Yes, yes we can.
I've already gone through extensive lengths on these boards to prove this point... You can check my posting history for a plethora of sourced information.
BTW the government does not waste money as people have said in this thread. The government goes through the same decision proccess to determine return on investment as everyone else.
here is an explanation of the thought process they use. Looks like the same kinds of questions businesses ask... They look at costs and benefits in terms of dollars, social impact, potential future savings, optimum productivity levels...
For example, The Washington State WIC program reports that 80%($127 million a year) of it's funds go towards groceries for mothers and children - boosting demand and thusly, the local economy. Furthermore, this program supports 1,000 jobs in Washington.
On top of that,
Much of these potential costs would likely be pushed onto the taxpayer (so WIC saves money in this respect).
Literally every single government agency and program is held to strict standards in terms of efficiency. Otherwise, they are ripe for defunding... To think all government spending is waste is idiocy at best - blantant partisanship at worst, considering if they were truly as wasteful as the Republicans would have you believe they'd have no problem justifying their removal (hint: they cant justify jack shit).