Why is it doing this ???????????


Well-Known Member
In vegatitative growth you could probably get away with 2 23W per plant.. One per plant perhaps if they're clones and you're only vegging them for a week or so.. Its not ideal, but sufficient.. For flowering on the otherhand you'd want alot more than that.. And best results by far will come from 42W cfls or larger which aren't really common, and more money.. And I'd want 2-4 of those per plant or more..
When all is said and done you'd probably spend more on cfls to adequately flower 4 plants than you would on a 70-150W hps or MH security light from electrical or lighting supply houses like where contractors would go.. Check your yellow pages, for $60 or less you might find yourself the proud owner of an HID that will create more light, and less heat per watt..


Well-Known Member
you have some kind of pest in your plant. try getting a wet sponge and scrape it off gently. it wont make it go away but will contain the situation


Well-Known Member
i dont get why i would need more light for flowering when if it was natural(in the wild) it would flower with less light (further away from the sun and less of uv rays)


Well-Known Member
And you're better off vegging with up to about 1000W/sqft like the sun puts out.. Flowering is when we really want performance at its peak though..


New Member
i dont get why i would need more light for flowering when if it was natural(in the wild) it would flower with less light (further away from the sun and less of uv rays)

Maybe you should ask your parents to explain it. "Hey mom and dad, will my pot plant grow better with a reptile heat lamp or the rays of the sun?"

I'm thinking science class is the place for you.


Junior Creatologist
thripiddy dooooo dahhhhh thripiddy ayyyyyyyyyye my oh my you got bugz on your hayyyyyyy .....

As far as your lights go, if you got the space n not alot of cash , just go grab a couple 4ft GE propagation bulbs. i think they are called F40 Plant n Aquarium Lights for Promotion of Flowering or Blooming Indoor Plants. Just add a pair of those to your current light setup, and you should be ready for flowering. Nothing too special, but every little extra bit of lighting helps man, and they are cheapish too. 6 bucks a bulb, plus 12 bucks for the stainless fixture with the reflective skirt included. Thats what i ended up doin just the other day, and since i picked that up n added it to my 3 CFLs that i already got my babies tanning under, every night they grow either out or up another 2-3 inches every night. Also, maybe try n get a bigger pot to plant it in - can never really hurt givin your roots room to breathe, lol. If u cant afford it, just tell moms n pops to put it on their plastic. Just explain to them that if they pay for a nice huge setup for you, in a few months you could be helping them out with a steady extra income in the house, with minimal effort, just alotta love. Im sure theyll understand :fire:


Well-Known Member
i already talked to my mom bout growin she said no because cops would be knockin on the door cause of the power spike i told her not gonna happen then she said nothin so its chill for me to grow in a way lol but do any of you know a quick way to suspend lights in a 3ft.Hx1ft.Lx14in.W closet without using duct tape cause i used duct tape to suspend another light from the top and a half hour later i came back and the light fell down on to one of my plants and killed it. basically asking for any ideas for suspending another light in a cheap home made way


Well-Known Member
That would depend on what you have to work with.. It really shouldn't be that tough.. I hate to be a dick, but if you can't hang lights safely, then you really have no business growing indoors regardless of what your mom says..


Well-Known Member
yea i thought bout it and i might build a stand out of wood and have the light tied to the top with rope or string maybe even this crazy strong green wire i got might work lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
How old are you?
i already talked to my mom bout growin she said no because cops would be knockin on the door cause of the power spike i told her not gonna happen then she said nothin so its chill for me to grow in a way lol but do any of you know a quick way to suspend lights in a 3ft.Hx1ft.Lx14in.W closet without using duct tape cause i used duct tape to suspend another light from the top and a half hour later i came back and the light fell down on to one of my plants and killed it. basically asking for any ideas for suspending another light in a cheap home made way


Well-Known Member
For flowering its just as important how many cfl's you have as how many watts.. 4-8 42 W would be decent.. Remember, cfl's are less effective than hps, and ppl use atleast 150W of that in most situations.. Thats for a respectable yield though, you can put less on them but will get much less off of them..