Why is grandaddy purple so scarce?

I got some Genius Granddaddy Apollo 11x GDP from Greenpoint Seeds.. smoking on it now.. all taste is the purp in it!!! I’m hoping to find it again in this pack!!
Been looking for the high yielding granddoggy purp.
Man that was a helluva strain! Rock hard baseball like nuggets. She was purple too. Still have some old ass 8 year old granddoggy purp seeds but if they are anything like the last 20 seeds that are also 7+ years I tried to pop they ain't gonna make it.
Ive been to several dispensaries throughout the united states plus local farmers, ive notce i can rarely find GDP. Ten years ago GDP was everywhere now im lucky to find it in the bay if i search. I assume GDP has been crossed, reinvented, and renamed. But even the hybrids rarely retain the grapey skunky terpene profiles. Why is GDP so scarce?? Even the OG farmers i know dont do outdoor crops of it anymore. I understand people grow what is popular and what consumers want. Im just confused why i can't find it as easily
maybe cause i got like 500 seeds of it ;)