Why has nobody tried this


Too many brownies
Me and my buddies were just talking about going out in the forest...and building a huge moat which would make a little island. then we would get alligators to live in it....nobody would go near the garden. We then have a secret way of getting onto this island to harvest the plants...it would be perfect. I think I might have to move to the island during the grow...build myself a hammock.


Well-Known Member
that would be insaily hard to make, and would draw quite a bit of susspicion... especialy with aligators out of their natural habitat :P


Well-Known Member
haha, tricky bastard!!!, you can probably find a place similar to youre discription nearby, already there :)


Well-Known Member
When you buy an island, its not owned, its more like a long term lease from whatever
goverment.Still would be under the rules of that goverment.-like buying a condo.

A huge boat, like the size of a small state, yeah that's the ticket-Ive already thought this out long ago.
lol thoe I like the moat idea too.


Well-Known Member
ever see that dude on ropplies believe it or not, that made a nice sized island out of old plastic bottles, and he just floats around, he has a shack on it, and plants, I'm sure he had some pot growing :), and animals, like chickens, and a dog, and some other stuff :P
it was pretty cool... and cheeper than a real island or boat :P:


Too many brownies
ever see that dude on ropplies believe it or not, that made a nice sized island out of old plastic bottles, and he just floats around, he has a shack on it, and plants, I'm sure he had some pot growing :), and animals, like chickens, and a dog, and some other stuff :P
it was pretty cool... and cheeper than a real island or boat :P:



Well-Known Member
haha lets go for it why worry about the popo's when we can harvest wild grown bud and no ilegal ramifications lol


Well-Known Member
No....lets all get together....and form an army somewhere in south america and take over a city....and grow all the weed we need.
I hate fuckin bugs, count me out...aint enough cans of OFF in the world to keep god knows what from crawlin on me at night.
I'm chilin right here.

The biggest army in the world couldnt shut the american goverment down.
The only real tool to use against the system is not the system itself.what is the hart of the monster? Money,are tax money!no money no honey.The system known as the federal goverment and all other branches would fall to its knees.Kinda like the writers in hollywood, we go on strike intill we have somekind of writen reform(a deal) and then we go back to work(pay taxes)


Well-Known Member
Yes but it would have to be in international waters....I bet this could get expensive....
When has America ever cared about the laws and soverignty of other countries? We claim we do but in reality we do stuff like withold foreign aid to get others to comply with our wishes. They would prolly send government agents to raid and destroy your crops anyways. The constitution is no more than an idea politicians throw around to get better public opinions.


Well-Known Member
somone made a thead about "how do you start a country" and I found the answer, but after the thread died :P
all you have to do is be recognized by other countries as a country... its hard to do that tho... USA didnt recogonze china as a country for a long ass time, so acordng to us... it was just a place with... nonchinese people?