Why is Racism Bad?


Well-Known Member
You can thank the Jews for racism. Ironic when WWII rolled around.

Edith Sanders cited the Babylonian Talmud, which divides mankind between the three sons of Noah, stating that "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates."
1. Black/white racism isn't the only Racism.

2. Most Black/White racism doesn't come from reading the Bible. As most Christians DO NOT READ IT even once in their lives.


Well-Known Member
1. Black/white racism isn't the only Racism.

2. Most Black/White racism doesn't come from reading the Bible. As most Christians DO NOT READ IT even once in their lives.

Im not saying that it is the only racism today but it was the first one recorded. so everything evolved from there.


Well-Known Member
I disagree, I'd submit it stems from ignorance and stupidity.
Ok, but about a people and culture who were brought over here, when and why?

Slavery is when we decided not to accept their culture, and racism now (in America) is basically a wish/tip of the hat to wanting to be in a position to make calls like that again.


Well-Known Member
Im not saying that it is the only racism today but it was the first one recorded. so everything evolved from there.
No it's not. The Vedas have caused racism, and split people in Class' based on their families or background. People of "higher class" would take a bath when someone of "lower class" stepped on their shadow.
And India was doing things WAY before Israelites.


Well-Known Member
China was a giant war of races/familes for years and years, before Civilization really got going there.


Well-Known Member
In text .....................?
It doesn't have to be written down to be real.

You said that the Jews started it. And I disagree with you.

I will agree that they wrote it down yes. Not only Ham, but Caine himself had a "mark" for people to shun, and fear which is almost the very definition of racism from the racist perspective.

But they DID NOT start it, as you claimed.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't have to be written down to be real.

You said that the Jews started it. And I disagree with you.

I will agree that they wrote it down yes. Not only Ham, but Caine himself had a "mark" for people to shun, and fear which is almost the very definition of racism from the racist perspective.

But they DID NOT start it, as you claimed.

NO sorry i wasnt arguing there i was asking if there was text i could read.

I looked up some Indian history but myth goes back 8500 BCE what slice should i look at. I know that civilization had severe class separation but I though that farly late in the civilization


Well-Known Member
And if you're going to pick a section of Jewish tradition to call racist, why go with metaphors like you did?

Why not actually bring up the part where they say "Gentiles are no better than cattle". :dunce:

Total Head

Well-Known Member
racism is "bad" because it is based on the belief that there are superior and inferior races, which has yet to be scientifically proven, and never will be proven because superiority is a subjective concept.

on the other hand, the tendency to categorize and label things according to how different they are or how much of a threat we think they pose to is not inherently bad. it's the ignorance in applying these principles to every day life that makes it bad.

sometimes it is necessary for our survival to draw a line in the sand and say that this is "us" and that is "them", during times of war, for example. race is just the lazy shortcut we use to make that distinction. it hasn't worked out very well for us, and that is a big part of why it's "bad".

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You're not born with hate, hate is learned, it's taught. That's what makes it so disgusting, personally..

You were born with a clean slate, your parents taught you to hate, unfortunately.
I like you Padawan but you actually have nothing to say to contribute to a diagnosis of my initial reactions to coloured people as you were not present, do not and did not know myself or my parents or where I was raised or what kind of environment I grew up in...

I was not born with hate in my heart at all... I just for the first years of my life didn't even consider them people... I of course know differently now...

What makes you think everyone is born the same..?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I dont think anyone is born with hate for anyone .... i grew up in a black hood so i never saw blacks in a racists way .. we all grew up in the same shit , we all bled the same color at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
Racism is important. By pointing out the differences and then laughing at them, we will be able to further embrace the similarities we do have.

Shit, I picked my wife with racism in mind! I said,"Hmm...my ancestors are tiny warriors from an island. Her ancestors can dunk basketballs. Let's fuck!"


Well-Known Member
Here is the deal...I don't know if I am racist or not...but I do not like people that fit the bad side of their stereotypes.
And, do you know where stereotypes come from?----statistics...and they don't usually lie...
I will not dislike someone because of their color, but if they give me reason not to like them, then I will not like them...but after a while you start to see a pattern in your dealings with certain peoples....so you naturally come to your own conclusions...so don't act like a dick, you might be being your race's ambassador.


New Member
Racism hurts people's feelings. It hurts the person who is a victim. It also hurts people who are not victims - for example, my feelings were hurt when I witnessed racism. I don't like it

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Racism hurts people's feelings. It hurts the person who is a victim. It also hurts people who are not victims - for example, my feelings were hurt when I witnessed racism. I don't like it
Did you do anything when you witnessed the act of racism..?