Why I like Sarah Palin ...

John McCain Contributors:

Merrill Lynch $298,413
Citigroup Inc $269,251
Morgan Stanley $233,272
Goldman Sachs $208,395
JPMorgan Chase & Co $179,975
AT&T Inc $174,487
Blank Rome LLP $150,426 (Corporate Lawyers)
Credit Suisse Group $150,025
Greenberg Traurig LLP $146,787
UBS AG $140,165
PricewaterhouseCoopers $140,120
US Government $137,617
Bank of America $129,475
Wachovia Corp $122,846
Lehman Brothers $117,500
FedEx Corp $113,453
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250 (Corporate Lawyers)
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
Pinnacle West Capital $97,700
Dave it would seem that More finacial special interests are backing McCain.
Now does that make it seem as though McCain is going to do anything about the mess in the financial sector? You know, like regulate it?
Not on your life.
Dave it would seem that More finacial special interests are backing McCain.
Now does that make it seem as though McCain is going to do anything about the mess in the financial sector? You know, like regulate it?
Not on your life.
You mean the McCain that is personal friends w/ Phil Gramm (co-author of the bill that got us into this mess)? You mean the McCain that is personal friends w/ Charles Keating of the Savings and Loan scandal? You can't honestly believe that just because I'm critical of Obama that I'm throwing my hat in the ring for McCain, do you? The McCain that voted in favor of increasing the federal deficit and the very same McCain that has just proposed the creation of more federal bureacracy to "supposedly FIX" the mess we're in now.

So to honestly answer your question....no...he won't fix it. But neither will Obama.