Why is life so cruel?


Well-Known Member
I've been looking for some LSD for a while now to trip on again, and once it comes around, it's only going to be sold in sheets, ONLY. Can't a man get two hits of acid? I don't wanna blow a few hundred bucks and get a sheet, screw that.I dont have that money. And same with shrooms now to, selling ozs ONLY.

God damnit.:cry:

I wish I had a blunt :joint:

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I've been looking for some LSD for a while now to trip on again, and once it comes around, it's only going to be sold in sheets, ONLY. Can't a man get two hits of acid? I don't wanna blow a few hundred bucks and get a sheet, screw that.I dont have that money. And same with shrooms now to, selling ozs ONLY.

God damnit.:cry:

I wish I had a blunt :joint:
wow ..hahaha... so u think life is cruel .. cuz u can only get acid in sheet form ????


Well-Known Member
wow ..hahaha... so u think life is cruel .. cuz u can only get acid in sheet form ????
No, life isn't completely cruel. Just frustrated. And the fact that I'm being offered sheets of acid is awesome. The fact that I can't afford them, and can't get anything cheaper is rather cruel though.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
No, life isn't completely cruel. Just frustrated. And the fact that I'm being offered sheets of acid is awesome. The fact that I can't afford them, and can't get anything cheaper is rather cruel though.
lol... maybe thats life telling you to stop buying that shit and doing it..


Well-Known Member
Stop? i've only done it once. Im in college, I cant and wouldnt do it all time. Just wanna celebrate labor day weekend lol

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
lol....if the only way to celebrate is by only with acid or shrooms.. then get on your grind and get that money... u dont grind u dont shine.. you dont shine u get left behind...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why you guys are raggin on Nirv. You're in a hallucinagenic subforum that is here to discuss psychedelics in an informative and educational manner. Why are you simply telling him to stop without anything to support your 'advice'? If you have something to actually contribute to the topic of dealers not selling him anything less than a damn sheet of LSD, then say it. To me, that seems pretty shitty also. Probably 90% of the population aren't interested in a sheet either; just what they want for the immediate future. And obviously tripping isn't his only way of celebrating. He explained that. And he's definitley not claiming that his life is total shit cuz he can't score a bit of acid. Clearly, he's a little PO'd, and I would be too.


Well-Known Member
Why not get some buddies to go in on a sheet with you and then you each split it up. Or convince someone you know who sells to buy one and flip it on the street in hits since if no one can get it in anything other than sheets people should snap up the hits of acid he's selling very fast since its so hard to get, and since you were the one who let him know about the opportunity see if you cant get him to give you a small finder fee's or at least sell you some for very cheap. Thats how it works around my area with our etiquette/s about "doing business."


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why you guys are raggin on Nirv. You're in a hallucinagenic subforum that is here to discuss psychedelics in an informative and educational manner. Why are you simply telling him to stop without anything to support your 'advice'? If you have something to actually contribute to the topic of dealers not selling him anything less than a damn sheet of LSD, then say it. To me, that seems pretty shitty also. Probably 90% of the population aren't interested in a sheet either; just what they want for the immediate future. And obviously tripping isn't his only way of celebrating. He explained that. And he's definitley not claiming that his life is total shit cuz he can't score a bit of acid. Clearly, he's a little PO'd, and I would be too.
Thats whats up CaZZaBiZ haha, took the words right out of my mouth. Luckily, I did get some hits, and they are supposed to be pretty strong. Since I only did one the first time I wanted 2, but the recommended that I only get 1 cause he took 2 and tripped harder than her did on a quarter of shrooms. Obviously he could be bullshiting, but I doubt it. I got 2 just in case though, never hurts to have an extra hit for sometime :blsmoke:

Why not get some buddies to go in on a sheet with you and then you each split it up. Or convince someone you know who sells to buy one and flip it on the street in hits since if no one can get it in anything other than sheets people should snap up the hits of acid he's selling very fast since its so hard to get, and since you were the one who let him know about the opportunity see if you cant get him to give you a small finder fee's or at least sell you some for very cheap. Thats how it works around my area with our etiquette/s about "doing business."
I actually did get a friend to get a sheet before I could get hits, so maybe I can get more haha


your lucky you can even get acid at all but thats cool that you got a couple hits. i would get a sheet if i knew it was legit cus you can keep it forever


Active Member
I've been looking for some LSD for a while now to trip on again, and once it comes around, it's only going to be sold in sheets, ONLY. Can't a man get two hits of acid? I don't wanna blow a few hundred bucks and get a sheet, screw that.I dont have that money. And same with shrooms now to, selling ozs ONLY.

God damnit.:cry:

I wish I had a blunt :joint:
consider yourself lucky. the town i live in psychedelics are hard to come by until recently. lot of ecstasy but not really sure if you consider that a psychedelic. only time it seems like shrooms or acid are around is when a friend or a friend of a friend brings some from a college town nearby. every time acid has been around it's very limited. it wasnt until recently a few months ago that i seen a steady supply of acid around. blotter papers and they're weak, or at least i thought it was. and $20 - $25 a hit outrageous. not worth it. however recently a friend of a friend got some liquid they have been putting on sour patch kids. im told they put about 2 hits worth on each once, although i know a hit is hard to judge and can greatly vary. $20 a piece for whats supposed to be 2 hits. they're so confident that you will trip hard, and if you don't they will refund your money. damn cool people. hard to come by that these days.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Wow 20-25$ for one hit is outrageous! Im guessing you live up in the U.P. right? I have family that live up their, ive been up their more times then i can remember and have never been able to even find herb..

Thats cool of your friend to give the money back if they dont trip hard, and 10$ a hit isnt bad at all..


Active Member
Wow 20-25$ for one hit is outrageous! Im guessing you live up in the U.P. right? I have family that live up their, ive been up their more times then i can remember and have never been able to even find herb..

Thats cool of your friend to give the money back if they dont trip hard, and 10$ a hit isnt bad at all..
the UP is HUGE for weed but has jacked up prices compared to the cities. the town garden is well known to have some killer outdoor grown shit. not sure what strains it actually is but years ago everyone just called it garden green. i've heard of a lot of people from far away states actually getting weed from garden. back in the day 5-10 years ago it was only $30 - $35 a bag, now it's $50-$60. marquette is actually has always been a shitty town for weed. prices have always been jacked way up. cocaine seems to be the drug of choice. glad i dont live there, but im not too far away. mi has medical cards tho now so all those guerrilla farmers in garden are going to have competition. dont ever go there to search for and steal plants tho. some of these people are fucking crazy and live like red necks. they literally will shoot at people if they trespass by there plants. lot of places in the woods to hide a body and some of these people dont care. if u ever come in the area send me a pm. maybe i'll find a tree or something in a park where a joint or bud will accidentally fall out of my pocket and i can pm you the coordinates. i actually travel in the area a lot. i go around on call for maintenance, almost anything that needs to be fixed or setup; computers, cars, electronics, thermostats, swimming pools, landscaping/lawn care, grow rooms for disabled medical patients, you name it... people like me cause i work for cheap and do to the exact detail or what they want.