Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Why do blacks get in to college with very low scores?
Why must People with a Asian heritage have much
higher score than blacks to be excepted to most good universities?

Why is there a much lower violent crime rate
amongst poor Asian or Irish Americans than blacks?

Why is this thread composed solely of radical left wing liberals?

When were Asians and or Irish Americans denied the right to vote?
When did Irish Americans and Asians have to go to an all Irish /Asian school ??
Did they fail to assimilate or do they just refuse to salves ever again?

Reminds me of this old video. Black people got a problem.

Lol, rick Ross did not invent crack.. people have been smoking freebase long before rick Ross..

His version of freebase was known as crack or rock. He came up with the hardening of the base to make it easier to sell/ transport.

So he did invent crack or at least the most well known version
His version of freebase was known as crack or rock. He came up with the hardening of the base to make it easier to sell/ transport.

So he did invent crack or at least the most well known version

Freebase hardens on its own. Crack is just a cheaper version of freebase
When were Asians and or Irish Americans denied the right to vote?
When did Irish Americans and Asians have to go to an all Irish /Asian school ??

Asian Americans have been disenfranchised by discriminatory laws that denied citizenship to Asian immigrants and rendered them ineligible to vote. It was not until 1943 that Chinese Americans were first permitted to become citizens. For Asian Indians, it was 1946. For Japanese Americans and other Asian Americans, that right did not come until 1952.

In 1971, Justice William Douglas revealed that "Brown v. Board of Education was not written for Blacks alone...." [SUP]4[/SUP] Instead the Court explained that the segregation of Chinese Americans from the California public school system "was the classic case of de jure segregation involved in Brown v. Board of Education ...." [SUP]5[/SUP]

source lexus nexus

Thank you for answering the question with a question.
Why do blacks get in to college with very low scores?
Why must People with a Asian heritage have much
higher score than blacks to be excepted to most good universities?

Why is there a much lower violent crime rate
amongst poor Asian or Irish Americans than blacks?

Why must liberals always make excuses?

Why are most Americans tired of these excuses and why are the race
baiters ...Jackson Sharpton etc etc now looked down upon by so many?
Why do blacks get in to college with very low scores?
Why must People with a Asian heritage have much
higher score than blacks to be excepted to most good universities?

Why is there a much lower violent crime rate
amongst poor Asian or Irish Americans than blacks?

Why must liberals always make excuses?

Why are most Americans tired of these excuses and why are the race
baiters ...Jackson Sharpton etc etc now looked down upon by so many?

and there it is.
and there it is.

The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

This entire OP, is racist. You assume no assimilation. And, you state that as a fact. SOPHISTRY>

It might even be OK, if you proposed a single study to back this up.

Else you are simply race baiting.
Rick Ross invented crack not the CIA, they just brought in the cocaine.

I told ya. Geo. Bush, Sr. CIA flooded the inner cities with cocanie to feed the growing swell of Rock smoking. They used the profits for black deeds and the strategic play was to keep the brothers down.

And for all you little Walter Whites out there. Using a free base, (I used baking soda) to return a salt from it's ionic form, HCL in this case, is just simple chemistry. No one invented that.

You think you have a name, but that doesn't matter. The point is the CIA created the War on Drugs in the Alpha Quadrant. And it was directed against Islamic Jihad, Black Power. Smoking crack made us think of other things to smoke.......Meth? Oh...YES.

Meth we can make now in a soda bottle with a couple of pieces from a lithium battery, and Cold Meds. And it doesn't need the free base. Just melts right down. Thanks CIA for teaching us to smoke powders. It is all a big plot.
His version of freebase was known as crack or rock. He came up with the hardening of the base to make it easier to sell/ transport.

So he did invent crack or at least the most well known version

LOL..Ricky "freeway" Ross was a distribute of cocaine and crack using the gangs called Crips and Bloods... he did not invent it. His ties will lead to the Iran -Contra scandal, which seems always to be swept under the rug. If you are looking for blame of crack and its destruction of people... blame the Reagan admin. and the CIA
Freebase hardens on its own. Crack is just a cheaper version of freebase

I thought it was the same thing, but cut somehow. The method produces a hard precipitate in water, that tends to clump into rocks. But, I guess I can say, I don't know the first thing about crack. I have never even see it. I do see these $10 rock pieces they bust to be ridiculously large!

That would be a full 1/8 oz or $300 - $400 worth of 80% Cocaine. So, crack might be cocaine adulterated with something else that melts.
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

It's the teabaggers, man. The teabaggers.
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