Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

Blacks are genetically predisposed to aggressive/violent actions. Many people say the high crime rates in the hood are because of racism and prejudice in our society, but that doesnt explain why they are more violent EVERYWHERE, even in their native countries, where they arent even close to a minority or discriminated against. Course this isnt PC to discuss, but there are studies on it if you do a little research.

is your research by jared taylor and phillipe rushton?

not only are you a homophobic pussy, you are a racist coward as well.
I tore NLSX a new one in that Trayvon Martin thread and told him how he lived and how he came to his opinions. Ive since then moved down to the South and see how people like him live everyday. Isolation, ignorance, greed and a lack of diversity are what mold him.

As impressed with yourself as you are, did it change reality one bit?
It was not a mistrial.

Hold your breath....

The " justice" system blows in this country..that pussy is lucky I wasn't on that jury..I'd have convinced those shitkickers in Florida to vote guilty..Casey Anthony too. That little whore would be doing 30 to life if I was on that jury...its very easy to mislead dumb fucks who show up for jury duty if you are a decent defense lawyer.
The " justice" system blows in this country..that pussy is lucky I wasn't on that jury..I'd have convinced those shitkickers in Florida to vote guilty..Casey Anthony too. That little whore would be doing 30 to life if I was on that jury...its very easy to mislead dumb fucks who show up for jury duty if you are a decent defense lawyer.
Jury wanted to convict him on Manslaughter but didn't have that option

When they started looking at the law, the person who initially wanted second-degree murder changed her vote to manslaughter, the juror said. Then they asked for clarification from the judge and went over it again and again. B37 said some jurors wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of something, but there was just no place to go based on the law.

CBS News legal analyst Jack Ford said Florida's rules on finding someone guilty of manslaughter are "confusing." He also stated that the Zimmerman jury's initial split vote is quite normal.
Jury wanted to convict him on Manslaughter but didn't have that option

When they started looking at the law, the person who initially wanted second-degree murder changed her vote to manslaughter, the juror said. Then they asked for clarification from the judge and went over it again and again. B37 said some jurors wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of something, but there was just no place to go based on the law.

CBS News legal analyst Jack Ford said Florida's rules on finding someone guilty of manslaughter are "confusing." He also stated that the Zimmerman jury's initial split vote is quite normal.

I thought manslaughter was the appropriate charge, Florida is fucked up..that whole stand your ground thing has resulted in a giant mess.
@nlsxk1 Listening to your pathetic reasoning show what kind of person you are. Congratulations on making 50k a year with your own business but you bitch more about your money than the kids I manage working 2 jobs to feed their kids. Are you that cheap or greedy that your whole political outlook and decency towards others is swayed by what $1000? Ive made more money than you and gladly paid more to see kids in NYC get the chance to go to one of the best public schools in the country. Those taxes help to keep poor kids fed until they can get an education and contribute. God you're a shitty person.