Why I do not do LSD


Well-Known Member
lol you guys should quit taking lsd and stay up for days on tweek. seeing lil men run acrossed your house on the floor and trying to catch them was fun as hell....Edit: hallucinations by sleep deprivation (not so good)


Well-Known Member

I take issue with the statement "knowledge will set you free." What JC actually said was, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31,32). So the truth sets us free, not mere knowledge.

What that means is that tree you refer to doesn't "become a tree" once our mind accepts it as such. The tree is a tree, and we can recognize that truth or deny it. There is truth to be found, especially with regards to Christ, and the truth can and will set you free if you find it.

Like so much of the Scripture, taking one verse out of context often ends in mis-interpretation. "Do not judge" did not mean to never tell anyone what the truth is. Jesus Himself commanded his disciples to preach the truth throughout the world. Rather that statement was made in the context of the religious leaders and hypocrite pastors of his day who made up truth so they could have power over others. We are not to judge based on our own truth, but only based on the truth God has revealed. That way God remains the judge, and we are only his mouthpiece. In that case, we, ourselves, are not the judges.

If I'm being an asshole, just let me know and I'll shut the fuck up.
Hi Jsn, I just noticed some activity here. I think you are missing my point a bit, but I would love to talk some more later, I have to go to work. Have to.... ,lol! See the irony's of life!

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have had my own similar experiences with regards to gamblers post i will not attempt to put into words what i mean as rarely am i in a state articulate enough to reinterate what i would like to explain. but believe me there is more going on than can be seen and realized while still being able to deal with every day life. the mind can only do so much at any given time. for me spiritual awareness comes in waves sometimes seperated by years of time that is why i feel hallucinagen use can be helpfull every 10 years or so to remind you of what you intrinsically know already but unfortunetly gets hidden under all the mental clutter that makes up our concius mind and daily lives. very few gifted individuals can understand and stay in a state of true awareness for any length of time and still function. as far as main stream religion or atheism i feel both are equally at a loss for the truth. it seems to me religion kills as many people if not more than it saves and its folowers can easily be manipulated into supporting evil things. if you know your history it is easy to see this has been going on since there were religions. look at the current state of things it is so very sad. forgive my poor spelling.


Well-Known Member
OK, I've got three major problems with this story.

First off you can't trip for a year. You could have caused a psychotic break but you weren't tripping.

Non-believers don't pray. Not even just in case. We don't believe, that's kinda the point. If you find yourself praying "just in case" then you aren't a non-believer. You're a believer that hasn't fully thrown off the shackles of religion.

Which leads to my final point. I don't want to harsh your buzz or anything but there's no imaginary creature living in the sky who loves you but will burn you in a lake of fire for all of eternity if you piss him off. It's just an old superstition that keeps getting passed forward because it's profitable and it's difficult for people to admit everything they believe in is a lie.

You see this often in victims of fraud. They WANT to believe so badly and they've already given the con man their life savings so it HAS to be true. Even when the cops tell them they have been scammed they refuse to believe it. Same thing with religion.
i concur. The faithful really need to sit down, and THINK about what they believe in. shit happens thas all there is to it no supreme being is guiding you through life. i have huge problems with the catholic church after coming from private catholic school but im not even gonna get into that i could go on forever


Well-Known Member
i concur. The faithful really need to sit down, and THINK about what they believe in. shit happens thas all there is to it no supreme being is guiding you through life. i have huge problems with the catholic church after coming from private catholic school but im not even gonna get into that i could go on forever
In simple terms...yeah. The world was flat, Jesus is Christ, Jonah lived in a whale for 3 days, Noah built and ark large enough for 2 of every animal, moses parted the Red Sea, theirs a guy in the sky guiding everything, Santa Claus brings presents to every boy and girl, the easter bunny brings eggs, and the tooth fairy money, just because you believe it doesn't make it reality.

Do any of these sound more ridiculous than the others? I don't see how. I don't see why people are blind to see that christianity in particular is RIDICULOUS and the followers delusional. If you still believed in all of the other BS that you were sold and you were the only adult to believe the tooth fairy was real wouldn't you be a bit delusional?

How is it not delusional to believe these other cockamamie stories, but the most ridiculous, most outrageous of them all is still followed? Absolute malarky that unfortunately has lead to the deaths of millions and the suffering of far more. If there was a God, he would certainly be the most evil being around and we would need to kill him to protect ourselves. Worship him and be his slave, this mysterious MONSTER in the sky who doesn't exist?