• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Is The Jewish Community So Hated Throughout History?


Well-Known Member
I mentioned the Jewish belief that they are chosen race as something that pretty much wouldn't have helped the attitudes towards them. I agree that other religions think the same way however I think any minority group living in the confines of a majority owned state or region will experience similar hostile attitudes. Other religions or cultures that assimilate decrease this amount of hostility over generations. The Jews, although probably assimilating to a small degree, still maintained their cultural distance.
Yes, I already read your anti-Jewish rant. Because they won't assimilate and give up their beliefs, they get all of this hate. The thing you seem to misunderstand is that they assimilated perfectly, that was really the problem. You cannot separate Jewish culture from their religion and it's wrong to ask them to do so. They would learn the language, learn the local customs, participate in local business, be good neighbors. What more do you want? However when you're treated as a second class citizen everywhere you go, can you fault them for distrusting outsiders? A strong cultural and religious identity does not make them bad citizens or neighbors, it's bigots like you that do.
so who actually killed christ bc i was allways under the immpression that it was the jews that killed him, someone at somepoint in my life told me it was the roman catholics who did but the person who told me that is just as informed on this subject as i am which says alot..lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
like what?

matza ball soup rocks. hamantaschen is fucking awesome. pastrami sandwiches? don't mind if i do. love me some challah.

and i pity the man that dislikes bagels or latkes.

not saying you are anti semitic, just pointing out all our foods that i love.

i do not like charrosset, and do not blame anyone that does not like gefelte fish (although i am fine with them).
Yeah no doubt LOL i can kill deli food all day long! that one side dish called "spec" is dope with a pastrami sammy . Jews eat good!


Active Member
Yes, I already read your anti-Jewish rant. Because they won't assimilate and give up their beliefs, they get all of this hate. The thing you seem to misunderstand is that they assimilated perfectly, that was really the problem. You cannot separate Jewish culture from their religion and it's wrong to ask them to do so. They would learn the language, learn the local customs, participate in local business, be good neighbors. What more do you want? However when you're treated as a second class citizen everywhere you go, can you fault them for distrusting outsiders? A strong cultural and religious identity does not make them bad citizens or neighbors, it's bigots like you that do.
Well I hadn't written it to be an anti-Semitic rant so I apologize if I came across that way. I was attempting to answer the question of why the Jewish people have been "hated" in so many nations that they settled using as objective as possible terminology. I have Jewish friends who have pointed the very same concept up to me on several stoned days so a part of my argument is directly related what I have posted.

I actually agree that their lack of complete assimilation within many nations is the very reason why they have maintained their strong cultural and religious roots over centuries of space and time. Furthermore, this is an asset if one were to view it in a "sociocultural evolutionary" mindset in that it has allowed them to maintain a nationalistic cultural heritage over vast distances, separations, and history (at least past the last diaspora).


Active Member
They weren't exiled until after the death of Christ. How can you call that "throughout history?" The hate started well before that when Judah was a nation along with Israel. Why? Religious beliefs.
Their first exile was 700 years or so before the birth of Christ. While I admit that monotheistic/polytheistic schisms may have played a role in this hatred pre diaspora it's just as easy to view it common warfare between barbarous regions. When the Assyrians first expelled the Jews from Israel and Judah the Jews would eventually return and become a Roman land. The Romans ousted them around 100 AD after the Jews revolted. While the Romans were very much polytheistic and may have "hated" the Jews in their lands because they were monotheistic the Romans dealt with many God(s) in their lands. Egyptians, Germans, and Celts all had strange gods: Wouldn't they be equally hated for having different gods? Is the simple fact that it's 1 God versus many gods the factor? I don't think so. The Jews weren't especially hated in Roman times, they were just 1 group of many with strange God(s) and ways. The Jews then were ousted for the simple fact that *they* did not like Roman rule and rebelled against them.


Well-Known Member
To the OP, I think the simple and truest answer is that the Jewish Community has throughout history controlled a disproportionally large amount of the worlds wealth. People with less always hate on people with more.

(I believe the "scabby Jew" stereotype came from the fact the Jews were saving/amassing as much wealth as possible with a future view of purchasing their own country "Zion")

But nowadays I think they're mostly hated because of Israel's disgusting lack of regard for anyone but themselves. For example their treatment of the Palestinian people is a modern day holocaust without the camps (Modern day Israel is even called Palestine in THEIR Old Testiment!), their usage of Irish passports to assassinate people in Dubai shows a complete disregard for a neutral yet (once) sympathetic sovereign nation and even more so their massacre aboard an aid ship loaded with humanitarian supplies IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS (legally an act of murder and piracy).

These are all criminal acts that are taking place right now or have happened within the last 2 years, forget the Anti-Semetic bullshit, this is justified reason enough for "public opinion to be against them".
you have to remember..all religions or cults and thats what they all are effectively.....were made to make us feel "not alone" in this universe....indeed the story of jesus christ is basically an ancient story of the suns pattern in the sky....example the sun at a certain time of year in a certain part of the planet disaperes on the horizon for 3 days then starts to rise upwards on its normal path in the sky.....this is where the story of the crucifiction and resurection comes from......all storys and all believed by the masses to be true...a belief they take on board and live by...if that religion says they are greater than others...then this is what they believe and act accordingly which in time gathers resentment from others around them with their own beliefs...
All religions across the board suffer with hatred from all other religions everywhere...its mans inability to accept his own mortality and hope for something after this earthly realm...what that is...we'll find out.


