted economic intervention is a piss poor attempt to mask reality with out fixing the underlying problems. The idea isn't to allow the malinvestment to be corrected for, because inflating the money supply does not accomplish that, all inflation does is mask the real problems by allowing the malinvestment to continue.

This is not the case. Look at science, if you are doing an experiment you do it within a vacuum. And not allowing anyones views on it cloud the process (double blind). It is the same with economics. Economics is at the heart of politics, but politics should never be played in economics. You take the data that is untainted and unbiased, then base the decision that fits your ideals after that.

You can not have a economic model that ignores reality, or politics. Economics, like the economy, is driven by the individual desires of every participant in the market. You can not just arbitrarily attempt to dictate to them what they want or need, at least not for long. The Soviets tried that, and are on the ash heap of history because of it.

Essentially this is where I diverge from Austrian Economics. I was reading that link that you had and really started to get uncomfortable with all the political ideals that is in it. As soon as you start to have that you can bastardize any information to make it fit your beliefs. In stats they say that given enough weight to one number over another you can make it fit your goals. It is the same with econ. It should NEVER be mixed with politics when constructing the numbers.

I suppose even paranoids have enemies...

I don't want to have chaff though, we need to bring them up and smarten them up as much as possible. And allow the best to get better. Instead of grades based on age we could just have testing to get out of the class and into the next. That way people could move at their own pace.

Thanksgiving break is in the middle so is spring break.

Hardly long breaks...

And I thought I sounded like a callous, heartless bastard. I believe that people should be able to enjoy their holidays, here you are bitching about people being allowed to enjoy hollidays.

Working students to death is not going to encourage them to be motivated to study harder. It will likely discourage them, by depriving them of anything worth looking forward to.

Everyone benefits from this trade and very much so. But that is why it works. If you take out the most important things like roads that allow for this consenual trade it would not be possible and we would go back to be sustinance farmers. But thankfully we don't have to. But in a trade someone almost always benefits more. And you just have to drive through the wealthy neighborhoods to figure out who it is.

Speaking of injecting politics into economics, perhaps you should take a look in the mirror.

But we don't just let people pay for their stupidity in this country. It is just the way it is. Again if my house burns because I was stupid it affects the entire neighborhood. So under your system we would have to kick out anyone that we won't personally be willing to help out. It would leave our country divided into essentially clans.

No, this country was not built upon the principles you claim. Not only are you ignorant of economics, but are ignorant of history.

This republic was not built on socialist ideals.

Actually, no society has ever been built on socialist ideals and survived or prospered.

If a person's house burned down, then they can ask for help, but if they can not ask their neighbors for help, or are unwilling too, then their neighbors should not be obligated to help them.

Forced Charity, Myrmidon, is theft, not charity.

Um.. that first part is pure capitalism. And the second is just how it is. You come off ignorant when you just dismiss things then are wrong and attach a 'ism' to it. Having more money means that I have more money to invest, in % of income and total actual money. When I had less money everything I had spent went to the nessecities, which are all taxed so I have nothing to invest that would be at all useful so it was stuffed into a savings account. How is that not true? How is that socialist drivel?

People should benefit from their labor, and if the markets place a higher value on their labor, then that is how it is.

The attempts of government to discourage society from making such value judgments is ignorant. Everything is subjective.

I don't think a doctor should be taxed any more then an employee at the bottom. The so called excessive consumption of those that have money means more jobs for everyone, and jobs, are a good thing to have, because they lead to production and wealth creation.

Did you attend a tea party this weekend or something to whip yourself up? Taxes is not and will never be slavery. Taxes do suck, but the fact I am living in my own home and not having my life dicated to me and told what I have to do with my free time or my carreer it is not slavery.

Slavery is devoid of all of the freedoms that we have. Those freedoms don't equate to 3% increase.

Taxes on income, on labor, are slavery. They are an attempt to punish people for being willing to work harder or being smarter, or better trained, than other people.

They are collected through direct violations of the 4th, and 5th Amendments. They are collected in such a fashion as that no one is secure in their papers, effects and homes from the threat of government extortion. The metholodogy of their collection forces people to possibly bear witness against themselves.

