Why is my plant turning yella? pic


Well-Known Member
1.jpg2 1/2 weeks just transplantedinto bigger pots. Just fed them tonight. i have 5 plants, 3 indica 2 sativa. Only the indica have this same lower leaf turning yellow and continuing to do so as i watch it. I have GH floro performance pack this is the 2nd time using the nutes and using 1/4 strength. The leaf was yellow before transplant. Using RO just got my calMag and mixed it with this feeding. Yellowing continues to get worse since the watering but its only on those first leaves. Nube here, sorry.


Well-Known Member
I also did Ph tests tonight. soil is aprox6.5. the nutes were 4 so i adjusted the ph with GH up and down to aprox6.3, lol no digi here just estimating based on what i see.


Well-Known Member
NM it is getting better since i watered it, the green is returning to the bottom leaves. But i would like to know what it might have been? Calmag?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Agree, but the issue wasn't nute burn (that I could see).
And I doubt the problem is a Cal/Mag def that early in life - ph would be more suspect on my list.

BTW, how exactly did you come up with your PH # ?


Well-Known Member
The leaves look like they were resting on/in the soil...that will yellow them out...plant looks good though

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
What kind of medium mix are you using? Some pre mixes have fert added to them and should be avoided if possible. But yea, a seedling will need no nutes first 30 days and Cal/Mag is usually an issue later into the grow if at all.


Well-Known Member
I used GH ph drops for testing PH. And I have fed them twice with nutes and no nute burn. I used 1/8 the strenght on the box for drain to waste chart, def not nute burn because the leaves started to regain some of the green almost immediately. It was be because the were touching the soil. My soil in a mix of majestic earth and organic promix, no added fertilizers. I'm gonna test the ph of my soil when I get home and see what that is. The organic promix had a ph of 5.5-6 out of the bag.


Well-Known Member
And why not feed em the first month? I would think that using nutes very sparingly, 1/8 to 1/4 normal strength would help the plants acclimate to the nutes. They seemed to love the girst time I fed them. And the yellow got a little better, and no signs of any nute burn from yhe feeding last night.


Well-Known Member
I will also note I am battling low humidity, constantly drops to 20% I'm running a humidifier when the lights are on but I refill it twice a day to keep the humidity between 30-40%


Well-Known Member
Sorry to tell you but once it's yellow it doesn't "get better" but if you helped it shouldn't get worse...


Well-Known Member
Your right it didn't get better, I just got more stoned. And I figured since I'm using soil doing nothing is prolly better than overreacting. Its not that bad the plant look really good overall. Oh well, I guess ill just wait and see. Just normal watering(once or twice a week). Maybe thats the problem. I didn't have a ph tester when I mixed nutes the first time and even though I know I mixed them really weak. I didn't test the overall ph, and this time when I mixed nutes the overall ph was about 4.5. I used ph up by GH and got it to about 6.3. So maybe this is the results of the watering I did earlier that might have locked out some nutes. Since then I have fimmed and transplanted. Just gonna leave them alone for the next two weeks, let the soil dry and give em a good soak of RO water.


Well-Known Member
And like I said before everything had been the same for all 5 plants and only the indicas look like they are having any issues.