Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

I live in a large city with a military base. When I first moved down here (to take care of a sick family member) everyone I met asked me why I would ever come down. The business I worked for wouldst rather have an admitted crackhead working there than an outsider. Its not "Christian" to turn your back on a recidivist thieving crackhead but its OK to chastise people for tattoos and weed.

Everything I've written here is true. Check my posts I don't post often and I wouldn't waste my time pecking all this shit out if I didnt have to vent all this incredible bullshit. My girls uncle is the preacher at the local church. I wanted to fit in as best I could so I went the first weekend we landed. He tells the story of a homeless guy he saw on the way in. He stopped bought the guy lunch and then bought him a ticket out of town. I guess that's Christian but that rings a little too "not in my backyard".
I got hired through a friend at a small business in the first small town we moved to. About a month into the job a homeless guy walks to the office. I was alone. He asked me for some change so I gave him a buck for breakfast. He starts chatting with me asking me do I know who I work for and that my boss is laundering money for the dope boys.

Really? that's what I walked into?
Yes and I've been all over the world. I was at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid and witnessed Spanish people booing and calling the black Colombian players monkeys. I still see big lipped caricatures on TV in South America. Shits fucked up all over but its taught and that cycle of stupidity and poverty needs to be broken through education and experience.it hurts me and makes me ashamed when I go through this in my country.
I live in a large city with a military base. When I first moved down here (to take care of a sick family member) everyone I met asked me why I would ever come down. The business I worked for wouldst rather have an admitted crackhead working there than an outsider. Its not "Christian" to turn your back on a recidivist thieving crackhead but its OK to chastise people for tattoos and weed.

Everything I've written here is true. Check my posts I don't post often and I wouldn't waste my time pecking all this shit out if I didnt have to vent all this incredible bullshit. My girls uncle is the preacher at the local church. I wanted to fit in as best I could so I went the first weekend we landed. He tells the story of a homeless guy he saw on the way in. He stopped bought the guy lunch and then bought him a ticket out of town. I guess that's Christian but that rings a little too "not in my backyard".
I got hired through a friend at a small business in the first small town we moved to. About a month into the job a homeless guy walks to the office. I was alone. He asked me for some change so I gave him a buck for breakfast. He starts chatting with me asking me do I know who I work for and that my boss is laundering money for the dope boys.

Really? that's what I walked into?
Yea some areike that, nust like anywhere else. Plenty of people withong hair and tattoos with jobs here.

Hell I've pissed hot for weed and still got jobs here. Its illegal here.

Life is what you make of it and there are racist, biggots, and people lime that everywhere.

Oh and I know plenty of Christians that think weed is OK.
Bullshit. I call plain bullshit. I've lived all over the south. Yes I have seen some racist. That shit happens all over.

I haven't seen anything like that. Knife to black employees neck. Pure bullshit. Someone would have been charged.

There is plenty of southern hospitality. Come on in. Get a bite to eat.

Plenty of freedom to.

I've lived in the south all my life. I haven't seen any extreme examples like OP has but that "southern hospitality" disappears as soon as you are found to be an atheist, pro-choice, part of or in support of the LGBT community, Democrat, Liberal, stoner, and quite a few other things I'm sure. Maybe people are better where you're from but at least where I am from the whole love thy neighbor mentality only applies to your literal neighbors and then even only if they are just like them.
Yes and I've been all over the world. I was at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid and witnessed Spanish people booing and calling the black Colombian players monkeys. I still see big lipped caricatures on TV in South America. Shits fucked up all over but its taught and that cycle of stupidity and poverty needs to be broken through education and experience.it hurts me and makes me ashamed when I go through this in my country.


Pffft...get real.


Oh? I can make money of education. Cool! Let's corrupt it to our benefit.
I came from a major city and even if you don't love your neighbor you respect their space and myob. Dude above me had a tattoo shop in his apt and I had a dozen plants, no one Gave a shit and respected boundaries. Some old ladies in the building gave me a stinkeye but they knew better than to drop dimes. I didn't sling and I didn't smoke around anyone. Nobody has time to hassle anyone because we were all just trying to survive and get ahead.

People have too much time here to start trouble over bullshit
I had an idea it was. I schooled a few members here about it before I even moved down here but the reality is it's worse than I thought.

Since moving down here I have seen with my own two eyes the effects of inbreeding, daily fatal car crashes, white people putting knives to their black employees necks and church taught homophobia and xenophobia.

Bullshit flag goes up.

Move to Syria.
It already is illegal to have sex with a 10 year old child.

Is it inheriebtly wrong to do so... That is the appropriate question. I'm not so sure there aren't circumstances under which it wouldn't be ok, morally to do so. Ten year olds are closing in on sexual maturity.... If we advance the age to 12 or 13 then sexual maturity has been achieved and the likelihood of circumstances that are morally acceptable increase.

After all, the Muslims that you always seem to praise rever a man as the most holy man to ever live, who married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at age 9.
Wow, you are going into some really deep ignorance here. No, it is never ok for an adult to have sex with a 10 year old or 13 year old for that matter. Leave the kids alone to grow up and become better people than you. Which wouldn't be difficult.

Your post speaks volumes for the OP's correct assessment of what a dumbfuckedupshitholeofalandofassholes the deep south is. Or at least the white jerks like you living there make it so.
Wow is all I can say when southerners defend their right to be racists bigots. My sister lives in southern Mississippi so I get to see it first hand regularly. They just don't get it, like someone said early in the thread, they're too close to it and just don't know better so it continues down each family tree. Only the one's who move away could ever see how sad it is to live in 2016 as an intolerant racist. Even worse, they all lean on the bible/religion to justify it.
So hard to see through the fog of perception.... Lived in the South my whole life (35) in KY (9) currently in TN.... Seems most minds would be made up about me just from this info given WoW......
I admire the independent streak down here. I understand that when people build businesses from the ground up they don't want to give up anything they've EARNED. I get it that they see some of that taxed money going to shitty people next door who might rob them regardless of race. That spirit of hard work and independence inspires me to try some of these things but no man is an island.

Taken to an extreme:
it is
My money I earned it. I ain't giving it to the government. I'll give it to my church instead. Great your prerogative so far so good. But your church is pretty homogenous (middle class, mostly white) and isn't providing the social services that your tax money would otherwise provide. Your money isn't helping anyone but the select few you attend with. Your funding spirit dances awesome but what about those around you? Beautiful place of worship in a fucking isolated wasteland. And you're just teaching the next generation the same.
I'm glad you know a lot of Christians who smoke dope. Do they vote?

Things are changing and a lot of Christians are starting to realize that "all seed bearing herbs" includes cannabis.

The Christians that are being talked about in this thread is like politics. There is a whole gamut of Christians. The ones that believe the earth is 6-8000 years old are not the majority.

There are churches I've been to and turn around and leave. Most every church I've went to and been a member of are your average person. The believe in science to.

People will take the ones that are bigots and racist and apply it to all of us.

Understand that there Christians that believe in separation of church and state, love thy neighbor, and accept people for who they are, and accept cannabis.

Wow is all I can say when southerners defend their right to be racists bigots. My sister lives in southern Mississippi so I get to see it first hand regularly. They just don't get it, like someone said early in the thread, they're too close to it and just don't know better so it continues down each family tree. Only the one's who move away could ever see how sad it is to live in 2016 as an intolerant racist. Even worse, they all lean on the bible/religion to justify it.
Like I just said, that statement doesn't apply to all of the south or Christians.
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