But that doesn't cover the slavery aspect.

For the slavery aspect, one only need to consider that under slavery the production of a group of people was taken with out their permission, by force, or threat of force.

Taxes are collected from a group of people, with out their permission, by force, or threat of force.

If it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's probably a fucking duck.

I actually take that as a insult, which I am sure you meant it as. I did not get that from anyone, it was an example that I had came up with as I typed that. If you would actually not force yourself into the box you had and studied up on different schools of economics that don't dismiss the things that don't fit into their ideals and stick with the facts and not political ideals you may get that.

Well then I am sure you can look forward to a career as another hollow talking head on network T.V.

Funny that you call me that when you have nothing to actually say. You are wrong, I am not pro enslavement. I do think that having law is good, sorry that that is a bad thing. Does the government go too far? Of course.

Yes, you are, you're just ignorant of what slavery is.

But that is why we vote. The issue is that people that are just going to ignore the things that their masters tell them to ignore (like the faulty economics you follow) without even considering that the other side may be right we vote in the idiots we have now.

Allowing a tyranny of 51% to dictate to the other 49% what they have to do is not a system that is just, fair, or equatable. It is a system of tyranny.

Fair enough I am all for more people, in fact I actually am in favor of power getting shifted more back towards the states. But as the system stands (and it will unless we get smart) it will not change unless we vote in smarter people.

Then why do we have a judicial system at all? The law is deep and not just the constitution anymore. I am talking realistic world, not the just constitution and no taxes place you are imagining that will never happen.

Because it was supposed to serve as a check on the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch to prevent them from abusing their power. It was not intended to be the activist legislating system that it has warped into in the 20th century, which are of course, due in large part to FDRs threats to pack the court if they didn't surrender to his tyrannical demands.

Then there would be several hundred thousand different interests that would need to be looked after on a micro level. Trying to do that is akin to bringing back the soviet union but instead of prices they would have to adress indivual peoples feelings of what their interests are.

All the more reason to get government out of the way...

But here you said:

To allow a private company that will bring a halt to the economy to fail just because of principle it silly. When the entire economy is so invested you can't just let it collapse sendig everyone on a downward spiral. Instead with that relitivly (to the actual size) small investment we stopped the collapse and now here we are not even a year later and everything is stabilizing.

And that money is goign to get paid back, with some interest. So making a loan is better than a principle stand and letting the economy melt.

Oh, I see that quote. I've changed my mind. Public money should not be used for private benefit at all.

That we pay for. Anyone that gets their medical care at reduced costs we that have insurance or pay taxes are already paying for it. And our system is not that great. If it was we wouldn't touch it *unless the government is stealing for it to pay for something else that is stupid.

The government's ideas are wrong, they are attempting to regulate demand, instead of increase supply to effect prices.

Their attempts will backfire, and result in increased demand. Clearly if a person does not have health insurance they are not going to be inclined to go to the doctor or a hospital unless they have to.

If there was more competition in the markets then prices would decline, which would ease the burden on insurance companies, and those that pay for insurance.

The government is putting the cart before the horse.

That covers a lot.

Why would you compare us to Canada? They are number 30. I would at least want to crack the top 5 and get compared to them. Everyone likes to point to canada and england in comparing care that is opposed to this, but they are not who we should be trying to reach.

That is where your arguement is flawed. Do more research on the care that the French get and compare it to them.

Comparing the United States to any European nation is not an apples to apples comparison.

First of all, there is the fact that we are easily 10x bigger than France, in both actual land mass and population. Then there is the fact that our population is much more dispersed as a result of our size.

The only comparison that can be made with any great fairness would be comparing us to the entirety of Europe, and I am sure that just like here, there are variances in the quality, efficiency and quantity of care available.

Helping those countries that we are fighting with schools and hospitals, and maybe a small amount of infrastructure will be a far better tactic to win a war than to go in spend far more money killing the people that oppose us being in there.

Immaterial, the problem is that the United States should not be involved in any foreign war that will require occupation after we have achieved victory. The United States strength has been its refusal to be drawn into international politics and kowtow to the demands of foreign potentates and foreign kings.

