Why is Marijuana illegal?

Does that mean if I have read it its not a good book. Hey come on man. sit down here a minute, you wanna hit this. you bring up some good points that show you have been paying attention and have done some research. You established your prop's. Won't do you any good though if you end up attacking folks, especailly those trying to defend you. Whats up man someone step on your douce bag? Break your mirror? chill dude. Please.
But that doesn't mean I like you.
Does that mean if I have read it its not a good book. Hey come on man. sit down here a minute, you wanna hit this. you bring up some good points that show you have been paying attention and have done some research. You established your prop's. Won't do you any good though if you end up attacking folks, especailly those trying to defend you. Whats up man someone step on your douce bag? Break your mirror? chill dude. Please.
But that doesn't mean I like you.

must be heymo again huh? i have him on ignore so.........:peace: :joint: :joint:
Does that mean if I have read it its not a good book. Hey come on man. sit down here a minute, you wanna hit this. you bring up some good points that show you have been paying attention and have done some research. You established your prop's. Won't do you any good though if you end up attacking folks, especailly those trying to defend you. Whats up man someone step on your douce bag? Break your mirror? chill dude. Please.
But that doesn't mean I like you.

how am i not being chill??you sound like a tweaker..1st of all i dont care if you like me you dont have 2 keep tellin me and 2nd who did i attack and who the fuck was defending me??i never saw that shit.
My opinion----For one, they cant tax it. All these grow ops, secret stashs....

For two, it makes smokers a whole NEW criminal class, created out of people that have done nothing wrong to themselves,society,or anyone else...and the government is $BANKING$ on it.

for 3,ah, fuck, i forget. it was my best one though :(
im invisable...why doesnt one of you google it..your on the INTERNET..fun of fun,faq's and lots on info!!lol...losers

and not to state the obvious or anything..but you probably would have gotten alot nicer response had you not added "losers" to the end of that.:?
and not to state the obvious or anything..but you probably would have gotten alot nicer response had you not added "losers" to the end of that.:?

yea your probably right there pokey but it gets peoples attention..besides everyones STILL trying to figure it out and ive answered it twice..couple people havent wrote back cuz they know that:)
Reminds me of what my drivers ed teacher said back in 64. "He was right, dead right, as he speed along but now he is just as dead as if he were wrong" But that doen't mean I DON'T LIKE You.... yet.
Reminds me of what my drivers ed teacher said back in 64. "He was right, dead right, as he speed along but now he is just as dead as if he were wrong" But that doen't mean I DON'T LIKE You.... yet.
sameday vic..people always end up liking me even tho im an ass i dont speak unless i know what im saying and you can prolly bet ill always have an attitude when i say it..but your a cool guy there friend..no worries.
One of the reasons reefer is illegal is that hemp is such a cheap and usefull plant. You can make food, fibers (ropes, clothes and stuff like that), liquor, "plastic" without oil in it and even a substitute for oil. The fuel made from hemp is a 100 times less poluting than any fossil fuel (and a lot cheaper). The oil companys considered this a threat to their buissness and spread the idea that cannabis rotts your brain and should be made illegal. Cannabis is also so easy to grow, and the country can't put any taxes on things you grow in your back yard or whatever.

please forgive the spelling... I'm Icelandic.:hump::joint:
One of the reasons reefer is illegal is that hemp is such a cheap and usefull plant. You can make food, fibers (ropes, clothes and stuff like that), liquor, "plastic" without oil in it and even a substitute for oil. The fuel made from hemp is a 100 times less poluting than any fossil fuel (and a lot cheaper). The oil companys considered this a threat to their buissness and spread the idea that cannabis rotts your brain and should be made illegal. Cannabis is also so easy to grow, and the country can't put any taxes on things you grow in your back yard or whatever.

please forgive the spelling... I'm Icelandic.:hump::joint:

icelandic bitches are hot too you get alot of ass out there or u in the states?
thanks educated.

i got off my lazy ass! went out to the room and reached over to the book shelf. OK i'm just lazy and i forget a lot. but i've been refreshed. this is from Mel Franks' Marijuana Growers' Guide, i'll try to sum it up.

a book by Michael Aldrich states- mexican laborers,southern blacks and subjugated Filipinos were the only ones using it. Racist Politicians (yep) created the insanity, lust, crime and violence myth. it grew into hysteria by the next generation and spread across the globe.

"IT'S ALL POLITICS, from day one, created by the USA and spread worldwide."

there. a simple complete one sentence answer that generally sums it up.:peace: :joint: :joint:
I'm pretty sure its because of unemployment rates. If weed was legalized, all of the hundreds of thousands of people in prison for pot possession, would need to be released. Doing so would flood the job market with these people. It would also reduce many government jobs like prison guards, DEA, Lawyers, etc etc.

Reducing the black market like this would also directly impact crime rates, reducing the number of 'criminals' that police can arrest. Police would no longer be able to steal your house and car by claiming it was bought with 'weed money' which would also cut the police's funding.

Overall, i think politicians know that legalizing marijuana would cause their record to reflect that Unemployment rates spiked during their service, and that would give their opponents good ammunition against them.
1. Harry Anslinger's fear campains. 2. William Randolph Hurst, DuPont Chemicals and big pharma $$$ 3. Complete ignorance 4. Governments make more money keeping cannabis illegal getting paid from both sides, the war on drugs and trafficking in drugs.