Why have more kids?


Well-Known Member
I love kids, I don't have any children myself but Ive previously coached childrens sports for 10 years and I still can't understand why the Human population is growing out of control. I know it's a natural process which takes place weather you like it or not but I also know for a fact that there are practical measures that one can take to help control of the population.

I realize most of you thrive off skepticism, for some of you that is the only social skill that you have but I'm not writing this thread to debate or even relay something that you don't already know, I'm writing this thread for the other species' we share this great plane with.

I can't help but think that everytime someone has a kid they are essentially inviting another being to watch the degradation of the natural world and in my opinion to force another being into this reality is akin to torture and it is most depraved. Ask yourself why.....

Look, I know that I can't spell well and some of my patterns of thought may not sit well with you but be that as it may, I'm regarded highly for my unique opinion by people of greater fame than likely most of you.

But like I was saying before, ask yourself why evolution has givin us the sensation of orgasm, why did we develope a fuel to Mate? If mating was symbiotic with nature than we wouldn't need the orgasm high. It would just happen naturally like most other animals who don't need an orgasm high.

So why have more kids? It's not too late to make a difference. We can save many great species from extinction by falling back.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, i know why i am not having any more kids.

i cant afford them and i already have a full head of gray hair and i am not even 30...


Well-Known Member
I blame safety caps, child door locks, killing of wild animals.

we need to throw in a greater balance of letting the dumb ones die.

ahhh timmy ran out into the road and was hit by a car, Hoooray, gene pool just got more exclusive.

As george carlin said, everyone wants to believe in evolution these days no one wants to apply it to people.


Well-Known Member
The poor and uneducated tend to have more children. Children provide for the parents.

Educated and affluent people tend to have less children. Parents provide for the children.

Which is why civilized cultures eventually become overrun by hordes of horny, unlettered barbarians. It's inevitable.


Well-Known Member
No kids here and no plans to have them. They cost too much.
well i must say one or two arent to bad because when you get old you have someone to help you pick good nursing homes and not just what ever some random person picks for you


Well-Known Member
But like I was saying before, ask yourself why evolution has givin us the sensation of orgasm, why did we develope a fuel to Mate? If mating was symbiotic with nature than we wouldn't need the orgasm high. It would just happen naturally like most other animals who don't need an orgasm high.
Your logic is so flawed it is laughable. I would love to see the list of people with "greater fame" that regard you with ANY esteem.

Other animals have orgasms. Do YOURSELF a favor and EDUCATE yourself before you paint with broad strokes.

I'll be brief:
The goal of ALL species is to maximize their numbers to ensure the survival of the species. If we were to be more "natural" (like you say) we would have A LOT MORE UNPROTECTED SEX, with MORE partners, MORE often. Currently; without the birth control of SOCIAL NORMS you would be squirting off your baby batter into any willing host without regards for location, financial support, the confines of marriage, the social stigma of babies being born out of wedlock to a parent with multiple fathers, or with partners that are not socially attractive (fat, ugly, stupid).

I will agree with you that as the human population increases the world will become less "natural." The world cannot support the human population with wild fruits, vegetables, animals. Out intelligence has allowed us to cultivate agriculture, raise livestock; and that intelligence has allowed us to exceed the natural limit of our population. Not only are we able to survive but we are fat from all of the excess food. As long as we can adaquatly feed ourselves you will see babies being born.


From age 1-18 the average kid costs over $200,000 to raise... theres no reason have a kid at all. If you do, you better not be a fucking moron who's not financially comfortable.

I blame the stupid fucking kids who can't wrap their dick or learn to pull out. I blame the stupid bitches who purposely get pregnant to stay in "love" with someone or to get a check every month. I blame people for the stupidity we have nowadays.


dolphins have the sensation of orgasms im pretty sure
I think the actually study was that they're the only other species, besides humans, who reproduce for strictly pleasure. A lot of shit orgasms hahaha.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses before I forget. It gives me a lot to research and think about and I'm sorry that a certain poster had to embarrass themselves in order to get their ignorant point accross.


Well-Known Member
i read a fact today that for every 1 person dying on earth (every 1.3333 seconds i think) 3 are born...

our growth is spiraling out of control and there wont be enough resources for everyone if this carries on

EDIT - just realised how selfish that sounds because people r already suffering in other countries.


Well-Known Member
i read a fact today that for every 1 person dying on earth (every 1.3333 seconds i think) 3 are born...

our growth is spiraling out of control and there wont be enough resources for everyone if this carries on

EDIT - just realised how selfish that sounds because people r already suffering in other countries.
I completely agree. My friend (whom is one of the people who WILL remain NAMELESS!) was telling me that if the rate of hunan procreation stays stedy, in 750 years there is only going to be 10 feet for every individual on Earth.

That is just unacceptable IMO......TEN feet! Think about it.....
lol reminds me of that woman in the news a few mnths ago that had all those kids and was still on welfare or w/e.. She got artificially inseminated and had like 8 kids or something.. She now has like a dozen and cant even support 1.. I cant remember the name or anything.

Big P

Well-Known Member
actually guys the population of the world will begin declining for the first time in the next 100 years

most modern countries are declining

and for the original poster your logic it compleatly flawed unless you plan to kill yourself today.

if you are not ready to kill yourself right now then I submit you would rather live than be dead

and if this is the case for you. Who are you to say that a newborn will not feel the same way as you do?

everything will be gone one day either way. you seem to want it all to end now. Im more of the reasoning of: hey instead of stopping and letting us all die now. lets just wait till everything runs out.

its like if you are a kid at a sleepover. u are having so much fun and you know soon you will have to go back home and the fun will be over. Does that mean you would of rather never have gone to your friends house for a sleepover in the first place?

the only reason the world is sad is because it is so nice to be alive and you cannot live forever.

if it aint just kill yourself and let somone else get your spot.

when I die I will be ready because I know that I die for good reason. To make room for my beautiful children. Just like my parents did for me. I thank them for having me.