The founders recognized the fact that we should avoid foreign entanglements. Not only are they costly, but they reduce our ability to defend ourselves, which is the only just use of the military.

We should have pulled out of Europe at the end of 1991. Subsidizing their defense at our expense amounts to paying tribute to those nations.

Only after the market stabilized which would take a long time. Every business/individual that has money in the bank over 250k would lose it. And the trust of all banks would collapse.

If you have more than $100K in the bank then you are mismanaging your money.

You mean it ignores YOUR views on what people want. Your saying that people want to lose money by making poor decisions based on what you think is right?
Here is what I said again:

By why would that make me your favorite word? I am saying to use the information (not ignore it like you seem to like) and use it to make the best decision.

And as you do people still don't understand that just by sticking their heads in the sand does not make issues go away. You will cost me money in the long run and I accept that. You will eventually need to get treatment and if you continue to ignore that fact (well under the old system) I would have to pay for it in long run. Even if just through the decreased costs that get tacked onto my bill.

Actually, considering the fact that I am paying taxes, the only person that would suffer is myself, and as I am paying taxes then I have already paid for it (over $30K in the last two years) no, my debt to society is already amortized. I do believe that the balance on that account is actually in my favor.

I agree with this, and have no clue why you would think that I did not. There was actually a thread a week or so ago about the stupid H1N1 vaccine and not being allowed to sue the company. No one is going to force it on it first off, so lets not even go there. But I said that I agree with them not being able to be sued, because of frivoulus lawsuits.

If the vaccine causes irreparable harm then they should be sued.

Besides, the media scare-mongering around Swine and Bird Flue is stupid. The swine flu hasn't even gotten near the mortality of the 1917/18 Epidemic.

Must, be because our health system is a lot more effective than given credit for. Obviously, if there was something wrong with it, then there would be more deaths, but the deaths that are reported come from peopel that went into hospitals for treatment.

Besides, the treatment for viruses has not changed over the course of several millenia, drink fluids, and enjoy some time off. Not really much else you can do about viral infections.

Yes, there are vaccines, but there are risks with vaccines, too, and with going into hospitals.

Now if they are acting negligent there should be something to penalize them, but we need to stop the sue crazy world we are in it is too expensive.

Blanket Protecting them from lawsuits is not the solution.

But those costs that I have to pay are apart from the other costs of people using my money as supliment to thir care. We need to work to fix all the drains on the system, and not just say one is good enough.

You've obviously never tried to scoop up sand. If you use your fist you will lose more and more the tighter you squeeze, until you are lucky to have a few grains in your hand. If you cup your hand and don't squeeze you get more. The government's approach is the equivalent of a fist, not a cupped palm.

You are going off the deepend again. Is our country the most wealthy? Is it Corrupt? Is our standard of living among the best if not the best? The answer is yes to all the above.

You toss your 'isms' out again btw.

Corruption doesn't necessarily effect the cost of living.

And yes, I accused you of being a Statist again, because you are. You are arguing that the government should do this, that, and another, and then protest that you don't want more government intervention.

I have yet to see you produce anything that would indicate that you actually favor less government, instead of more government.

1st with tax loopholes, perks, investment building, better tax free investments, accountants (free usually through work). Do you actually believe that you pay less taxes on aggregate than the wealthy?

2nd it is ignorance to believe that we will be the number one economy forever. But as of right now we are so far ahead that it will be decades before it can switch. But eventually someone with more drive will pass us up and we can become the future France, or England and become satisfied with what we have.

Those that are merely satisfied with what they have are on the path to seeing it all be taken from them. A nation that is not actively seeking to maintain its lead will fail. A man who is merely satisfied with what he has is a man that is walking around dead.

It's ignorance to believe that we should be satisfied. The cost of living is going up in Europe, and the middle class is being squeezed out of existence by it, because their economy is stagnant and unchanging, due to the same insipid policies being pursued here by the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government.

We have by far the largest economy so it has worked very well. You really should study up on the actual economics. Even Austrian can help out with the cost benefit analysis. There will always be entry level jobs. But the best part of trade is that the entry level jobs can be better under the trade than without.

