Why is my plant dying?

I think you and Wattzzup are both right. I think she's suffering from calmag and overwatering
Calmag is not an issue. It’s a nutrient.

It’s too early fro cal def in that medium. You may have overwatered or ph is off locking it out.
Maxsisun PB4000 LED
So you will most likely need some cal mag in your feed schedule. Hopefully you have a chart to follow. Your MGB plus cal mag should be enough. I don’t think you need the other stuff and it may cause issues. Unless this stuff is on your chart also.
So you will most likely need some cal mag in your feed schedule. Hopefully you have a chart to follow. Your MGB plus cal mag should be enough. I don’t think you need the other stuff and it may cause issues. Unless this stuff is on your chart also.
Thank you so much for your help! I'll probably be asking for more from you in the future if that's okay lol