why is my bud purple??


Active Member
Day 43 skunk#1 in soiless mix under a 400w. Should i start flushing tommorow or give it nutes? I want to flush for 2wks and it takes about 3-4 days for the soil to dry out during normal waterings.

i was gonna go for 65-68 days but now im thinking more towards 58 -60 days. Any opinions?



Well-Known Member
if it was me, i wouldn't harvest till they looked ready to harvest no matter what day it was
all those hairs need to start to darken and recede into the bud
and.or you could check trichs
i like them all cloudy


Active Member
if it was me, i wouldn't harvest till they looked ready to harvest no matter what day it was
all those hairs need to start to darken and recede into the bud
and.or you could check trichs
i like them all cloudy
great but i want to flush - you didnt answer my question.. should i start flushing for 2 weeks?

Man o' the green

Active Member
They seem to be yellowing a bit early, maybe they aren't getting enough nutes. I would hold off on the flushing if that's the case.


Active Member
Day 43 skunk#1 in soiless mix under a 400w. Should i start flushing tommorow or give it nutes? I want to flush for 2wks and it takes about 3-4 days for the soil to dry out during normal waterings.

i was gonna go for 65-68 days but now im thinking more towards 58 -60 days. Any opinions?
i would start flushing for 2wks when red hairs cover bout half of tha bud, and when tha hair curl up into tha bud then start to flush, peace:blsmoke:


Active Member
well i clipped what i thought was a small bud and trimmed and dried it in the microwave.. i could hear it crying the bud was so dense! i got 2 joints and some leftovers.

Anyways - i smoked it and i must say the high was excellent long lasting, i could sit and chill or wander around town this skunk#1. This was day 45 - the site says 45-55 days for the harvest (so im gonna chop another small bud at 55). Im gonna let it go until about 65-70 - will the high be the same?


Active Member
it should only get better with time, alot of people say they always add atleast 1 week to whatever it says, another fellow grower says no matter what the strain he wont chop prior to 10 weeks if he's outdoors

i clipped some off a sativa at like 7 weeks and then again at 9 and it made me feel foolish that i had clipped so early the first time....and its still got another couple weeks b4 its finished, cold temps and purp buddage


Well-Known Member
No the high won't be the same skunk is an indica, the longer it sits there the more it is going to kick you to the couch.

I would say that about 65 days would be good.

Flushing is also dependent on your watering style, if you water til a lot of run off forms it is going to take a lot of nutrients with it.

I think you should cut back your nutes atleast and if you have some carb product still give them that.

If you do it right the plant will have next to no sugar/starches left to energize at the end. If you starve too late you end up with roots sending starch to the buds as you are harvesting.


Active Member
Day 48 - im just watering with water and 1 -1.5T molasses/gal. Seems to be working fine. any comments?

4" clone:

Other 2 plants ( only one shown):



Well-Known Member
Take off all the damaged leaves. ALL OF THEM.

Plants generally waste energy trying to repair, as a grower you should be saying FUCK THAT SHIT! You need to keep your pimp hand strong and make those bitches grow you yo money!

Also that one little bush is having its saw edges turn up, this should be being corrected by flushing already but if this is still going on be a little more generous with the water.


Active Member
Take off all the damaged leaves. ALL OF THEM.

Plants generally waste energy trying to repair, as a grower you should be saying FUCK THAT SHIT! You need to keep your pimp hand strong and make those bitches grow you yo money!

Also that one little bush is having its saw edges turn up, this should be being corrected by flushing already but if this is still going on be a little more generous with the water.

So i should chop the yellowing leaves? and whats wrong with the small one?


Well-Known Member
Yellowing leaves serve a purpose still they are used to store toxins that are building up in the plant as the rest of the plant focuses on budding.

Take off those ugly mottled ones that look brown and burnt to hell.

In picture number three, the middle most one out of the 5. Some of the saw edges on the leaf are turning upwards which I find usually is due to salt build up.

You are flushing however now so this should be pretty much fine.

For the last week give them just fresh ph adjusted water.


Active Member
Ok il trim of the brown leaves. I harvested some of the mid sized branches that had the most orangy/brown hairs. To see how well i can trim and to see how well they dry. Plus il have some smoke for harvest day. Il get some updates with my progress around day 55!


Active Member
Here is a pic of my harvested buds - 2nd day drying @ 67F 50RH. They smell awesome - i thought they were supposed to smell like grass cuttings? anyways..

about 68g wet. so 40 or so grams without the stems. so maybe 5 or 6 grams dried?

Oh forgot to mention - some of the buds on 1 plant are getting a purple tinge to the leaves coming out of the colas. I thought it was the cold but none of the others are - not even the one by the fan.. Any reasons for this?


Active Member
Thats at least a quarter and up, but the buds look awesome.

But my thing is, molasses generally add a weird taste to the buds from what i heard....what do you guys think? is that from overdosing?


Active Member
Thats at least a quarter and up, but the buds look awesome.

But my thing is, molasses generally add a weird taste to the buds from what i heard....what do you guys think? is that from overdosing?
Thanks for the input. Im gonna give it 2 more waterings with molasses 1 with a bit of karma then straight water for the last week then 3 days dark.. But il let you know about the taste.