who told you the leaves made the type of strain? Apicture and I'm sure it can be identified? I was taught that indica leaves are thicker leaves and sativa leaves are skinnier now with hybrids not sure but it should show one dominance or other. Dirrty hope this helps you.
Finger count can go up to 13 or 15, doesn't matter whether it's a sativa, indica, ruderalis, or afghan (if you'd consider that a strain). Yours is more sativa than anything. That plant shouldn't really be rootbound in that size container, looks good.
that's definitely a hybrid, possibly indica dominant, possibly sativa dominant, can't tell anymore with hybrids . . . some hybrids have been hybridized so well that they look like indica dom h ybrids but they grow sativa dom buds!
try to get something with a 2-1-3 ratio, or something around that will do just fine. water soluble nutes . . . . start off small and slowly work your way up as it gets bigger. watch for nute burns and deficiencies.
lol unless your walmart has an epic gardening section, you're likely only to find shitty ass miracle grow nutrients . . . . keep a look out for brands like Expert Gardener, Shultz, and etc. make sure they have all the macronutrients (you'll see this on the back of the box . . . )
when you find something post the details here and I'll let you konw if it's good or not.
nutrients will go from anywhere to 4 to 12 dollars . . .. depending on the size, and quality.