Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

I think he's saying they are bullshit if he believes or not. And maybe Jesus of Nazareth was an asshole.
If you kill someone, then turn around and revive them, leaving no harm... Have you really murdered that person?

Set aside this isn't a true story for a moment. Suppose it is real.

That wouldn't be a murder, it would be a demonstration of power.
If you kill someone, then turn around and revive them, leaving no harm... Have you really murdered that person?

Set aside this isn't a true story for a moment. Suppose it is real.

That wouldn't be a murder, it would be a demonstration of power.
I wonder if dying hurts
I wonder if dying hurts
It can. But often I suspect it does not.

If you take the assumptions of the mythology, that Jesus is God, and he kills someone to bring them back to life...

Why assume to just having your heart to stop beating, only to have it resume beating a few moments later would cause pain?
I already have. I defined what a positive moral act and a negative moral act.

I said it's possible to have slaves and not violate morality. But one does not have to have slaves to be moral. Having slaves, in other words, is not sufficient to make someone moral or imoral.
Nope. Having slaves makes them immoral. Just like fucking a child does. Stop trying to rationalized your grandparents actions, stop fucking kids, and everything might work out.
It can. But often I suspect it does not.

If you take the assumptions of the mythology, that Jesus is God, and he kills someone to bring them back to life...

Why assume to just having your heart to stop beating, only to have it resume beating a few moments later would cause pain?
We don't have to assume, many people have survived cardiac arrest, and lemme tell you, none of them describe it as pleasant. As a matter of fact, most describe it like their whole body was suddenly on fire and an elephant was stepping on their chest. Does that sound painless?
If you kill someone, then turn around and revive them, leaving no harm... Have you really murdered that person?

Set aside this isn't a true story for a moment. Suppose it is real.

That wouldn't be a murder, it would be a demonstration of power.
I have a bathtub and a defibrillator if you wanna put it to the test.
We don't have to assume, many people have survived cardiac arrest, and lemme tell you, none of them describe it as pleasant. As a matter of fact, most describe it like their whole body was suddenly on fire and an elephant was stepping on their chest. Does that sound painless?
A natural cardiac arrest from a medical condition might and probably would be from a simple super natural cessation of ones heart.

And who can't sort out complex arguments?
So you don't believe in God but you believe in the biblical conception of when a fetus becomes a baby? Way to cherry pick your beliefs! Not that i should be surprised, you haven't really shown any previous ability to sort rational arguments from garbage ones.
I dont get any of my ideas from the bible. But coincidence may happen. Any common beliefs I share with the bible are merely coincidence.
In full context that isn't even close to what I said.
Actually what you specifically said, in context, was that sex with 10 years olds is only wrong because we as a society decided they can't give consent, and if we decided they could give consent then sex with a 10 year old would absolutely be okay.
We only call sex with a 10 year old bad and make it illegal on the basis that a 10 year old can not consent. Can you not imagine a society that did not have this legal constraint?

If the consent of the 10 year old is deemd to be valid, then what is wrong with him or her consenting to it?
Yup. That is you explaining why sex with a 10 year old could be okay. Your only qualification is that the 10 year old is willing, because in your view there is nothing inherently wrong with fucking a child, it's just a societal notion that has been forced upon us. You would fit right in at a NAMBLA meeting.