Why is marijuana illegal?


Well-Known Member
There was a big anti-marijuana crusade back in the 1930s when millionaires such as Hearst & Dupont considered hemp to be an economic threat to their pulp mills (hemp is cheaper, more durable & saves more trees).

Today, I suspect that it may be the big pharmaceutical companies that are so against marijuana. Because it can be used for such a wide range of ailments & can be grown so cheaply, it's considered a threat to drug manufacturers because they would lose money.


Well-Known Member
Its banned in my country, due to an old law dating back to when henry the 8th was the reigning king of england.

It is believed his trepid explorers, returned from south africa with two new discoverys, a black man and some quality herb.

After a few months of smoking bowls with his new friend the black man, he bacame lazy, and bored with the blackman, and decided to start bitching the blackman about, getting him munchies and shit. Some say this is also where slaverey began.

Anyway he smoked too much of the shit, and stoped going to church on a sunday and shit, Then decided to try wipe out christianity, and also chopped his 7 wives heads off!

I think its cos he got fat why they banned it tho :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it is reported that shakespear was a regular opium user. Found traces in his pipe. A good read which i would recommend is Confessions of an english opium eater, true events in the life of a oung scholar and writer, excellent.
A little off the topic but good none the less.