Yes, everyone loves the McJobs which are apparently the only thing that this country is going to be left with after we chase manufacturing out of the country.

Service jobs do not produce real wealth.

Where are your stands on Walmart?

They have typically been a force towards keeping inflation in check through the importation of cheap foreign made goods.

Which is a good thing, because the Federal Reserve has been doing the exact opposite, and pursuing inflationary policies with reckless abandon.

Unfortunately all those T-Bills and all that debt we are producing costs interest, and thus to think we can continue to increase the amount of our debt indefinitely with out ill-effects is absurd.

Well, except to you, because you probably believe that as we are all dead in the long term anyway, it doesn't matter.

No sense of obligation to future generations to give them a nation that can stand on its own two feet.

Your ability to switch to totally different trains of thoughts without realizing it is truly amazing. You go from my Macro scale (all citizens in the us) to a Micro scale (A small devistated area) without really knowing it I think. By having steel be so much cheaper being produced in China, EVERY COMPANY THAT BUYS STEEL BENEFITS. But it absolutly is devistating for the community that loses it.

I believe we had actually shifted to discussing tariffs, and whether or not they are beneficial or required when it comes to protecting industries that are important for the security of the United States.

Perhaps you should go read up on World War II some more. Near the outbreak of hostilities Japan was facing supply problems in steel, aluminum, and oil, because we had cut them off. To leave ourselves vulnerable and unable to produce armaments for "savings" or "efficiency" is stupid.

That is why I said "Tariffs and protectionism works about as well as socialism. For 'people' socialism is a good thing, but it doesn't work. ". For the "People" (Entire population) it is good, but if you go small enough scale some people will be devistated.

Every one that buys anything with steel in it is greatly benefitting from the lower prices of foreign trade, enough to pay for the people that lost jobs, and still leave much of it left over. That is where your economic understanding is lacking. Do yourself a favor look up: Production Possibility charts and Comparative advantage and gains from trade. It will help out.

You failed to realize the point, and are dragging the argument in a different direction all together. Maybe I'll just accept it as your concession that I'm right, and that you're wrong.

And I never said that tariffs should be used exclusively to just protect all domestic industry, just vital industries (steel, aluminum and agriculture) that are required in the event of another war.

Other than that, they should be used to ensure that the everyone is forced to compete on a level playing field, it is not just to allow nations like China to abuse their currency by continuously devaluing it, or refusing to allow it to float so that they can continue to take advantage of the lower cost of labor that results from such refusal to allow a floating currency.

The United States is still amongst the most productive of nations in the world, but for us to ignore that fact and allow other nations that are not as efficient as us to compete, because they can state that their currency is worth less than ours, despite having similar purchasing power parity in those nations as our dollar has here, then we are giving them a loaded gun and allowing them to take potshots at our industries.

I know that. But it doesn't work and will stagnate the economy by using inefficient resources where they would be better used somewhere else. If the money made over the entire economy with the steel company leaving it would have easily been used to pay for everyone of those employees to go to school and get a different carreer. And for the ones that were no longer spring chickens, they could have just been able to retire and enjoy it.

There it is again, when your the one fighting fiercly without any intelectual arguement. Trade implies trade? We don't live in a barter system. We use a medium of exchange (money) to buy those goods and services. Then with our speicality we can create something else of benefit and sell those services to bring in more money. The moeny saved plus using the better allocated resources means we all benefit, as well as the trading partner.

You lack of true economic understanding is hurting you.

No, your sad lack of any rhetorical skill is hurting you.

Obviously, people, like nations, can not trade goods that they do not have for money, to purchase other goods.

Trade, to be sustainable, must result in both nations maintaining a balance of trade so that both of them get needed goods, and selling excess goods. If a nation continuously trades at a deficit, then they will soon run out of credit to purchase needed goods, despite still having excess goods.

If a family takes out a credit card, and slowly adds more and more onto it, they will find themselves unable to afford to do anything, because the payments will consume all of their income.

The same is no less true for nations.

You do come off ignorant again in basic economic principle.

