Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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So you believe in evolution enough to note difference in geographic regions yet you declare that it only happens from the neck down. I don't think it's racist to believe the possibility that some regions depended on intelligence for survival while others relied more on strength or speed. I think when world wide test scores by any of the groups that do testing, show that Asians excel compared to other races, it's not racist to admit this.
but it is racist to think one race is allegedly smarter than another (or genetic hubris at best)... if certain regional people are so much smarter, how come the assorted races didn't make rockets for 190,000 yrs but now all of a sudden these races claim brain superiority for technological advances in the last 100-300yrs....

Asians excel because culturally they place an emphasis on education, that's it, period...same goes for jews and some other cultures...yes, evolution is mostly neck down because climate demands are mostly neck down (climate made the different races, nothing else)...we have only been outta caves and shit 10,000 years, not enough time for Asians to become calculus wizards.... but yeah, the last 200000 years might have helps make extremities smaller (per climate) or people hairier, taller or whatever...
and BTW, I was in a multi racial school/community...you definetley saw more blacks playing ball than Asians playing ball, or for the most part doing ANY extracurricular activity besides studying..so I think there is your answer, not evolution (NTM a superior culture/family structure)


Well-Known Member
If black people did not have the same genetic potential as other races, there would be no black geniuses. The very fact that there are such phenotypes proves that social factors are to blame for inequity observed in testing.



Well-Known Member
wow thats a really clever veiled ad hominem which while implying im racist, fails UTTERLY to refute the above stated facts.
I refuted your argument and you are racist. Did you know that the cranium of a neanderthal is larger than yours by 200 cubic centimeters?

That's a lot of buck shot.


Well-Known Member
hitler's aryan myth had NOTHING to do with actual Aryans, further, the nords are not aryans in any way, not genetically, not culturally, and not "racially"

hitler's attempt to craft a Wager Based National Mythology was in no way scientific, logical or sensible, it was CRAZY.

nords are predominantly Haplogroup I1, a group which is not common in india, or the orient.
I stand corrected. I should not have said genetically.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Slavery predates the use of currency, written law, monotheism and quite possibly use of the wheel. It is impossible to prove that anyone invented it. Therefore to accept what you suggest as fact is not only unnecessary to this discussion, it is just wrong. However there exists abundant evidence that slavery existed in many other parts of the world and throughout history long predating the Atlantic slave trade.

Furthermore, when someone sells a slave to someone else, two people are involved in enslavement. It was not the Africans who sold other Africans to white people that created demand for slaves. It was the white people demanding slaves who created demand for slaves.
How right you are. All of us are born slaves. We are property. We are put to work, at least I was. Then we gain our freedom, but we don't. We carry the slave mark with us.

Our pre-verbal, and tribal indoctrination. Then as the yeti knows. We become slaves to society and slaves to our job, to our spouses and mortgage. And then until very recently, we'd buy more slaves.

Rome had slaves.
India and China keep slaves long before Islam

According to Reuters, India is still big into slaves

Here is the shortest poem int the world.

Adam had 'em.


Well-Known Member
but it is racist to think one race is allegedly smarter than another (or genetic hubris at best)... if certain regional people are so much smarter, how come the assorted races didn't make rockets for 190,000 yrs but now all of a sudden these races claim brain superiority for technological advances in the last 100-300yrs....

Asians excel because culturally they place an emphasis on education, that's it, period...same goes for jews and some other cultures...yes, evolution is mostly neck down because climate demands are mostly neck down (climate made the different races, nothing else)...we have only been outta caves and shit 10,000 years, not enough time for Asians to become calculus wizards.... but yeah, the last 200000 years might have helps make extremities smaller (per climate) or people hairier, taller or whatever...
and BTW, I was in a multi racial school/community...you definetley saw more blacks playing ball than Asians playing ball, or for the most part doing ANY extracurricular activity besides studying..so I think there is your answer, not evolution (NTM a superior culture/family structure)
Black people in America have had very limited exposure to higher education. As I've cited, up until recently, within 40 years, there have been universities that straight out would not accept black people. If black culture emphasized education as much as white or asian culture, you'd see similar scores on tests. People like KKKynes blame the lack of education black people have received on black people, and only black people.

The white people who have run the universities for centuries are completely guiltless in disallowing black people from attending, and white politicians are completely blameless for doing nothing to prevent discrimination. :roll:

The instant the civil right movement happened, every single black person should have stop fearing white people, (even though racism was still extremely prevalent) given up their established culture, given up on every tradition they were allowed to keep, and started going to universities, just like white people. KKKYnes will agree, black people only have themselves to blame for their culture. :roll:

Just like black tribal leaders in Africa created the demand for slaves in the new world. Must have been some crazy voodoo they were using to make all those white people demand more, and more slaves..... Must have been even crazier voodoo that made the white slave owners work their slaves so hard they just dropped dead. But again, must have been black peoples fault somehow. :roll:

Black people weren't allowed to vote, were treated sub-human, segregated, beat, lynched, killed, spat on, etc., etc., but gee-willakers the second white people 'allowed' black people a few privileges, they should have forgotten the previous 300 years, and embraced white culture with open arms. :roll:


Well-Known Member
How right you are. All of us are born slaves. We are property.
You have a tendency to do this and I hate it. You say you agree with me, then immediately demonstrate that you do not. I could not more emphatically disagree with the underlined statements. Take your meds.


