Why has my baby stopped growing!!!!!!??????


New Member
Hey guys this is my first grow and i planted it 1-10-2014 and as of today this is what it looks like and its been this way since probably around 1-15ish or 20ish- 2014 why has it just stopped growing any advice please help...ive watered it when the soil has gotten dry i have not used any nutes i have it under a cfl about a foot above the sprout and it seems like it got a little yellowed or burnt from it is that from the heat i also have a fan oscilating on it



Well-Known Member
I bet she is using all her energy trying to push roots through that soil. What on earth are you using? Looks like mud! Sorry not trying to be mean. But you need something with lots of perlite that is not so dense.

Plants often take some time to start growing up while they are developing roots.


Active Member
Your CFL is too far away,at a foot away its not doing much good.2or 3 inches above your seedling should be ok.


New Member
Im using scotts hydroponic planting soil and black cow manure my friend said it was good.....but from yalls replies im guessing not......


New Member
how often should i be watering this baby in that size pot with 2 cfl lights on it and how far away should i keep the light... ill get new soil and ideas for now tight on money i just need something to help it start to grow for now on payday ill get something good... could i just use the scotts hydro planting soil and not mix in the black kow


Active Member
Just make sure to add lots of perlite to your mix. As fas as watering want to make soil dries out. I like to start in red solo cup it is easy to gage how light vs heavy when watered. Hard to say in your environment how often could be once a week?? I then transplant to a hardier soil with amendments and go to 2 gallon. My final transplant goes to 5 gallon smart pots. Keep lite 2-3 inches from plants