Why is it dying?


New Member
This is my first grow and I didn't want to overwater so I only misted every 3 days and put it in my cfl grow box. temps at 81 degrees. I put it in perlite because no water was draining when I watered it and figured the soil I have has poor drainage. That's why it's in perlite.


Well-Known Member
too dry perlite on top will not do no harm at all infact it can help keep the plant drying out too fast ,
give it some low nutes.because its that dry add the water slow to centre around stem or the water will run of around the
edge of the pot water properly then allow to dry then repeat but dont let it get this dry again too much stress.
I would take this youngster out of this soil and mix a decent mix of shop bought soil and mix the perlite in with it rather than the way you done it it will pick up


Well-Known Member
that desert sand looks shit dude, get some free draining potting mix for tomatoes or something like fox farms premix, I make my own but it has like 10 ingrediants,as above said mix some perlite through to help drainage, water it don't mist it, start low on nutes and gradually work up.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, every experienced grower on this forum avoids fertilizing young plants like this one.

Misting instead of watering is an odd choice. The pot has a drain hole, right? Use it. Misting the leaves, in combination with high temps (you said 81 deg.) and being too close to the light may have caused scalding or whatever it's called.

Did you get that horrific looking soil from your back yard? I know they say it's a weed, but the reality is young plants are fragile and it's impossible to treat them too well.

Do you have any idea of pH? Your water and your soil?

Are you using tap water right out of the faucet? By law, all but a handful of municipal water systems in the U.S. have to disinfect. That means chlorine and chlorine by-products are in your water. Chlorine and CBP are NOT good for plants. Especially young plants.