We covered this before. If I can make an item for $4, and you can sell it to me for $2 I am better off buying it from you and using that $4 to reinvest somewhere else since I cannot compete with you.

Yes, and we all have been magically teleported to the a fairy-world tale of perfection...

If you are able to produce the good for $4, and I have a undervalued currency that is shared by my community that I state is only worth .5 of your currency and thus am able to undercut your price (despite being less efficient) then no one is served, because the most efficient producer is not producing the commodity that is being produced.

Now, if you will stop pulling out these basic examples it will be an improvement on the level of the debate.

By just saying that that person may not want to always make it leaving me to have to buy it for $5 from someone else, simply means that I can go back to doing what I was in the past since it would now be cheaper for me to produce.

Yes, and thank you for indicating my point about the market correcting for itself.

Now, what happens if you don't want to produce whatever widget it is, because you are producing a widget that is more profitable?

Let's say that you are producing Aluminum cans that give you a profit of 25% (which is excessive, but works), and that going back to producing steel cans would only give you a profit margin of 15%. Clearly, you are not going to go back to producing Aluminum cans, unless the profit margin and demand jump to a level at which producing steel cans is more profitable than producing aluminum cans.

Thus, if every one abandons steel cans, because there is no demand, then prices will soar, which will reduce demand further, or some one will step in to fulfill that demand at whever price point is sufficient for them to receive a profit.

We already do tax them for products coming in. But to tax away all the competitive benefits will mean that the foreign company will chose not to sell it to us, thus putting the tax burden back onto our companies, and eliminating any benefit that the citizens would gain from paying less for an item. It is a lose lose lose situation.

Not necesarilly. In the real world nothing is as simple as your attempts to make it seem would induce one to think.

During the 80s the Japanese were told they would face import quotas if they did not produce in the United States. In that case, protectionist policies benefitted everyone, creating a win, win, win situation.

Of course, the legacy costs of GM, Ford and Chrysler are ultimately what did those companies in...

Again using your favorite catchphrase and not understanding what you are talking about does not make you seem smart.

See the example above. Just because we stop making something doesn't mean we lose the ability to produce it. We stopped making mass market horse saddles. But if all of a sudden we needed to do it we would be able to meet the demand.

Yes, but we slowly see the efficiency at we can produce it erode due to the aging of property, plant and equipment, and also face lag times while that industry ramps up.

Efficiency also erodes if we do not ensure that companies are continuing to determine if there are more efficient ways of producing whatever good they are producing.

And the economic models in your head are non existant. Evil and Good are silly concepts in economics. And have no place. Keep it to your beliefs, not facts.

Did we mine up all the steel in our country?

Steel comes from iron, so it is impossible for us to have actually mined up all the steel. And now that I'm done jabbing you. The answer to that is no, I doubt that even if the population soared to 200 Billion that humanity would ever be able to actually consume all the resources on this planet.

The planet is freaking huge, and if some how we do consume all the resources, there are plenty of additional resources in space, and on other local planets (assuming we are stuck in this solar system.)

If not then we would be able to produce it. And unless there would be no country that would be willing to sell to us (which is nonsence any country can get whatever they want through the black market) then we would be able to produce it in times of need.

Is buying on the black market efficient?

Prices on black markets usually involve premiums due to the risks involved in trading on the black market.

Self sufficient does not equal efficient. A farmer that is out in the wild living on his own producing everything he needs is not ever going to produce the same same amount of say bread as one farmer using all his resources to make grain and
then trading it to other farmers to get what he needs when they specialize in say milk one in making bread from the traded wheat, and another in eggs.

Actually that second example would be a baker that specializes in making bread from traded wheat, not a farmer. A farmer would be the one growing the wheat for sale to the baker. Of course, the baker would also have to have a mill, in order to turn the wheat into flour to be able to bake bread.

However, if there is more profit in milk then there is in eggs, then would not all three farmers be best served by focusing on milk?

Of course, the price would fluctuate against them (assuming no outside parties) and thus they might all jump into eggs again, or partially into eggs again, until they are all back to growing wheat, producing eggs, and producing milk to limit the effects of the variances in prices upon their operations, which would be more efficient then them attempting to chase the market forever, and thus decreasing the real efficiency of the market.