Well-Known Member
you have to remember..all religions or cults and thats what they all are effectively.....were made to make us feel "not alone" in this universe....indeed the story of jesus christ is basically an ancient story of the suns pattern in the sky....example the sun at a certain time of year in a certain part of the planet disaperes on the horizon for 3 days then starts to rise upwards on its normal path in the sky.....this is where the story of the crucifiction and resurection comes from......all storys and all believed by the masses to be true...a belief they take on board and live by...if that religion says they are greater than others...then this is what they believe and act accordingly which in time gathers resentment from others around them with their own beliefs...
All religions across the board suffer with hatred from all other religions everywhere...its mans inability to accept his own mortality and hope for something after this earthly realm...what that is...we'll find out.
This is a better explanation of why the jews did not kill jesus. The virgin birth story has been recopied several times.


Active Member
In different times in history there was also disease that failed to plague the jewish community due to religious custom. Even when water was scarce the custom of ritualistic hand washing before eating kept the jewish peoples from getting hard hit from things like the black plague. People around them saw that they were not as affected by the plague so obviously they must have started it. Now with science we can look back and see that they were just cleaner than others.

Its also very hard to convert to judiasm. You cant just say "OK today I'm a jew" there is years of education and work required. Most other religions are out recruiting people to join probably for the 10% tithe to make the chruch stronger. This adds to the separatist look of the group but it seems more of a live and let live mentality. The people that come knocking on my door tell me that if I don't believe what they do I'm burning in hell and they want to sign me up today. It seems like the jews do their own thing and don't push beliefs on anyone else although they KNOW they are right just like EVERY other religion.

The whole saving money thing I think stems from having to pull up steaks and get the eff out of dodge at different times in history. Think about it, if you had to move quickly and had money in your pocket it would be no big deal. You could migrate and start new without much trouble. Think about it in todays terms, they say the AVERAGE person in the US has $9000 in debt. Back when there were no credit cards so we will say that back then you were just broke. If you were broke and had nothing to trade for food or good you were extra super screwed. If you are a renter living check to check with $9000 in debt today and something did happen you are fucked unless you had more plastic to get deeper in debt. If you had $9000 cash in your pocket you could go somewhere else where there was more work or living was cheaper or you had friends . etc. etc. Or you could stay put and weather the storm because of the backup. I think its a survivalist mentality if nothing else.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The so-called "saving money" had to do with Christian usury laws which prohibited the lending and borrowing of money. The Judeo tradition had no such laws. The Christians used them when it benefited them and murdered/exiled them when it didn't. Like when you need to pay back the loan and you don't want to so you start a pogrom or some silly rumor about blood libel.


Well-Known Member
I don't get the defensiveness over Encomium's posts. A minority keeping themselves separated culturally, and often having more financial success than the people around them who were already inclined to not like them for being different... seems reasonable. If Encomium said that they deserved what they got for being different, I'd agree that his remarks were anti semetic, but he didn't. He just offered an explanation.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't get the defensiveness over Encomium's posts. A minority keeping themselves separated culturally, and often having more financial success than the people around them who were already inclined to not like them for being different... seems reasonable. If Encomium said that they deserved what they got for being different, I'd agree that his remarks were anti semetic, but he didn't. He just offered an explanation.
I took umbrage at his "throughout history" claims. I think certain individuals have a history with Encomium and brought into this thread. ::shrug::


Well-Known Member
Jews are hated because people hate. A finger will be pointed one way or another to Jews or WHOEVER is best fit to be blamed in the times and trials. Really, I think everyone hates everyone no matter what. It def does not help when we have kept our own customs and beliefs even when they tried to remove us from it or remove us from this existence on earth! That can piss people off when repeated attempts seem to always fail.
To the OP, I think the simple and truest answer is that the Jewish Community has throughout history controlled a disproportionally large amount of the worlds wealth. People with less always hate on people with more.

(I believe the "scabby Jew" stereotype came from the fact the Jews were saving/amassing as much wealth as possible with a future view of purchasing their own country "Zion")

But nowadays I think they're mostly hated because of Israel's disgusting lack of regard for anyone but themselves. For example their treatment of the Palestinian people is a modern day holocaust without the camps (Modern day Israel is even called Palestine in THEIR Old Testiment!), their usage of Irish passports to assassinate people in Dubai shows a complete disregard for a neutral yet (once) sympathetic sovereign nation and even more so their massacre aboard an aid ship loaded with humanitarian supplies IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS (legally an act of murder and piracy).

These are all criminal acts that are taking place right now or have happened within the last 2 years, forget the Anti-Semetic bullshit, this is justified reason enough for "public opinion to be against them".
good answer for the modern day hate....i have heard about all of what you said and i do believe it to be true but this is whats going on now and my question was through out history but good answer


Well-Known Member
To be honest its a chicken and egg scenario I think. The Jewish people seem to always have had an "us against them" mentality, whether it was the hate from others that caused this; or whether it was this that caused the hatred...but either way it all seems to boil down to "us versus them".