Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)


I've seen other buds that were a lot more crystally and lighter green...it has some white to it also. here's a pic of my bud, i almost think when i bought "white widow" seeds, I didnt actually get that strain.

Any ideas what I might be able to do or if you notice the strain, that'd be dope. thanks!:peace:

edit: i should mention the flash of my camera might of lit it up too much... the bud is actually a darker green. hope it gives you all an idea though :)



Well-Known Member
White Widow isn't actually white. lol The large amount of trichs it tends to get before harvest gives it it's name.


Active Member
White widow is at least what i have seen is orange or goldish and only 12-15% thc at most waste of a grow room there are much better plants to grow than that shit!!!


there a a few possible resons why your white widow isn't white in appearance meaning buncha trichs so here they are 1 you aren't actually growing white widow your growing something tot different many seed companys tell you ur getting one thing and give you another it may also be a white widow cross meaning the mom was widow and they dont know what the dad was either because of rouge pollen or didnt label plants and males are hard to tell difference in strains in .......reason 2 is that your used to seeing outdoor widow and your growing indoor with hps dont get me wrong hps will give you plenty of trichs but the blue really helps pack on thc there is blue outside not alot outta hps thou maybe none


White Widow isn't actually white. lol The large amount of trichs it tends to get before harvest gives it it's name.
Thankyou! Thats what I thought this whole time but all my friends have been bitching. Someone im helping refuses to let it flower for a full 8 weeks....and ive had some buddies say it was a little immature. Can that extra week from 7-8 weeks help? Is there any huge negative effects that may happen after 8 weeks? I feel a little bit longer would only help that much more, but i dont want it to rot. thanks again guys :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, its probably a little premature. Tell your friend (as nice as you can) that he should STFU and let it go 8 weeks. Most strains take at LEAST 8 weeks to finish flowering.

You can tell when a plant is ripe to be picked my checking out the trichromes (crystals) with a 30x microscope. They will be clear if they are not ready, turn milky white/cloudy at their peak (give em the chop), and they will turn an amber color when the THC is beginning to degrade in the plant itself (give em the chop).


Thannks statik. I'm still working on it. I'm trying to show him what you guys are saying but he still will only let them flower for 7 weeks. Stubborn bastard. How imparaitive is that extra week? The way I see it is there is a lot that I can get done in seven days, so I dont see why a plant couldn't continue to finish off in seven days. wish me luck. Im the only fucking person making sales for him afterall, and not getting any of the cut. I'd like to have a word in the grow proccess :\

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
The last week or two of the plants life is when it uses all of it's stored energy in a last ditch effort to get pollintated. The last week or so usually adds like 20% of the weight and adds a lot of the thc as the trichs mature. Also if your not flushing it it's going to taste like crap and burn improperly the last weeks are the most important of all really your friend is cheating himself and all of those who smoke it.


The peak harvest point is in a window of five to seven days. A week earlier could move you out of this range. It looks premature to me too.


flushingt it by not using chemicals and whatnot right? he uses water towards the end, but all the chemicals were organic anyway. so it should work out. sounds like i finfally got him to let them go a full 8 weeks. jesus, that was like pulling teeth


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I was just doing some reading around (thanks google) and sounds like WW can go for 10 weeks n/p. Like I said, you are looking for the trichs to star changing color. When the majority are cloudy, and a portion are amber your plants are peaked out and degrading. Tell your friend that is the best way to be sure your grow is done, and if he doubts it...he should try looking it up sometime.

Good luck.


Interesting, I was just doing some reading around (thanks google) and sounds like WW can go for 10 weeks n/p. Like I said, you are looking for the trichs to star changing color. When the majority are cloudy, and a portion are amber your plants are peaked out and degrading. Tell your friend that is the best way to be sure your grow is done, and if he doubts it...he should try looking it up sometime.

Good luck.

christ, were looking at ten weeks now? I'll see what I can do as far as that. I'm going to try to show him this thread.. see if he might be interested in 10 weeks. 8 weeks was really rtough tyo get him to agree on though hahahah

thanks again for all the info. you guys are the shit :clap:

Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
my white widow took 10 weeks... that last week is very imparative... i heard a saying in RIU that goes if your absolutely sure its ready let it go another week :)


my white widow took 10 weeks... that last week is very imparative... i heard a saying in RIU that goes if your absolutely sure its ready let it go another week :)
what happens if it goes too long? my friend was convinced that going over 7 weeks would be too long because it starts to rot. maybe if im able to give him a time that it will start to rot it'd ease his mind. i'll take a look at the tricomes when 8 weeks comes around though


Well-Known Member
what happens if it goes too long? my friend was convinced that going over 7 weeks would be too long because it starts to rot. maybe if im able to give him a time that it will start to rot it'd ease his mind. i'll take a look at the tricomes when 8 weeks comes around though
It isn't gonna rot if it goes too long, lol. The THC will start to degrade, and eventually the plant would die - but that would take much, much longer than the extra week or two flowering. Here's the deal - when you harvest the bud, you wanna look at the whole picture, not just one thing. The age of the strain in question, and how long it's "known" to flower for, the appearance of the pistils, overall appearance of the bud, and the trichs. The trichs tell the last chapter of the story - once they hit peak ripeness, you have about a one week window to harvest. Harvesting later won't make the bud magically rot though - it'll just start degrading the THC.
I, too have been guilty of harvesting too early. Take a look at these two buds, from my last harvest. One is TrainWreck (with the lighter), the other Moby Dick. But the Moby Dick is finished, and the TW isn't - I pulled it too early. See the difference? Finished buds just look done.



Well-Known Member
I grow widow and sometimes have a couple of plants that give buds that are not covered with the trichs and they dont even smell the same; however the fool that stated that the weed isnt good must be tripping as its very good. If you dont see the white snow on the buds by week 3 then your not going to, it doesnt magically show in the last week or two it shows all the way, After drying thought it looks no different that your pic its while growing as mentioned that you see how "white" the buds are. Sounds like yours isnt coming out this way, dont give up grow another and dont clone the one you have. I dont really have a clear pic of all the trichs but definitly let them go longer than 7 weeks, widows looks ready after 5 weeks but its going to swell much more in last two weeks. The smoke is just so good that even very early it gives nice buzz.


If you dont see the white snow on the buds by week 3 then your not going to, it doesnt magically show in the last week or two it shows all the way, After drying thought it looks no different that your pic its while growing as mentioned that you see how "white" the buds are. Sounds like yours isnt coming out this way, dont give up grow another and dont clone the one you have. I dont really have a clear pic of all the trichs but definitly let them go longer than 7 weeks, widows looks ready after 5 weeks but its going to swell much more in last two weeks. The smoke is just so good that even very early it gives nice buzz.[/QUOTE]
uh bullshit white widow is fucking frosty as fuck when grown right and dried it appears almost like someone threw baby powder on your ganja your doing something wrong or you dont got the original ww or you dont have widow at all and its passing for that if i sent you a pic of ww that has been grown right you'll love it its not a easy plant to get to its full potential but when it reaches it there arent to many sativa's that can compete with potency and not too many strains period with the trichs i REPEAT THAT IF YOU HAVE WW DRIED IT SHOULD APPEAR WHITE