Oil is used to produce food yes, but it is not a prereq for it. We could switch to natural gas engines and go from there. Oil is just the thing we have been using, not the only thing that is able to be used. Myrmidon. Again seriously I see a pattern, everytime you make a comment based in ignorance and closemindedness you pull it out.

Oil is a highly cost-effective good, because of the density of the energy stored in it.

There is a reason why it has survived for over a century and a half as the leading fuel source for internal combustion engines, and would continue to enjoy such a lead until oil becomes scarce and thus more expensive than other fuel sources, thus making it less efficient than other fuel sources.

For some one that routinely jumps up and down shouting efficiency I'm surprised you didn't close your mouth before using your oil example.

Alas you use it correctly! Congrats!............ Oh wait you re wrong. You said that it will force you to have it. Technically it doesn't, or else they couldn't tax you if you don't have it right? So in essence they are giving you every reason to get it. Subtlely different.

Forcing by threat of legal extortion

They are going to tax me, if I don't have it, and thus make it irrational to not have it.

They are using the threat of legal extortion to intimidate me into doing something against my will, and thus are forcing me into doing it.

Anyway not sure what happened to you over the weekend but I wish you the best, and strongly plee to you to get a actual economics book from a 101 class. It will really help out since the Austrian economics your following has some serious flaws.

No, I think the problem is the exact opposite, you're citing overly simplistic models that do not account for half of the variables that actually exist in the markets.
I made almost $2500 today when the price of silver went up $.50 per ounce. In the end the users of FRN's ( Fed Reserve Notes) will be left out in the cold. Actually I bought 130 ounces of Bullion and $200 face value of Junk silver (total cost was $4,150) at 9Am this morning and by 2PM had made a profit of $150 on that very same purchase. My single largest purchase of Silver was in Sept of last year, I nearly stole it for $9 an ounce, I bought my first 1,000 ounce bankers bar. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on Why gold ( And Silver)?
What if the gold bubble burst's and the value of the dollar drops?

If the value of the dollar drops the value of gold will go higher and higher and higher. There is no Gold Bubble, in fact its price is manipulated by huge short positions against it to be much lower than it really should be. If you were to correct just for inflation, gold should be at $3,000 per ounce from the prices we saw in the eighties.

There is about a Total of 5 billion ounces of gold above ground in one form or another. Gold is used for only a very few things. Money, Jewelry, and limited electronic and coating uses.

Today, most of the US silver stockpile is gone, and whereas the world once had about 2.2 billion ounces of silver above ground,now there are only about 300 million ounces. In other words, total world silver supply has plummeted by over 86% just in the last few years ... while silver demand has gone UP!

You read that right! There is almost 1700 ounces of Gold for every ounce of silver, they use the shit out of silver. in 1776 there was 15 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold, and it had been that way for thousands of years, that is why the founding fathers made the ratio for gold to silver 15 to 1 when it drew up the constitution. the founders never envisioned silver being so damned useful for things other than money. They have mined less silver than was used almost every year since 1961, the last big bunch of silver was a colloidal for enriching uranium for the manhattan project. It had almost 147,000,000 ounces worth of silver wiring in it. they enriched plutonium with it for 50 years. The US sold that to the UK back in 1997.

Silver is going to increase in value IMO by a great deal more than gold.
Just so no one misreads me. I am 100% against a gold standard in this country, If we had that the big bankers ( Who own all the gold) would still have all the money and control all the credit. We must create"Greenbacks". Congress is already authorized by the Constitution to do this, the last time it was tried was by JFK and you know what happened to him.

Anyone here think there is gold in Fort Knox? I think we ran out in 1971, ultimately the reason why Nixon took us off the gold standard. It took until 1973 to make gold Legal for US citizens to own again.
JFK issues a silver certificate not a greenback.

A "greenback" is any currency printed by congress that bears no interest. It does not matter what they are, only that congress is the one printing them up and not the fed.

FWIW Silver went up a Dollar per ounce over the weekend..I made 5 grand doing nothing.