Well-Known Member
Black people in America have had very limited exposure to higher education. As I've cited, up until recently, within 40 years, there have been universities that straight out would not accept black people. If black culture emphasized education as much as white or asian culture, you'd see similar scores on tests. People like KKKynes blame the lack of education black people have received on black people, and only black people.

The white people who have run the universities for centuries are completely guiltless in disallowing black people from attending, and white politicians are completely blameless for doing nothing to prevent discrimination. :roll:

The instant the civil right movement happened, every single black person should have stop fearing white people, (even though racism was still extremely prevalent) given up their established culture, given up on every tradition they were allowed to keep, and started going to universities, just like white people. KKKYnes will agree, black people only have themselves to blame for their culture. :roll:

Just like black tribal leaders in Africa created the demand for slaves in the new world. Must have been some crazy voodoo they were using to make all those white people demand more, and more slaves..... Must have been even crazier voodoo that made the white slave owners work their slaves so hard they just dropped dead. But again, must have been black peoples fault somehow. :roll:

Black people weren't allowed to vote, were treated sub-human, segregated, beat, lynched, killed, spat on, etc., etc., but gee-willakers the second white people 'allowed' black people a few privileges, they should have forgotten the previous 300 years, and embraced white culture with open arms. :roll:
I agree.

However, I don't think Affirmative Action is the solution to education inequality. I think that schools are ready to treat people equally and the law ought to as well. As you say, the real problem was inequality, and the solution is equality.

I say make all education free to everyone equally and especially extend financial options to anyone who needs it, regardless of phenotypical traits. At this point, the problem is SES. Ethnic lines do not conform to class lines as much as they used to, but the only reason such lines appear to exist is economic inequality in general. It was not many generations ago that a class of slaves was bought and sold in the US. The path to racial equality is just equality.


Well-Known Member
You have a tendency to do this and I hate it. You say you agree with me, then immediately demonstrate that you do not. I could not more emphatically disagree with the underlined statements. Take your meds.
No. I agree with you. Or who cares? When we choose to be disageeable...oh whatever.

My discussion point is that the slave is the child. Vast workings have always need more than the children.
Without the concept of wages and jobs, the only thing we knew was Position.

And the position of a child with task master parents, is very little different from well kept slaves.

Maybe you were raised cushy. I was not. So, without an ability to talk, move or fed and clean ourselves, we begin the slave of family/society indoctrination against our will. Actually and technically.... what will, right?

And it does not take your agreement. I think we agree. Sorry, Not.


Well-Known Member
No. I agree with you. Or who cares? When we choose to be disageeable...oh whatever.

My discussion point is that the slave is the child. Vast workings have always need more than the children.
Without the concept of wages and jobs, the only thing we knew was Position.

And the position of a child with task master parents, is very little different from well kept slaves.

Maybe you were raised cushy. I was not. So, without an ability to talk, move or fed and clean ourselves, we begin the slave of family/society indoctrination against our will. Actually and technically.... what will, right?

And it does not take your agreement. I think we agree. Sorry, Not.
Nobody is born a slave, nor are they born a christian, nor are they born geniuses or rulers. Inequality is bequeathed, never innate.


Well-Known Member
I agree.

However, I don't think Affirmative Action is the solution to education inequality. I think that schools are ready to treat people equally and the law ought to as well. As you say, the real problem was inequality, and the solution is equality.

I say make all education free to everyone equally and especially extend financial options to anyone who needs it, regardless of phenotypical traits. At this point, the problem is SES. Ethnic lines do not conform to class lines as much as they used to, but the only reason such lines appear to exist is economic inequality in general. It was not many generations ago that a class of slaves was bought and sold in the US. The path to racial equality is just equality.
I believe in equal opportunity, which is much closer to fruition than it was in the past. I also believe the best person for the job should be hired, regardless of skin color.

The problem is that white people are disproportionately better equipped to do a lot of jobs. Asking 'why are black people disproportionately less qualified for good jobs?' is where we need to start, and it goes deep into their culture and how their culture came to be. It takes some very dark twists, through some dark times, but there is an explanation.


Active Member

  • I agree.

    However, I don't think Affirmative Action is the solution to education inequality. I think that schools are ready to treat people equally and the law ought to as well. As you say, the real problem was inequality, and the solution is equality.

Affirmative action is not only an insult, but stupid: starve/hold back one race to the advantage of another...whites/asians/whomever have just as much rights to jobs and education.....sure, they (whites) have inherited advantages, but that's not the fault of the current generation.... I hate affirmative action to the core.... IMHO the "push back" and collateral damage from it is a net negative anyway...it lowers the perception of black/minorities as opposed to the net image from the 1000-2000 minority doctorates, engineers it helps ....why can't we actually punish racist behavior? why can't we raise expectations as opposed to lowering them...I say throw the babies in the pool and make all of them them swim to the edge...


Well-Known Member
Affirmative action is not only an insult, but stupid: starve/hold back one race to the advantage of another...whites/asians/whomever have just as much rights to jobs and education.....sure, they (whites) have inherited advantages, but that's not the fault of the current generation.... I hate affirmative action to the core.... IMHO the "push back" and collateral damage from it is a net negative anyway...it lowers the perception of black/minorities as opposed to the net image from the 1000-2000 minority doctorates, engineers it helps ....why can't we actually punish racist behavior? why can't we raise expectations as opposed to lowering them...I say throw the babies in the pool and make all of them them swim to the edge...
Lost me at the end there lol ;)
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